
Logan Elementary School

Mr. Stephen Bender, Principal Mrs. Katie Whisner, Asst. Principal Mrs. Mandy Martin, PTA President




Wed., Oct. 26 – Mon., Nov. 14 PTA Gianni Fundraiser

Tuesday, November 8 Election Day – Schools Closed

Wednesday, November 9 Paraeducators’ Day

We salute our Instructional Assistants, Paid Helpers, and Adult Assistants!

Thurs., November 10 Report Cards Go Home (Gr. 1-5)

Pre-k Conference Day; No School for Pre-k Students

Logan Fundraiser – Sweet Frog – 12:00-10:00 p.m

Flu Shots for Students Who Returned Forms

Friday, November 11 Conference Day, Pre-k through gr. 5; Closed for Students

Mon. – Fri., Nov. 14-18 American Education Week

Friday, November 18 Deadline for Magnet School Applications

Thurs.-Fri., Nov. 24-25 School Closed – Thanksgiving Break


November 2016

Dear Logan Families and Friends,

American Education Week begins Monday, November 14th. I hope you will be able to spend an hour or two visiting your child’s classroom to see first-hand the learning and activities that occur every day. I look forward to seeing you.

When visiting, please consider the following suggestions:

Ø  Be a role model. What better way to show your children the importance of education than by visiting

their schools during American Education Week. This annual visitation experience allows you to:

Observe your child in the active classroom setting

Provide encouragement and praise for your child’s effort

Jointly participate in classroom projects

Observe first-hand the instruction style of your child’s teacher

Meet your child’s classmates and get to know their parents

Look for consistency between your child’s reports and perceptions and classroom education practices

Ø  Reinforce your child’s positive behaviors and interactions with his/her peers and teachers

Ø  Students are more successful when parents are involved in their children’s education. See you at school!

The first marking period ended October 28, and report cards will be sent home on Thursday, November 10. Parent conferences are being scheduled by homeroom teachers and will be held on Friday, November 11 (prek on Nov. 10 and 11. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child’s teacher when the form comes home.

Prepare for the conference:

Ø  Talk to your child to get information about his or feelings or thoughts about school and learning.

Ø  Gather examples of your child’s work that you would like to discuss, including any tests, homework, and classwork. Also bring copies of report cards, standardized test scores, and/or progress reports.

Ø  Think about what you can share with the teacher to help him or her better understand your child’s learning styles and interests.

Ø  Prepare questions to ask during the conference. Topics may include: your child’s strengths and needs, procedures for grading, classroom performance, support you can provide at home, goals for improvement, and services available in the school or community that would benefit your child.

At the conference, develop an action plan:

Ø  The goal of a parent/teacher conference is to create a plan that will increase achievement. This plan should include: what your child will do; what the teacher will do at school; what you will do at home; and when you and the teacher will reconnect to discuss how the plan is working.

After the conference, follow up to be sure that the plan is followed:

Ø  Continue to talk to your child about his or her feelings or thoughts about school and learning.

Ø  Be sure to fulfill your part of the plan.

Ø  Observe any changes in your child’s behavior, performance, and attitude.

Ø  Check in with the teacher about your child’s progress.

Ø  Schedule a new conference if the plan needs to be modified.

(Adapted from A Parent’s Guide to Parent/Teacher Conferences, developed by the Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Professional Development Parent Support Services and issued in April 2005.

As a Title I school, we receive federal funds to support our instructional program. This year, we have used funds to add teaching positions, teacher support positions, and materials. Part of the requirements of being a Title I school is that the school improvement team must create a parent involvement plan and parent compact. The parent compact was sent home recently. Please sign and return it to your child’s teacher. We will also have copies available at all school events.

We look forward to seeing you during American Education Week, November 14-18!

Congratulations to Meah Martin in fifth-grade! Her artwork is on display at the Walter’s Art Museum for the MAEA’s Visual Art Student Showcase. The exhibit is on display until November 13th and showcases the artwork from students throughout the state of Maryland.



Visit Logan’s website http://loganes.bcps.org. for information about the school. You can follow Logan Elementary on twitter at www.twitter.com/LoganElementary. The link is case sensitive. For information about news and events, please visit and “like” us at facebook.com/LoganElementarySchool.


The Office of Transportation has asked us to remind families that students need to wait until the bus is completely stopped before approaching the doors. We appreciate your help with keeping our children safe each and every day.

If you are dropping off students in the drop-off loop in the parking lot in the morning after 9:10 and the doors

are closed, your students are late and must be taken to the front doors of the building to enter.

It is very important to remember that all BCPS properties are smoke-free campuses. Please refrain from smoking on the school grounds. We also need to remind families that dogs and other pets are not allowed on school property during school hours, including arrival and dismissal times. We appreciate your support in maintaining a safe and orderly school environment.


Please keep us informed of any changes in phone numbers or addresses for parents, guardians, or other individuals who may pick your children up from school. When you change your residence, please contact us promptly as we will need new residency documents. BCPS policy requires that parents inform the school within 15 days of moving to avoid being considered a fraudulent enrollment. Unless you keep us current, any mailings we send will not reach you in a timely manner, if at all. In the event of an emergency, we would always like to reach you first before contacting others.

