International Education Week
School Name: Cabell-Midland High School
County: Cabell
Grades: 9-12
Approximate number of students participating: 200
Dates of Activities: Week of Nov 17-21
Brief description of International Education Activity and how it is integrated into the classroom curriculum:
Our Spanish 3 class has some students with several differing faiths. Those students are going to share with the class about their faiths.
Spanish 2 is presently reading an article about two Argentinean families and the class will be comparing them with their lives. They will discuss similarities and differences.
The business class will do the activity, “Who am I? “Who are You?” which explores first impressions and assumptions of those who appear different.
(see NEXT PAGE…)
International Education Week
School Name: Gilbert High School
County: Mingo
Grades: 7-12
Approximate number of students participating: 250
Dates of Activities: November 17-21
Brief description of International Education Activity and how it is integrated into the classroom curriculum:
International Education Week, Gilbert High School
World Geography
Students will study the origin of the world language families. They will learn about and discuss the Indo-European Languages and will be given a handout with the Proto-Indo-European Language group which is responsible for 64 of the world’s languages.
After viewing and discussing, they will place these languages on a blank world map using colors to represent the various languages.
By viewing this map, it will help the students to study the parts of the globe that these languages originated in and how far they have spread.
Learned Latin dances during the week. Examples: Salsa, Cha-Cha, Tango
Reading Language Arts 9
Studied the African American Depression Era with focus on historical and cultural aspects of American society during that time period . they analyzed the writing style of the author and are in the process of writing a creative piece imitating that style of writing.
Honors Reading Language Arts 9
Studied The Odyssey and incorporated aspects of the Trojan War and the Greek/Hellenistic Greek Drama and places visited by Odysseus and his crew; each group is creating a brochure to advertise their park; and will also design a map of their park. The final PBL will be due in January.
Reading Language Arts 11
These classes have Studied the poetry of American Civil War Era poet, Walt Whitman. They have focused on the stylistic devices utilized by the author and the war era topics about which the poet wrote. Students also wrote poetry based on Whitman’s style.
AP English 11
Students have focused on the McCarthy Era in America by studying The Crucible by Arthur Miller. The class also incorporated study of the Salem Witch trials as it relates to the historical and cultural significance of the play.
Math 7 & 8
Students were asked to report on a famous mathematician and their contributions to mathematics. They could use books or the internet to find information. Most students used the internet. Reports were informal nd included background information that the students found to be interesting.
Students were to discuss the contribution to mathematics to the best of their ability. Several students presented mathematicians from the US and WV. It was interesting to find that most famous mathematicians were from other countries.
A wall mural was created in the classroom that contains pictures of the mathematicians.
Reading Language Arts 9 & 10 (READ 180)
As a part of their regular curriculum, students in the 9th and 10th grade classes of Read 180 participated in activities that stressed the role and importance of all people in a global society. In their workshop titled Killer Plagues, students read a magazine article about smallpox, another magazine article about the Ebola virus, and a science text about he Bubonic Plague. In depth discussions were conducted, and questions concerning causes, preventions, and awareness were contemplated. Students specifically explored their role in the health of not only themselves, but also of their fellow man. Through their study of these killer plagues, students were introduced to the cultures, problems, and successes of people from other countries.
Reading Language Arts 10
For International Education Week, my 10th grade students will be conducting a Webquest titled Commonality in Diversity. Below is a brief description. To view the Webquest in its entirety, follow this link:
America is a lovely bouquet of many cultures. Each culture planted here grows and flourishes adding its own rich beauty and fragrance with its wonderful contribution to this great land.
Is your school population all one race? ethnic group? language? religion? or are there many?
How much do you actually know about the cultures that populate your school?
Wouldn't it be fascinating to discover the diversity of your school population as well as the things you all have in common?
This WebQuest is a celebration of cultures. We will not only celebrate our diversity, but our commonality as well.
Your school is preparing for a multi-cultural festival to celebrate commonality amidst diversity. Your class is in charge of decorating the display hall, and your team is responsible for the display on the four cultures below.
You each must research a culture other than your own to learn many new things about your classmates while avoiding stereotypes. What common experiences show up amidst the differences?
Latino American African American
Asian American Native American
After researching your respective assigned culture, together, as a team, you will create a poster of interlacing circles to compare and contrast the various cultures and write a reflection of your process. Your project will be evaluated based upon this rubric.
***For more details on this assignment, follow the link above***
In Intro to Business and Marketing, our students are currently researching national and international companies, their logos and trademarks, the patents, function of the product/service, and who invented it. In addition, the students will create, design and market a product or service that has a logo/trademark that would be easily recognizable/understood in the international marketplace. The product/service must be one that would be desirable internationally as well as in the U.S.
International Education Week
School Name:__Grafton High School______
Grades: ____9-12______
Approximate number of students participating: _661 – total number of students
involved in activities(duplicated count as some students have more than one
of the classes mentioned)______
Dates of Activities: __November 17-21, 2008______
Brief description of International Education Activity and how it is integrated into the classroom curriculum:
Grafton High School on a regular basis incorporates global awareness through the regular class instruction. Each class lends itself in some manner to its roots around the world. For International Education Week, Grafton High School has implemented a variety of activities that focus on history, geography, culture and languages of the world community.
The novel “Night” will be read by our English 11 and 12 students with follow-up research in the computer lab on “Auschwitz” and other concentration camps. From this research students will write a research paper and make oral classroom presentations. They will also create a ‘bookmark’ with the book title, author, publisher, short summary and an important quote from the novel.
One of our English 9 classes will be using the computer lab to research a Greek myth they find interesting for a storytelling festival. As they research myths, they will compose a brief summary and then during class there will be a celebration of the oral tradition of storytelling by presenting their summaries orally.
