EXP ENG 6312: Scientific Instrumentation for Explosives Testing & Blasting

This technology-based course provides hands-on application of explosives instrumentation. Students work in groups to record and interpret crucial explosives data in written reports. This course takes place in the state-of-the- art Explosives Research Facility (ERF).

Instructor: Dr. Jason Baird

Catalog Description: (LEC 2.0 and LAB 1.0) Application of scientific principles, equipment description and operation for instrumentation of explosive events including blasting. Topics: Blast chamber design, set up, high-speed photography, motion detection and measurement, explosives sensitivity testing, explosives properties testing, vibration measurement & analysis, destruction & demilitarization. Prerequisite: Exp Eng 5612 and Successful background check.

Course Description

Application of scientific principles, equipment description, and operation for instrumentation of explosive events including blasting. Topics: Explosives safety and technology review, blast chamber set up and use, high-speed film and video photography, motion detection and measurement, velocity of detonation testing, explosives properties testing, blast pressure measurement, vibration measurement and analysis, explosives destruction.

Course Objectives

1. Demonstrate the safe and sensible use of explosives technologies.

2. Apply effective communication skills in both writing and presentation.

3. Demonstrate the proper use of a blast chamber for the test and evaluation of explosives and devices containing explosives.

4. Demonstrate the proper use of an ultra-high speed film camera, and achieve good results in the photography of microsecond-duration explosive events.

5. Demonstrate the proper use of a high-speed video camera, and achieve good results in the photography of microsecond-duration explosive events.

6. Understand the concept of using video technology for motion detection and measurement, and be able to perform such measurements.

7. Know how to measure detonation velocity using at least one means of instrumentation, and be able to perform such measurements.

8. Know how to measure blast pressure using pressure transducers and their associated data collection equipment, and be able to perform such measurements.

9. Understand the concept of ground vibration and airblast measurement, and be able to perform such measurements using commercially available seismograph equipment.

10. Demonstrate the safe and sensible destruction of explosives and explosive-containing devices.

Prerequisites – Instructor permission

Textbook – Lectures and other materials will be on the Blackboard software program, given to you on a CD, or found through independent research in available sources (library, periodical literature, internet, etc.)


Lab Projects + quizzes (if req)89%


Note: If you have fewer than three absences, you will get the 11% for attendance. If you have 3 to 4 absences, then you get only 6%. If you have 5 to 6 absences, then you will get 0%. Miss more than 6 and you will be penalized 1% for each two absences (i.e. if you had 16 absences, then you would loose 5% from your other total scores).