Name: ______

Planet Fact Sheet

The Inner or Terrestrial Planets

•  Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars share certain characteristics:

–  All are rocky bodies.

–  All have solid surfaces.

–  Except for Mercury all have at least a thin atmosphere

•  They are called Terrestrial planets because of their resemblance to Earth.


ü  Named after Speedy messenger of Roman gods

ü  Closest planet to the sun

ü  Revolution around the sun = 88 Earth days

ü  Rotation on its axis = 59 Earth days

ü  Crater-covered surface with steep cliffs

ü  Almost no atmosphere


ü  Named after Roman goddess of beauty and love

ü  2nd closest planet from the sun

ü  Revolution around the sun = 224 Earth days

ü  Rotation on its axis = 243 Earth days

ü  Venus and Earth are of almost the same size, mass, and density, but differ greatly in other areas.

ü  Surface pressure = 91 times more than Earth’s


ü  3rd planet from the sun

ü  Revolution around the sun = 365 days

ü  Rotation on its axis = 24 hours

ü  Earth has one large moon.

ü  Geologic records indicate that over the last 250 million years, Earth’s surface has undergone many changes.


ü  Named after Roman god of war

ü  4th planet from the sun.

ü  Mars is about 50% farther from the sun than Earth is.

ü  Its orbital period is 687 days

ü  It rotates on its axis every 24 hours and 37 minutes.

ü  Mars’s seasons are like Earth’s seasons because the same axis.

ü  Has the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons.

ü  About half the size of Earth. No geological activity likely now. No magnetic field.

ü  Evidence of massive water erosion some time in the past. Scientists are searching for liquid water now.

ü  Two satellites, Phobos and Deimos

ü  (possibly captured asteroids)

ü  High winds often create dust storms

The Outer or Jovian Planets

•  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune share certain characteristics:

–  All are large, gaseous bodies.

–  All have very thick atmospheres, with possibly liquid interiors and solid cores

–  All have rings

•  They are called Jovian planets because of their resemblance to Jupiter.


ü  Named after the king of the Roman gods

ü  5th planet from the sun

ü  Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and has a mass more than 300 times that of Earth.

ü  The orbital period of Jupiter is almost 12 years. Jupiter rotates on its axis faster than any other planet—once every 9 hours and 50 minutes

ü  Jupiter has at least 60 moons.

ü  It also has several thin rings that are made up of millions of particles.

ü  Great Red Spot = hurricane-like storm (as much as 20,000 years old)

ü  Very high atmospheric pressure

ü  Giant magnetic field


ü  Named after a Roman god

ü  6th planet from the sun

ü  Rotates every 10 hours and 30 minutes

ü  Revolves around the sun every 29.5 years

ü  Surrounded by rings made of icy particles; at least 7 major rings

ü  Violent atmospheric storms

ü  Very cold

ü  Has a large magnetic field

ü  Lowest density of all the planets

ü  The orbital period of Saturn is 29.5 years.

ü  Saturn rotates on its axis every 10 h and 30 min.


ü  Named after the father of Saturn in Roman mythology

ü  7th planet from the sun

ü  Rotates every 17 hours

ü  Revolution around sun every 84 years

ü  Extreme atmospheric pressure; atmosphere is 11,000 kilometers thick

ü  Rotates on its axis at a 90 degree angle; appears laying on its side

ü  Rings of methane ice surround it

ü  Has at least 24 moons and at least 11 thin rings


ü  Named for the Roman god of the sea

ü  8th planet from the sun

ü  Revolution around the sun every 164 years

ü  Rotation 16 hours

ü  Surface-ocean of water, liquid methane, and rocky core

ü  Five rings surround Neptune made of dust particles formed from meteorites