GSSD Nairobi
Moderator – Mr. Yiping Zhou, UNOSSC
Talking Points during the High-Level Launch of the South-South Technology Transfer for the LLDCs
Thursday 30 October 2013 – Conference Room 3
- Thank you all for attending this important session designed to facilitate experience-sharing of concrete measures taken by the United Nations System and other multilateral organizations to promote South-South and Triangular cooperation.
- The first hour is dedicated to the High-level launch of the South-South Technology Transfer and Resource Mobilization facility for Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), while the rest of the programme will focus on sharing of South-South and triangular Business models, programmes and initiatives.
- Today’s launch of the South-South facility for the Landlocked Developing countries highlights the collaborative efforts among UN Agencies to achieve coherence and deliver as one. This facility is a joint-initiative of the United Nations Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS), and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC).
- It also reflects our commitment to address some of the most protracted challenges that confront LLDCs within the frameworks of South-South and Triangular Cooperation. The facility will be executed through the professional services of the South-South Global Assets and Technologies Exchange Platform (SS-GATE).
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- The United Nations launched SS-GATE in 2008 as a global transactions and services platform that facilitates end-to-end market-driven exchanges of technology, assets, services and financing among public/private sectors and civil society. It matches demand and supply for technology transfer and finance in core areas such as infrastructure, food security, global health and climate change. In the 2009 Nairobi Outcome Document, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed SS-GATE and encouraged developing countries to utilize the platform in order “to establish closer links among themselves.”
- Participating on the High-Level Panel Discussion is a team of a distinguished Lady and Gentlemen - whose bios have been circulated along with the Programme.
- Mr. GyanAcharya, Under Secretary General and High Representative, OHRLLS
- Hon. John Nasasira - Uganda's Minster for Information, Communication and Technology
- H.E. Dr. Martin Kimani, Kenya’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to UNEP.
- H.E. Dr. Mwaba-KaseseBota, Zambia's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations
- Mr. GopiMainali - Joint Secretary of National Planning Commission of Nepal
- Mr. Ben Muok - Acting Executive Director, African Centre for Technology Studies
- Mr. Manu Chandaria, OBE, EBS, Chair Comcraft Group and Patron of Global Peace Foundation's Africa Leadership Council.
- Before we hear from the High Representative and Under Secretary General, I am pleased to invite our Guest speaker, H.E. Mr. ZsoltHetesy – the Vice President of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Committee on South-South Cooperation, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative at the Permanent Mission of Hungary to the United Nations to deliver the welcoming remarks.
H.E. Mr. Hetesy Speaks