NUSS Annual Mahjong League Competition / 2018 /

Rules and Regulations for All Participants

  1. Format
  2. Minimum of 32 participants to start the competition. In the event of lesser than required participants, Section Convenor have the final decision whether to proceed or abstain.
  3. 2 preliminary rounds will be held to determine a place for Round of 16.
  4. Each participant will have 2 chances to fight for a place in the Round of 16.
  5. 1st & 2nd placing from the 1st preliminary round will group together on 2nd preliminary round to fight for a place in the Round of 16.
  6. 3rd & 4th placing from the 1st preliminary round will group together on 2nd preliminary round to fight for a place in the Round of 16.
  7. Knock out format from Round of 16 to semi-final.
  8. Participants will play two rounds of East Wind to determine winners by counting the chips provided.
  1. Eligibility & Entry Fees
  2. Open to all NUSS members and Social Mahjong section members
  3. Non NUSS members and guests are not allowed.
  4. Social Mahjong section members: $10 (inclusive of GST)
  5. Non section members: $20 (inclusive of GST)
  6. Bundle (Section & Entry): $30 (inclusive of GST)
  1. When and the dates
  2. All rounds of competition will be conducted during weekends at NUSSKent Ridge Guild House.
  3. Possible dates: Preliminary rounds: 15 29 July 2018 (Sunday)

Round of 16 : To be announced

Quarter final : To be announced

Semi-final : To be announced

Final : To be announced

  1. Venue

4.1.Possibly Activity Room, any alternative venue will be informed in duecourse.

  1. Prizes
  2. Prizes will be awarded to all finalists in vouchersas follows:


1st Runner up: $60

2nd Runner up: $30

3rd Runner up: $15

Prices will be presented during the year end Social Mahjong’s Annual General Meeting and recipients will be duly informed in due course.

  1. Communication
  2. All participants will have to provide a mobile number capable ofreceiving information using whatsapp. All participants will be put into achatgroup and any announcements will be to this chatgroup. Noother communication channel will be use and it is deemed informedthrough the chatgroup.
  1. Absenteeism
  2. Any absentee for whatever reasons during the competition and/orduring the course of the competition will be deemed to disqualify oneself from the competition. No claims whatsoever will be entertained by the club or the section.
  1. Referee/Empire
  2. A referee appointed by the Committee shall have absolute power toconduct or resolve or provide decision on issues related to thecompetition. All participants are to adhere and abide by the rules of thecompetition and/or any decision taken by the Referee on duty on thesession. Any participant found to have any challenging issue to theReferee may be disqualified from the competition for misconduct.
  1. Playing rules and Points Scoring.
  2. Playing rules and points scoring shall be in accordance to Mahjong section rules and points scoring system.
  3. Exception rule is due to time constraint in the competition, winning banker can retained only for amaximum of 3 times only.
  4. A copy of the playing rules will be available for participants on request.

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