SedaliaPark Elementary Charter Renewal Petition
SedaliaPark Elementary
CharterSchool Renewal Petition
August 2010
Submitted by
SedaliaPark Elementary
CobbCountySchool District
SedaliaPark Elementary
2230 Lower Roswell Road
Marietta, Georgia 30068
770-509-5162 (phone)
770-509-5342 (fax)
SedaliaPark Elementary Charter Renewal Petition
Check one: New PetitionX Renewal Petition
Name of PetitioningTraditionalPublicSchool___SedaliaPark Elementary School_
Name of ProposedCharterSchool___SedaliaPark Elementary Charter School____
LocalSchoolSystem___CobbCountySchool District______
School address 2230 Lower Roswell Rd.Marietta, GA30068
School contact person :Patricia Thomas,Principal__770-509-5162 ext 232__
Fax:770-509-5342 E-mail:
Accreditation: SedaliaPark is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools (SACS)/ Advanced ED
Admission of Students: Will serve attendance zone as determined by CCSD as well as
open available transfers to families residing within CCSD’s school zone
Certificate of compliance: Building code standards and regulations, and fire and
Safety, environmental, and accessibility requirements are maintained by CCSD. An
emergency safety plan will be submitted annually to CCSD
Facilities to be used: 2230 Lower Roswell Rd.The physical building is owned by CCSD.
Grade Levels in the School: Special Needs Pre-Kindergarten – fifth grade
Insurance: SedaliaPark will continue to be insured through the CCSD.
Number of students enrolled: 778 FTE 2010
School Year/ School Day: As determined by CCSD, 180 days 6.5 hrs a day
Students to be served: As determined by CCSD including students with special needs
and disabilities and students on Charter transfer
Transportation: as determined by CCSD
This petition has been agreed to, by secret ballot, by a majority of the faculty and
instructional staff members at a meeting called with two weeks advance notice during
which time a complete petition draft was available for review.
Date of Vote April 30 – May 3, 2010 _____
Total Number of Faculty and Instructional Staff 97
Number Approving ___97___Percent Approving __100____
Number Disapproving 0Percent Disapproving 0
Principal’s Signature Date
This petition has been agreed to, by secret ballot, by a majority of the parents or
guardians of the students enrolled in the school who were present at a meeting called for the purpose of deciding whether to submit the petition. Two weeks’ advance notice of the meetingwas published during which time a complete petition draft was available for review.
Date of Meeting May 6, 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM Voting: May 10-14, 2010
Total Number of Parents Voting 331
Number Approving 328Percent Approving 99
Number Disapproving 3Percent Disapproving 1
Principal’s Signature Date
3. This petition was approved by the Sedalia Park Governance Board at a meeting held on May 4, 2010.
Total Number of Members Voting 9
Number Approving 9 Percent Approving 100
Principal’s Signature Date
4. This charter petition was approved by the Cobb County School District Board of Education on
Superintendent Date
Chair, Local Board of Education Date
5. Petitioner(s) assure(s) that the proposed charter school programs, services, and activities will operate in accordance with the terms of the Charter and all applicable federal, state, and
local laws, rules and regulations.
Authorized Representative, CharterSchool Date / _--
WHEREAS, Sedalia Park Elementary School (hereinafter “Petitioner”) of the Cobb County School District (hereinafter “CCSD”)has petitioned for renewal to the Georgia Board of Education (hereinafter “State Board”) for continued status as a Charter School, said renewal petition being attached hereto and incorporated herein by references;
WHEREAS, said petition has been approved by a majority of the faculty and instructional staff and a majority of parents of students enrolled in the school who were present at a meeting called for that purpose, and by the local board of education;
WHEREAS, the State Board has determined that the petition
- Provides a plan for improvement at the school level for improving student learning and for meeting national and state educational goals;
- Includes a set of academic and/or vocational performance-based objectives and student achievement-based objectives for the term of the charter and the means for measuring those objectives on at least a yearly basis, including performance criteria for student achievement established to be attained by the end of the charter period as well as annual performance benchmarks beginning with the second year of the charter period;
- Includes an agreement to provide a yearly report to parents of students enrolled in the school, the community, the local board and the State Board indicating the progress made by the charter school the previous year toward meeting the performance objectives with progress being reported using the performance criteria and benchmarks established in the petition;
- Includes a proposal to involve directly and substantially the parents of students enrolled in the school as well as the faculty, instructional staff and members of the broader community in the process of creating the petition and in carrying out the terms of the charter; and
- Includes a memorandum of understanding between the local school system and the school regarding funding of the charter school. Said memorandum of understanding establishes the charter school as a budget unit and outlines specific funding sources anticipated to be available to the charter school; the specific terms under which the local school system will receive funding allotments and entitlements on behalf of the school; the specific terms under which the funds will be made available to the school; and financial procedures to be followed between the charter school and the local school system.
WHEREAS, Subject to the Charter School Act of 1998, and the Constitution of the State of Georgia, Sedalia Park shall be subject to the control and management of the CCSD.
