Idaho Ground Water Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

DoubleTree Riverside – Boise, Idaho

PRESENT / President Henry Baker called the meeting of the Idaho Ground Water Association Board of Directors to order at 3:44 p.m. on Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at the DoubleTree Riverside in Boise, Idaho. Those present included Henry Baker, Roger Buchanan, Tony Hackett, Tom Richardson, Charlie Fox, Eric Forsmann, Brian Pokorney, Rob Dawson, Steve Baker, Jason Meade and Roger Batt.
MEETING / The purpose of the meeting was to elect a President and Vice President of the Idaho Ground Water Association and officially vote on a slate of directors and officers for the Association for 2010.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS / Rob Dawson moved to elect Roger Buchanan as President of the IGWA for 2010. Seconded.
Tom Richardson moved to close further nominations for IGWA President. Seconded.
By unanimous consent, the IGWA Board voted to elect Roger Buchanan as President of the IGWA for 2010. Seconded. Passed.
Roger Buchanan moved to elect Tony Hackett as Vice President of the IGWA for 2010. Seconded.
Henry Baker moved to elect Steve Baker as Vice President of the IGWA for 2010. Seconded.
Rob Dawson moved to close further nominations for IGWA Vice President. Seconded.
Ballots were distributed to the IGWA Board of Directors to vote on a Vice President (between Tony Hackett and Steve Baker). Tony Hackett won the election as Vice President of the IGWA.
Steve Baker moved to officially elect Tony Hackett as the Vice President of the IGWA for 2010. Seconded. Passed.
Henry Baker congratulated Eric Forsmann as the IGWA’s newest director.
COMMENTS ON OFFICERS / Tom Richardson gave some background on Eric Forsmann and his professional development as a member of a “Class Act Drilling Company” in the Grangeville area.
Henry Baker commented on the past year’s experience as IGWA’s President being beneficial, exciting, friendship-building, and an overall great experience.
RESIGNATION OF BOARD MEMBER / Dan Hawley resigned from the IGWA Board of Directors yesterday (January 4). According to the By-Laws, the IGWA Board can fill a vacancy on the Board. The IGWA Board would talk with members of the Industry during the convention to see if anyone would be interested in serving on the Board. Tom Richardson volunteered to contact Rod Hendricks in Eastern Idaho to ask if he would serve. The Vollmers were names thrown out as potential contacts for a Board position as well.
- over -
M&S MEETING SCHEDULED FOR 1/6/10 / The M&S meeting would take place on January 6 starting at 10:30 a.m. to elect a Vice President and President. The Associate Members would meet on January 6 to elect a Vice President and President.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: 1/7/10 / The IGWA Board of Directors would meet on Thursday, January 7 starting at 8:00 a.m. in the Riverside Board Room.
THANK-YOU’S FOR SERVICE / Henry Baker thanked Brian Pokorney and Jason Meade for serving on the Board as the Associate and M&S President.
Tony Hackett thanked Henry Baker for serving on the IGWA Board as President over the last year.
IGWA NEWSLETTER RECOMMENDATIONS / For the IGWA Newsletter the Board recommended the following:
  • Adding a section on Board happenings (including the Executive Director) for each newsletter (to keep them informed on what is going on and who is doing what).
  • Add pictures of the folks who are serving with respective articles.
  • Hold a spotlight on a different drilling company each quarter to highlight specific drillers and companies (start with the Old Timers and move out).
  • Get quotes from the members of the IGWA about the IGWA and the Industry. IGWA could survey the membership and have comments sent back to publish. Consolidate the mailing list to ensure that every company only gets one newsletter per company (currently they are receiving multiple newsletters per company).
  • Solicit for more advertising (e-mail and phone call) in the newsletter before January 1 of each calendar year (we could also do a full page of business cards at $25/card if the company could not afford a full or half page ad).
  • Place a Calendar of Events into the newsletter for the year (e.g. Franklin Seminars, IGWA workshops, etc.).
  • Have an electronic newsletter available as an option (survey to see who wants it sent via mail or e-mail). If folks do not say they want the newsletter via e-mail, then we need to send it via mail. This information needs to be placed onto the Membership Dues Form for next year.
  • IGWA would promote the Association in the next newsletter showing the benefits of the Association (why folks should join, etc.).

VENDORS FOR 2011 ANNUAL CONVENTION / The Board determined that, for the 2011 Annual Convention, the IGWA needed to try to get the same vendors back who were not able to be at the Convention this year. The IGWA will draft a letter to the M&S folks acknowledging that they weren’t here and asking them to come next year. The letter would state that we missed them and have them contact us if they have any questions or concerns.
FUTURE IGWA AWARDS / The Board determined that any future awards by the IGWA awardees are from Idaho. It was decided that more criteria be established before giving an award to someone. Guidelines should be set for everyone to follow in the future.
MOST AWARDS DISBANDED / Rob Dawson moved that the IGWA disband any awards in the future with the exception of someone who has gone above and beyond for the Association or Industry as a member of the IGWA. Seconded. Passed.
ADJOURNMENT / The meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Roger Batt, Executive Director
