TubaCityPrimary School

Student Council Constitution and Bylaws

(Revised February 23, 2008)

Article One (Name) The name of this organization shall be the Tuba City Primary School Student Council, hereinafter called the Lil’ Warrior Council.

Article Two(Purpose and means of accomplishment)
The purpose of this organization is to improve the educational experience of students at TubaCityPrimary School. It will act as a student forum in which officers and representatives are encouraged to become involved in planning, implementing and evaluation of activities and events which benefit the student body as a whole.

Article Three (Membership))
Section 1:All members of each year’s third grade class are eligible to become a student council member and to serve in the Lil’ Warrior Council, to vote, to offer ideas for student council action and to be nominated for office.

Section 2: (Nomination) Teachers will review desirable leadership qualities for officers with the class prior to accepting nominations. Nominees must agree to write a one page essay describing skills theypossess that would make them an ideal candidate to represent others before being considered an“official” nominee. Essays must be turned in by the announced deadline to their teacher prior toclassroom selection of nominees. All candidates must have the approval of the principal.

Section 3:(Qualifications) Members must be good student-citizens and must maintain satisfactory academic progress and good behavior.

Article Four (Election)

Section 1: The Lil’ WarriorCouncil shall have an elected leadership team. The leadership teamshall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer who are elected by the Studentmembers by ballot.Election of Student Council officers shall take place by the end of September of each school year for Grades one to three.The students receiving the majority (greater part) of votes shall be declared the representatives. Election of second and third grade class representatives shall take place in the homeroom in September and January.One (1) student from each second and third grade class will participate as class representatives.

Section 2: (Term of Office) The term of office for President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer shall be for one (1) school year, beginning at the time of elections in September and ending at the end of the school year. The term of office for Room Representatives shall be from September to January and February to May.

Section 3: (Powers and Duties) Each Student Council member shall be responsible for

performing the duties of membership including: attend leadership and committee meetings, be

an active voice for students in the school, complete committee service responsibilities, set a good

example for others, and show school spirit.

Section 4: Any officer or representative who feels that he/she can no longer fulfill the responsibilities required may resign with a written letter addressed to the Student Council Advisor.

Article Five (Committees)

Section 1: TubaCityPrimary Schoolshall have the following committees: Lil’ Warrior Pals (mentors, welcome new student), Lil Warrior Spirits Soar (promoting school spirit) and Lil’ Warrior CARE (showing care for others in ourcommunity).

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall be the Officers, the Sponsor, and the Principal. No

meeting of the Executive Committee shall take place without either the Sponsor or the Principal

in attendance. The Executive Committee shall approve the activity plans of each committee and

set the Student Council Calendar of meetings and projects for the year

Section 3: The Elections Committee shall consist of the sponsors and the principal. It shall be

responsible for making arrangements for general elections, including notifying homeroom

teachers when homeroom elections are to take place, and conducting the general election.

Section 1a: The Lil’ Warrior Pals Committee shall be responsible for serving as friendly hostsand hostesses to new students and to visitors, and mentors to new students to TubaCityPrimary School.

Section 1b: The Lil’ Warrior Spirits Soar Committee shall be responsible for promotingLil’ Warrior Pride School-Wide with special days each school year to communicate school pride.

Section 1c. Lil’ Warriors CAREshall be responsible for showing care for teachers and staff members on their birthdays. It shall make cards for students that are hospitalized; they shall recognize student star quality performances.

Article Six (Removal from office)

Any officer or representative may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Student

Council membership for poor attendance at Council meetings, failure to perform

required/requested duties, unsatisfactory academic performance, or failure to follow school rules

or class rules.

Article Seven (Meetings)

Section 1: Student Council meetings shall take place at least once a month to conduct thebusiness of the council. During each meeting, students will be taught a “Lesson in Leadership.”The Student Council membership will decide each year the appropriate meeting dates and times.The meeting dates and times will be placed on the calendar of activities. For example: firstThursday of the month at 7:30 a.m. An agenda shall be prepared and handed out to each memberof the Student Council at least one day before each meeting. Student Council members mayinitiate agenda items. All items for agenda must be submitted to the sponsor or principal twodays before a meeting. Additional agenda items may be added at the beginning of each StudentCouncil meeting by a majority vote of Council members. If a quorum (half of Council membersplus one) is not present for a meeting, no Council action may be voted upon.

Section 2: Committee meetings shall be scheduled to complete the work plan of each committee.

Article Eight(Voting Procedures and Rules)

Section 1: Each member shall have one vote.

Section 2: All motions require a second; all motions require (for passage) a majority vote of the

Council members.

Section 3: Any and all actions of the Student Council are not official until approved by the

Principal and Advisor.

Article Nine (Amendments)

This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Student Council members.