Course Syllabus
Subject code: 1552105
Subject title:Reading for Text Interpretation
Credit / hour: 2 credits / 2 hours 2(2-0)
Semester: 1
Academic year: 2551
Instructor:Mr. Natee Pechsuthitanasan
Course Description
This course is a continuation of text reading strategies consisting of complex and advanced vocabulary levels.Particularly, the course will address how according to the development of critical thinking, the differentiating of facts from opinions as well as the interpretation of texts whose answers cannot be located in any single phrases or sentences.
Course Objectives
In this course, students are encouraged to apply reading strategies in order to interpret the texts at different levels of difficulty. The students are also required to evaluate and / or reflect on content with critical thinking.
Course Policies
1. This class adheres to the University’s attendance policy. That is, in order to meet
attendance requirements for this course, you must attend 80% of the scheduled class
2. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the scheduled class time. If you arrive
after that time, then you are considered late for the class. Lates will be counted
cumulatively by minutes, and late time from each class will be added up with your
absence. As the University attendance policy allows you 20% of class time to be
absent from class, you can miss approximately six hours for the semester. You are
advised to carefully keep track of the time that you miss the class, both by absence
and by lateness, and take care not to exceed the six-hour limit, or you will be deprived
of the right to take the final exam.
3. You are expected to notify your instructor prior to class time if you will not be in
class at the appointed time.
4. It is vital that every student come to the class well-prepared and actively take part
in the class and classroom activities. Attendance does not mean simply showing up,
being in class, and sitting idly or socializing with your friends. You are supposed
instead to study thoroughly all assignments before coming to class and be prepared to
attentively participate in class discussion and activities, sharing your ideas and
working collaboratively with your friends, thereby contributing to the
teaching/learning process.
5. All homework and class work should be done individually by each student unless
otherwise stated by the instructor. If the instructor notice that a student is not doing
his/her own work, he/she will fail that assignment.
6. All homework for this class must be turned in specified date or time. Late work:
the points per calendar day will be deducted for work turned in after the specified
date and time.
Learning Schedule
Week / Topics / Activities / Assessment and Evaluation1 / Course Orientation / - Distribute handout course description and text book.
2 - 4 / Unit 1Sentence reading
Section A : Understanding Complicated Sentences
Section B : Sentence Interpretation and Comprehension / - Lecture by using power point.
- Practice and do exercises individually. / - Participate in class.
- Check the exercises.
5 - 8 / Unit 2Paragraph Reading
Section A :Reading for Main Ideas
Section B :Reading for Details
Section C :Reading for References
Section D : Looking for Inferences and Implications
Section E : Understanding Figurative Language / - Lecture by using power point.
- Practice and do exercises individually. / - Participate in class.
- Check the exercises.
9 - 11 / Unit 3 Critical reading and Thinking
Section A : Facts and Opinions
Section B : Objectivity
Section C : Cause and Effect
Section D : Pruning Materials and Generalization
Section E : The Post Hoc Fallacy / - Lecture by using power point.
- Practice and do exercises individually. / - Participate in class.
- Check the exercises.
Unit 4 Text Analysis
Section A : Components of Rhetoric
Section B : Perception
Section C : Mental Attitude
Section D : Pitfall
Section E : Distorting the Evidence
Section F : Methods of Persuasion
Section G : Making Decisions
Section H : Irrelevance / - Lecture by using power point.
- Practice and do exercises individually. / - Participate in class.
- Check the exercises.
Method of Teaching:
1. Lecture
2. Deductive Method
3. Ask and answer technique
Teaching Aids:
1. Teaching Handouts
2. Visualizer
Assigned Text:
Sompoet Panawas (2006) Critical and Analytical Reading : Thailand;
1. Formative Assessment 70%
- Quiz 20%
- Mid term test20%
- Assignment 20%
- Attendance10%
2. Summative Assessment 30%
- Final Exam 30%
Task assessment 30%
The formative score will be from the following tasks that are assessed by rubric criteria
Task / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Doing practices (from the text book) / - The task is a 70 -100% correct. / - The task is
40 – 69% correct. / - The task is
20 – 39 % correct. / - The task is
1-19 % correct.
Summative Assessment 30%
This will be scored by final examination that all objectives of English Syntax will be assessed through 60 questions of final exam.
The grades are decided by raw scores according to the University’s criteria assessment.
Percentage / Grade / Grade Level / Grade Meaning90-100 / A / 4.00 / Excellent
85-89 / B+ / 3.50 / Very good
75-84 / B / 3.00 / Good
70-74 / C+ / 2.50 / Above Fair
60-69 / C / 2.00 / Fair
55-59 / D+ / 1.50 / Above Poor
50-54 / D / 1.00 / Poor
0-49 / F / 0.00 / Fail
Sompoet Panawas (2006) Critical and Analytical Reading : Thailand;