The office has its own twitter account. Please check it out for reminders and updates: @LoganES_Office

If your child usually rides a bus home at dismissal but you are sending someone to pick up your child;

if your child needs to be picked up early; if there is any change in your child’s usual dismissal, please send a note or fax telling us the name of the person picking up your child. Remember that we require a photo ID of anyone who is picking up a student.


We are collecting Box Tops again this year. There is a bag in your child’s classroom to put them in. The class who collects the most Box Tops will receive a special treat at the end of the year. Please send them in regularly. We will be able to turn them in for cash that will be used to provide supplementary activities and supplies for our students.



All payments (except to the cafeteria) to Logan Elementary School must be in cash or by money order.

We will not accept checks. Checks will be returned to parents with a note requesting cash or money orders.

Unfortunately, we are not able to refund for any reason money paid for a field trip when costs (such as transportation or admissions) for the trip must be paid by Logan.


Students - remember to record your minutes on your Book-It calendar! At the end of the month, turn in your completed calendar and receive a certificate for a free personal pan pizza at Pizza Hut. Parents - if you’re looking for some good free books online, here is a website you should check out http://www.magickeys.com/books/.


All students from prekindergarten through fifth grade should have a complete change of clothes stored in a bag that stays in his/her locker. This is in the event of an accident, an unforeseen spill (during lunch, art, etc.), or rainy or snowy weather – all events during which students might get wet and then need dry clothes. The school will not provide a change of clothes for students. Students may not return to class with clothes soiled with body fluids, and a parent will be called at work to bring in a change of clothes if a child does not have a change of clothes in his/her locker.

Now that winter is almost here, please send a complete change of warm clothes to keep in your child’s locker.

Parents coming to school to give his/her child any medicine, including over-the-counter ones, will be directed to meet the child in the health suite as the nurse must be present.

Please do not send your child to class with any medications, including skin creams and cough drops. Also, please tell your children not to bring perfumes, colognes, or forms of make-up. Some students are allergic to the fragrances.


The magnet programs brochures and applications for the 2017-2018 school year are available for download on the Office of Magnet Programs’ Web site http://www.bcps.org/offices/omp/ through Friday, November 18, 2016. Printed copies were sent home in September with all Logan students in prekindergarten and Grade 5.

The magnet application deadline for the 2017-2018 school year is Friday, November 18, 2016. Magnet applications may be submitted online until 1 p.m. on Friday, November 18, 2016. Applications may also be postmarked or hand-delivered to the Office of Magnet Programs by the application deadline. Hand-delivered applications must be received in the Office of Magnet Programs by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 18, 2016.

Please be reminded that it is the responsibility of the parent to submit the application to the Magnet Office.


Students should not bring any personal belongings to school unless their teacher instructs them to do so. Items that should be left at home include toys, trading or playing cards, ipods, games, balls, magazines,

comic books, and similar things.


Anyone who is interested in being a chaperone on a school trip or helping out in the classrooms is required to complete Volunteer Training each year. The training is available online at www.bcps.org/community/volunteer_info. After you complete the application, print it out, watch the video, and print out the certificate of completion, bring the application and the certificate to school and our volunteer coordinator, Rose Bland, will let you know when you have been added to our list of approved volunteers. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL A TRIP IS ANNOUNCED TO BE TRAINED. WE RECOMMEND THAT ANYONE WHO WANTS TO CHAPERONE TAKE THIS TRAINING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


As of Friday, November 4, 2016, when parents log into BCPS One, a Communication Center will appear in the upper right corner of the page. (See below.) Announcements related to BCPS One will be available to parents at this location.

Don't Get Bugged Out This Year!

Prevent the Spread of Colds and Flu

How colds and flu are spread

Ø  By touching respiratory secretions on someone's skin (e.g. when shaking hands) and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Ø  By touching objects like doorknobs or handrails that infected people have touched and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Ø  By inhaling infectious particles in the air from someone sneezing or coughing nearby.

To reduce the spread of colds and flu

Ø  Wash your hands frequently, especially after touching doorknobs, shaking hands, and before eating (and for good hygiene - after using the bathroom).

Ø  Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.

Ø  Drink lots of liquids and use a vaporizer when necessary to maintain humidity in the air.

Ø  Sneeze and cough into a tissue (or into your arm if you have to - just not into your hands!), then wash your hands.

Ø  Clean surfaces with disinfectant when you or a family member has a cold or the flu.

Ø  Eat a healthy, balanced diet and maintain a good balance of exercise and rest.

Ø  Don't smoke.

Is it a cold or the flu?

Symptoms / Cold / Flu
fever / rare / typical, high (102°-104°);
lasts 3-4 days
headache / rare / prominent
body aches / slight / typical; often severe
fatigue, weakness / mild / typical; can last 2-3 weeks
extreme exhaustion / never / early and prominent
stuffy nose / common / sometimes
sneezing / usually / sometimes
sore throat / common / sometimes
chest discomfort, cough / mild to moderate / common; can become severe

Note: Colds and flu are caused by viruses. Antibiotics do not cure viral infections; they only work on bacterial infections (e.g. strep throat, ear infections).

If you do get sick: get as much rest as possible, drink at least 8 glasses of water or juice daily, (hot beverages like tea and soup will help relieve congestion), humidify your bedroom, and take acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce fever and relieve aches. (Do not give aspirin to children because it increases the risk of Reye's Syndrome.)