NOW THEREFORE, the State Board grants this charter to Petitioner for a period of five years, to expire on June 30, 2015, permits Petitioner to operate in accordance with the terms of its Petition as approved and the Charter, subject to the following terms and conditions:
WITHDRAWAL OF CHARTER: If a majority of the faculty and instructional staff of the school and a majority of parents of students enrolled at the school, at a meeting called for the purpose of deciding whether to request withdrawal of the charter, request that the State Board withdraw this charter, or if at any time the State Board finds that Petitioner is not fulfilling the terms of the Charter, this Charter may be withdrawn and declared null and void by the State Board. Further, if at any time the CCSD Board of Education has evidence that Petitioner is not fulfilling the terms of the Charter; the CCSD Board of Education may present such evidence to the State Board and petition the State Board to withdraw the Charter and declare it null and void.
MODIFICATION: After submitting an annual progress report to the State Board, Petitioner may request amendment of the terms of this charter by petition to the State Board, upon agreement of the local board and subject to the approval of a majority of the faculty and instructional staff and a majority of parents of students enrolled at the school at a meeting called for the purpose of deciding whether to request amendment of the charter.
EXEMPTIONS: Petitioner shall be exempt from specified local and state rules, regulations, policies and procedures and from other provisions of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated as specified in Exemptions section, except that the expenditure controls contained in O.C.G.A. §20-2-167 may be relaxed only for those direct instructional expenditures actually made by Petitioner for its students.
Nothing in the Exemptions section, nor in any other provision contained herein, should be interpreted to mean that the CharterSchool is waived from the accountability provisions of O.C.G.A. §§20-14-30 through 20-14-41.
ASSURANCES: Petitioner assures that the school will operate in accordance with the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Georgia and federal and state law, except for the exemptions granted by this Charter. Petitioner also assures that it will operate fairly and equitably for all students and with consideration of the needs of the diverse student population. These rights shall include, but not be limited to, due process, prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures, and First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and religion. Petitioner assures that it will be attentive to research in its decisions and operations and that it will operate with full public disclosure about student performance and in accordance with state and federal confidentiality laws.
NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT: Petitioner assures that the school will not discriminate in any manner including sex, ethnicity, age, and religion. Discrimination complaints may be filed directly with:
The Equal Employment OpportunityCommission
1000 Alabama Street SW, Suite 4R30
Atlanta, Georgia 30303 – Telephone number 404-562-6800
The US Department of Education
Atlanta Office for Civil Rights
61 Forsyth Street SW, Suite 19T70
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-31204
Telephone: 404-562-6350
Questions concerning policies and practices of the school may be addressed to the principal of the school at:
SedaliaPark Elementary
2230 Lower Roswell Road
Marietta, Georgia 30068
Telephone: 770-509-5162, ext. 232
RENEWAL: This charter may be renewed by the State Board, provided all parties to the original charter approve such renewal in accordance with approval terms and requirements in effect at the time of renewal.
SEVERABILITY: If any provision of the charter is determined to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the Charter shall remain in effect, unless otherwise terminated by one or all parties in accordance with the terms contained herein.
Chairperson, State Board of EducationDate
Chairperson, CCSD Board of EducationDate
Principal, SedaliaPark ElementaryDate
Patricia Thomas, Principal
Pedro Cos, Assistant Principal
Ashley McCann, kindergarten
Elizabeth Horner, first grade
Davida Dyer, second grade and parent
Susan Thompson, second grade
Angela Schneider, third grade
Christina Duncan, third grade
Cheri Craft, fourth grade and parent
Gina Coss, fifth grade and parent
Linda Leland, Title I
Kristen Richardson, fifth grade
Amy Benton, special ed. and parent
Cecily Merchant, Title I and parent
Lisa Casey, Art Teacher and parent
Karen Shoenig, Reading Recovery, EIP
Terri Brennan, parent chairperson
Sara Brown, parent
Pramila Duphare, parent
Susan Egbert, parent
Felicia Marable, parent, vice chairperson
Allison Swain, parent
Kim Danielson, paraprofessional, parliamentarian
Shelby Robert, Partner in Education
Christina Duncan, staff - School, Family, Community Key Team
Keith Fitzgerald, staff- School Culture/Climate Key Team
Lisa Hankins, staff – Technology Key Team, secretary
Linda Leland, staff- Curriculum & Instruction Key Team
Patricia Thomas,Principal – Strategic Improvement Key Team
Describe how parents, community members, and other interested parties were involved in developing the petition and will be involved in the school, including involvement with the governing body of the school.
January 20, 2010 / Faculty/staff vote to determine interest in renewing charterJanuary 25-29, 2010 / Parent survey to determine interest in renewing charter and input on focus of the charter
February–April 2010 / Weekly Charter Task Force Meetings – minutes posted to website and open for public comments
Task Force members shared proposed goals and waivers with their teams and Governance Board
March 31, 2010 / Key teams were given the opportunity to provide input to Charter Application
April 13, 2010 / Presentation of draft of Charter Renewal Application to Governance Board
April 28, 2010 / Presentation to faculty/staff
April 30, 2010 / Faculty/staff vote by ballot on Charter Renewal Application
May 6, 2010 / Charter Renewal Application parent presentations
(two sessions: 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.)
