Jesus and Religious Rules John 5:1-16
On our return trip from Florida, we heard things subsequently found not true...
What U have heard is not necessarily the truth or the whole truth
JS in th SOM in Mt5:21-48 introdcd His tchng on 6 rlgs ruls w U hv hrd bt I sy2U
e.g. v21, the 6th commandment... but I say to you, JS gets at heart of cmd
JS discussion and actions that gave Him the most trouble concerned the 4th cmnd
Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy...
That was OK, but it what happened it to it was religious rules
In fact the Mishnah has 39 religious rules concerning the Sabbath
Today talk w U about JS and the religious rules of the Sabbath
- The Setting 1-5
Feast – unnamed, Jews had many, 3 required, others optional
Sheep gate, pool of Bethesda [best rendering as confirmed by QCu scroll]
Multitude of sick people 3a
Rest of 3b and 4 are not in oldest and best mss,
prob gloss reflect pop belief and folklore about healing
LESSON – St Augustine Fl, Ponce DeLeon look for fountn youth
Ppl often look for folklore and add to truth, not 4 blvrs
in the multitude a man w infirmity for 38 years!!!
Sabbath v9 [ for completeness of the setting]
- Jesus Intervention 6-9
JS saw, knew, said ‘Do U want to be made well?’ [sm ppl like attn of ill]
SM [sick man] 7 I have no one to put me in...
JS Rise, Take up your bed and Walk!
SM immediately was made well, took up his bed and walked
It was the Sabbath
LESSON – JS healing required no faith on the part of this man, sov grace
Faith healers of today who put your healing on your faith - frauds
- Religious Rulers Response 10-13
The Jews – religious leadership, religious establishment in Jerusalem
It is the Sabbath, it is not lawful 4U to carry your bed
Sabbath – 4th cmmnd Ex 20:8-11, also Jer17:19-27, customary wrk
It is not lawful – Mishnah defined 39 classes of work include carry
Only interested in the breach of the law not the wonderful healing!
SM defense – He who made me well told me to take up and walk
Jews – who is it? The inciter of breaking the law worse than break the law
SM – did not know who it was, JS had withdrawn
LESSON – Rlgs ruls dn’t lv rm for God to work, go2 far create traditions
which become ‘law’ JS opposed this consistently
LESSON – JS saw Sabbath a gift fm God, JS lord of Sabb Mk210-24
- Jesus Follow-up 14, 15
JS found the SM – initiative was w JS
See U have been made well, sin no more lest worse come on you
Perhaps this man chosen because of his sin, worse –etrnl
LESSON – sm infirmits/trageds may be due to sin Ac51-11 1Co1130
Remember thos who suffer such not bcs worse sinLk13:1-5
SM told Jews it was JS, no rsn to tel other than curry favor, ingratitude
LESSON – Thankfulness and gratitude should flow out of us
- Religious Rulers Response 16
What – they persecuted and sought to kill JS 16a – Miss big pix of God!!
Why – because He did these things on the Sabbath 16b
LESSON – Hear and do Word of God, religious rules may lead U astray