A physical education teacher is taking her students to the computer lab to investigate sports from other countries on the website. They will find the origination date of sports as well as why they are specific to certain regions of the world, types of training required in different regions due to weather, atmospheric pressure and how some of our common sports derived from a sport from another country.
One of our health teachers is having her class research the World Health Organization website. The emphasis is on the Global Burden of Disease and student research will focus on mortality and health status, diseases, coverage of services, risk factors, and health systems around the world. Through this project, students will have knowledge of how the economic status and location of a country affects the health of its population. A special education health class will be researching ancient health practice or medicines in countries of their choice.
The HOST class will discuss Cultural Diversity and tour West Virginia University for the WVUH Career Exploration Day. There is a student at Grafton High School who speaks Russian and will share with the class some medical terminology from her language.
A math teacher will be sharing information from the West Virginia International Trade website. From this exposure students will have a better perspective of how international trade affects everyone.
A special education history class will be making Egyptian funeral masks, reading children stories from Egypt and eating and Egyptian dessert. They will also discuss the daily life, games and religion of the early Egyptians. One of our regular history classes will, through a video, learn about Hitler’s rise to power and what he did in Germany during the 1930’s before the beginning of World War II. They will also examine ancient Greece through a movie and poster presentations.
Spanish students will be researching the key figures from the Mexican Revolution and creating Power Point presentations which they will present to the class on November 18 and 19. From this research, students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the Revolution to Mexican society and the changes that resulted. Since Thursday November 20 is the “Day of the Revolution” celebration in Mexico, the class will celebrate the holiday by eating Mexican food and listening to Mexican music.
Our Webpage Publishing students will post “November Holidays around the World” to website, referencing Int’l Ed Week (including Logo) on website and Edline with a link to for classroom resources and Web page students will explore for 1) Build a website, $2000 scholarship/contest 2)Global Video Contest 3) U.S. Government Blogs. The Desktop Publishing students will create an Int’l cuisine restaurant logo and menu and create CD liner (music). Students may choose to research an int’l or bilingual recording artist. Our students in Introduction to Business will access the Internet to locate McDonald’s Worldwide Corporate Responsibility Report, Coca-Cola Ads (via Thinkfinity), investigate acceptable international business communications through - “Is a Smile Always just a Smile?”, take a Global IQ Quiz @ and discuss int’l business travel opportunities and passports. Students in Business Computer Applications I/II can use Excel’s relative and absolute references to plan a shopping/ingredients list for a dish from an International Foods/Recipe. Students may research currencies of various countries and utilize Microsoft Word’s translation feature.
This is only a summary of the many activities at Grafton High School during International Education Week. Through these experiences, we believe that students will become more conscious of the interconnectedness of all countries and cultures around the world.
International Education Week
School Name: ____Riverside High School ______
County: _____Kanawha County Schools ______
Grades: ______9______
Approximate number of students participating: _____44 ______
Dates of Activities: _____Nov. 3-21, 2008 ______
Brief description of International Education Activity and how it is integrated into the classroom curriculum:
Problem-based Learning Project
English 9 PAP
Follow-up on I Am David
Part I
Create a multi-genre presentation. It is to include the following:
· Newspaper article – Find articles in newspapers and magazines about people who have lived in troubled countries for whom you feel empathy or sympathy. Find, for example, stories about children displaced by war or stories about a local community of refugees. Write a sentence or two that describes the situation and what, if anything is being done to help these people. Describe these situations to your class and put them on the bulletin board.
· Essay – Do some close reading and analyze the essay and write your response. Be sure to include enough of the essay in your response to make it credible.
· Journal entry – Create a dual entry journal summarizing and responding to the entry.
· Poem – Locate, read and analyze a poem about this topic and then create your own poem in response to what you have learned about this situation.
· Short story – A flashback is a narrative device used in books and films to expand the story and reveal more information to the audience. Think about the use of flashbacks or memories in Anne Holm’s book I Am David and in the film. Write your own creative short story related to this topic incorporating at least one flashback scene.
· Video – Create your own video related to this topic.
Part II
With your partner, research refugees and immigrants and answer the following questions:
· What is the definition of a refugee? What is the definition of an immigrant?
· Identify one prominent figure in each of the areas listed below who is or was a refugee or an immigrant. What was each figure’s contribution or reason for fame or success?
history popular culture literature sports science
· In a brief essay tell if a person can be defined as both a refugee and an immigrant. Be sure to give credible reasons for your answer.
Part III
Go to
Click on Modern Day Davids and read at least five of the personal stories. Keep a dialogue journal for each story.
Part IV
Research the work being done for refugees today. Determine some of their needs. Be sure to make source cards for your works cited page.
Part V
Become a public relations worker for today’s refugees. Create a multi-faceted plan that will produce global awareness of the refugee situation. Pursue at least one area of the plan from conception to fruition.
Problem-based Learning Project Scoring Rubric
Area / Points Possible / Points EarnedMulti-genre presentation / 50
Partner Research / 50
Modern Day Davids Journal / 50
Research with source cards and a works cited page / 50
Global Awareness Plan / 200
Total / 400
Grades / Criteria
93-100% A
46.5-50 points / Complete, On time, Enough information and credible information
85-92% B
42.5-46.4 points / Is not less than 95% complete, On Time, Information is good, but there could be more of it or it lacks some credibility
76-84% C
38-42.4 points / Has all of the above, but to a lesser degree which hampers the audience from getting a complete understanding.
65-74% D
32.5-37.9 points / Lacks quality and quantity to a greater degree than a C grade, but maintains enough of the subject matter to be recognizable.
0-64% F
0-32.4 points / Project not completed, not on time, insufficient information to make the project valid
Your Global Awareness Plan is to be presented ______.