May 10-14, 2010 / Parents vote by ballot on Charter Renewal Application
August, 2010 / Presentation of final Charter Renewal Petition to CCSD Executive Cabinet and CCSD Board of Education
Basic Information
CharterSchool Name: SedaliaPark Elementary CharterSchool
Grade Levels Served: Special Needs PreK – 5th grade Ages served 3 - 11
Proposed Renewal Date: July 2011
Proposed Charter Term: 5 years
Enrollment Numbers: Since SedaliaPark is a public converted charter school our student population and grade level numbers tend to vary over the years. We project that we will serve between 120 to 140 students in each grade level. Grade level numbers for the fall of the 2010 school year are as below:
K / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Yr 1 / 127 / 151 / 119 / 140 / 121 / 113
Yr 2 / 130 / 127 / 150 / 120 / 140 / 120
Yr 3 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 150 / 120 / 140
Yr 4 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 150 / 120
Yr 5 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 130 / 150
Is this school currently in, or has it ever been, in Needs Improvement status under NCLB? X No Yes
SedaliaPark has been identified as a Distinguished Title I School for the past seven years because of making Annual Yearly Progress. Making Annual Yearly Progress, while important, is seen as only the first step in providing a solid foundation for our students’ learning.
State the charter school’s mission and describe how it promotes the legislative intent to “increase student achievement through academic and organizational innovation.” O.C.G.A. § 20-2-2061
The mission of SedaliaPark is to create an environment in where all students believe they will achieve and succeed and the learning of all is celebrated.
Each morning students and staff state our belief statement: “I believe I will achieve and succeed. I celebrate learning.” Our belief statement is the “Why” behind our desire to be a charter school. Every child and every staff member is challenged to be and give his or her personal best in all that they do each day.
For all students to succeed the teachers must use ongoing assessment data to drive instruction and to identify students needing additional interventions. As a charter school staff development funds are used to support professional learning needs identified through data analysis and to provide time for teacher collaboration to build common assessments supporting the Georgia Performance Standards.
In 2007, the staff at SedaliaPark took the bold step to change grading practices and create standards-based report cards for all grade levels. Teams collaborate to create common formative and summative assessments which measure students’ progress toward meeting standards in all content areas. Students with disabilities, as well as English Language Learners, take the same assessment and are held to the same high expectations. After re-teaching interventions, students are provided a second opportunity to demonstrate mastery on the standards. Third, fourth and fifth grade teams have created standards-based report cards that are reviewed and revised quarterly. All grade level teams also create quarterly standards-based progress reports. Progress reports and quarterly report cards are translated into Spanish and Portuguese
Academic Program
SedaliaPark staff has increased student achievement through the implementation of the following strategies:
- Guided Reading daily for any student below grade level and additional reading instruction for our most at risk learners.
- UNRAVEL is a reading comprehension strategy that is taught from second through fifth grade.
- Math Model Drawing is a math problem-solving strategy taught second through fifth grade.
- Guided Math is taught Kindergarten through fifth to support differentiation in math skills and knowledge.
- Co-Teaching for students with disabilities and English Language Learners allows these students to receive instruction on grade level Georgia Performance Standards with typical peers.
- Morning Meetings are held four days a week to set common expectations and to build community within each classroom.
- Students set learning and behavior goals every 9 weeks and conference with the teacher to monitor progress toward goals.
- Weekly teacher collaboration is scheduled in addition to quarterly full day collaboration sessions. Each allows time to focus on curriculum, instruction and assessments.
Examples of academic innovation or flexibility
In 2008, the staff at SedaliaPark started Saturdays for Success (tutoring). Extended day money from the state along with Title I funds were used to pay for tutoring and transportation for students not meeting state standards. Of the 123 students in 1st through 5thgrades who attended this program during second semester of 2010, 85% met standards in reading, and 71% met standards in math.
Examples of organizational innovation or flexibility
- SedaliaPark has flexibility in the transfer process from the district. Parents residing in the CobbCountySchool District attendance zone may apply for a charter transfer to SedaliaPark.
- SedaliaPark has flexibility with staff development funds received from the GA State Dept. and uses those funds to provide professional learning that is relevant and job embedded.
- SedaliaPark was able to create standards based report cards for 1st through 5th grades before the county adopted standards based report cards for kindergarten through third grades.
- SedaliaPark has a uniform dress code for all students Monday through Thursday.
- SedaliaPark has a Governance Board that makes decisions to support the school’s mission and strategic school plan for student achievement.
Operated by Education Management Organization?
SedaliaPark is not managed by an Education Management Organization and has no plans to contract with such an organization.
Evidence of community interest/need
SedaliaParkis a GA Title I school with approximately 58 percent of our 794 students qualifying for meal assistance. Our student population represents 30 countries speaking 16 languages. Fifty-three students attend SedaliaPark on a charter transfer.SedaliaPark has eight Partners in Education.