Bay Tree Council Co-Owners
Amendments to the By-Laws
Approved on September 12th, 2009
The following are the updates and additions to Bay Tree Bylaws that were proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority of owners during the annual owners meeting on September 12th, 2009.
2.2 Powers and Duties. The Board of Directors shall have the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Council and may do all such acts and things as are not by law or these Bylaws directed to be done and/or exercised by the owners. All disbursements or expenditures in excess of $2,000 shall require signed authorization by either two Directors or a Director and the Manager. Irregular, non-recurring expenses in excess of $500 shall require the specific written (or e-mail) approval of two Directors and such expenditures must be reported to all members of the Council within a period of 90 days.
2.3 Specified Duties
(f). Keeping members apprised of the financial status of the organization by providing to all owners, on a timely basis, an up-to-date and accurate Quarterly Profit Loss Statement
and Balance Sheet of the accounts owned by Bay Tree Council Co-owners.
[The following update simply codifies the practice that has been in place for many years but has not formally been changed in the Bylaws]
2.5 Terms.
Directors shall be elected to serve a term of two years. Elections will be held at the Annual Owners Meeting, with 2 Directors or 3 Directors being elected in alternate years, so that there will be a total of 5 Directors serving at all times. The Board of Directors shall hold office until their successors have been elected and hold their first meeting.
3.2 Election
The Officers of the Board of Directors shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at the first meeting of each new Board, and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board. A Director, after serving as President of the Board for three full, consecutive years, will remain ineligible to serve in that capacity again for a period of two consecutive years.
5.1 Specific Regulations.
(a) Parking A truck, car, trailer, boat, motor home, motorcycle or other motor vehicle owned by a visiting owner or guest, may be parked in a common area (that is, a parking area not subject to the exclusive use of the owner of a particular Apartment) only during the time that the apartment is occupied by the owner or guest, or with the expressed permission of the Bay Tree Manager. Violators are subject to the removal of improperly parked vehicles by towing at the expense of the owner thereof. An individual who utilizes a Bay Tree apartment as their primary, full-time residence may not park in the common area for a period exceeding 7 cumulative days in any given month.
5.1 Specific Regulations.
(f) Remodel, Repairs of Apartments Interior STRUCTURAL repairs or revisions and any exterior additions or modifications must be approved by the Board of Directors. All repairs or revisions, structural or otherwise, must be appropriately permitted and performed in accordance with the City of Port Aransas Building Code and Sections 3.03 of the Declaration of Bay Tree Council Co-Owners. Contractors and tradesmen must be licensed in the state of Texas and show proof of insurance/bonding. Owners may serve as their own general contractor but are responsible for ensuring that subcontractors carry out work in accordance with these regulations. Further, it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that hired subcontractors maintain the work site in a neat, workmanlike condition and remove all construction debris and materials from the premises prior to completion of their work.