Monadnock Mountaineer Youth Football & Spirit Association
P.O. Box 3012
Peterborough, NH 03458
Articles of Incorporation
Article I. Definition of Organization
Section 1: Name
The name of the organization shall be Monadnock Mountaineers Youth Football & Spirit Association (MMYFSA).
Section 2: Teams and Team Logo
Football teams shall be divided by grade and the Spirit teams shall be divided by both age and level of experience or as determined by the New Hampshire Youth Football & Spirit Conference (NHYFSC) and the American Youth Football (AYF) constitutions and rules. The associations representing logo will be the letter M (block style) colored navy blue with a yellow or white outline or colored yellow with a navy blue outline. The associations representing mascot logo will be the mountain man figure colored in navy blue, yellow and white. The letter M logo and/or the mountain man mascot will be used on all official documentation including the official website and advertising materials.
Section 3: Definition
The organization consists of a group of adults, known as the Board of Directors voted in by the membership to administer a youth football & spirit (cheerleading) league. The Board of Directors is charged with the responsibility of overseeing Board member selection/voting, fundraising, selection of equipment, coaching staff, managers and general overall operations. The Board of Directors is responsible for selecting players within the prescribed boundaries, and affiliate of New Hampshire Youth Football & Spirit Conference (hereafter NHYFSC) and American Youth Football (hereafter AYF). A “year” denotes one full season as outlined in the state rules and regulations (normally, but not limited to, August 1st - December 31st).
Section 4: Team Website Name
The website shall be listed as and/or unless otherwise specified by the Board of Directors.
Article II. Objectives
The objective of the Monadnock Mountaineer Youth Football & Spirit Association (hereafter MMYFSA), is to develop well rounded young men and women who learn both the fundamentals of football or cheerleading in an organized and supervised environment with emphasis on safety and the importance of education in an atmosphere conducive to developing sound mind, body and character. Additionally the MMYFSA will inspire youth to practice the ideals of good sportsmanship, scholarship and personal integrity. Along with these ideals the MMYFSA instills upon its members, be they players, cheerleaders, coaches or parents that winning is secondary to the ideals set forth in these bylaws.
To achieve this objective, the MMYFSA will provide a supervised program under the rules and regulations of the NHYFSC and the AYF. All officers, directors and members will bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or winning of games is secondary, and that education and the molding of future citizens is of prime importance. In accordance with Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the MMYFSA shall operate exclusively as a not-for-profit organization, providing a supervised program of competitive football games and cheer. No part of the net proceeds or earnings shall ensure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
The Board of Directors will ensure that all actions of the organization and its members adhere to the Articles of Incorporation and do not conflict with the NHYFSC or AYF rules and/or regulations.
Article III. Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
Any person interested in advancing the purpose of this Association is eligible for membership who is 18 years or older by November 1st of the current calendar year. Membership will run each year from January 1st through December 31st. To participate in the organization you must meet all requirements of these by-laws and the NHYFSC Constitution. Memberships may be taken at the annual Association meeting for the following year. Incoming board members will preside with outgoing members as of November 1st to allow a continuum within the organization.
Membership affords that person all privileges, rights and responsibilities associated with it.
Any member is eligible to vote at the annual meeting.
Rights reserved (behavior): The Board of Directors reserves the right to drop, from the program, a participant and/or their parent/legal guardian(s) and volunteer if the participant or their parent/legal guardian(s) and volunteers engage in conduct that the Board of Directors finds to be inappropriate, threatening or disruptive in any manner via action or words.
Section 2: Classes
Registered Members: Any player candidate or cheerleader meeting the requirements set forth by the NHYFSC and/or AYF and who resides within the specific boundaries of the MMYFSA shall be eligible to participate, but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management of the MMYFSA membership.
Regular Members: Any parent/legal guardian, as well as active and approved volunteers actively interested in furthering the objectives of the MMYFSA as defined in Article III Section 1, is a member in good standing.
Section 3: Termination
The Board of Directors shall, in the case of a player/cheerleader or regular member, give notice to the Head Coach of the team in which the player/cheerleader or regular member is a member. Said Head Coach shall appear, in the capacity of an advisor, with the player/cheerleader or regular member before a duly appointed committee of the Board of Directors, which shall have full power to suspend or revoke such player/cheerleader or regular member right to future participation. Upon suspension of the athlete all uniforms and equipment must be turned in within ten (10) days in order to receive deposit reimbursement.
Article IV: Dues
A reasonable participation fee may be assessed as a parent or guardian’s obligation to ensure operational continuity of the MMYFSA. The Board of Directors will set the participation fee. At no time will the payment of a fee to be prerequisite for participation in the MMYFSA program. The Board of Directors will have the ability to negotiate a payment plan and/or offer a partial/full scholarship.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1: Annual Meetings
The annual meeting of the MMYFSA shall be held no later than July 31st of each calendar year for the purposing of introducing the Board of Directors, review of the ByLaws, review of the Handbook and details for the upcoming season. Financial reports and other transactions of such business may also properly come before the membership
Notice of Annual Meeting: Notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed or otherwise delivered to each member at their last recorded address at least ten (10) days in advance thereof, setting forth the place, time and date and purpose of the meeting; or in lieu thereof, notice may be given in such form as may be authorized by the members from time to time at a regularly convened meeting.
Election of the Board of Directors by the membership will take place no later than the end of the regular football season.
Section 2: Regular Board Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors will be held semi-monthly during the playing season and monthly in the off-season, subject to the direction of the Board. The Board of Directors will set the place, date and time.
Section 3: Special Meetings
Special meetings of the members may be called by the Board of Directors or President at their discretion. Upon written request of ten (10) members, the President shall call a special meeting to consider a specific subject. No business other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any special meeting of the membership.
Section 4: Quorum
The presence in person or by proxy of one-third of the current registered membership during the annual meeting shall constitute a quorum. Two-thirds of the Board of Directors at a regular board meeting shall constitute a quorum. Two-thirds of the Board of Directors at special meetings shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5: Voting
Only Board members shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the MMYFSA except at the annual meeting where all members are entitled to vote. The President votes in the event of a tie.
Section 6: Absentee Ballot
Each Board member shall be entitled to one vote in person or vote by absentee ballot in written form, which can be withdrawn at any time. The absentee ballot must be specific to the vote or votes to be cast.
Section 7: Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all meetings except where said rules conflict with the bylaws of the MMYFSA in which case the bylaws shall take precedence.
Section 8: ByLaw and Handbook Changes
All ByLaw changes or amendments subject to the governing of the MMYFSA are due no later than the March Board of Directors meeting, or the next available meeting date. Any and all changes must be submitted in writing no later than 48 hours prior to the President and/or Secretary so that they may be discussed by the sitting Board and voted on. All ByLaw changes require a 2/3rds majority vote of those present in order to pass. Any changes or requests to change any ByLaw after the March meeting must be conducted at a special meeting in which all Board Members must be present. All changes or amendments to the ByLaws will become effective immediately upon ratification.
Handbook changes or amendments require a majority vote of the Board and can be changed at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors up to the start of the season. No changes to the handbook are permitted after the first practice has been conducted.
Article VI: Board of Directors
Section 1: Board and Numbers
The management of the property and affairs of the MMYFSA shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The number of Directors shall not be less than five (5) or more than eighteen (18). The Directors, in office on January 1st of each calendar year shall enter upon their duties and shall continue in office until their successors have been duly elected and qualified through a background check.
Section 2: Elected Officers
The Board membership shall consist of six (6) elected officers that will make up the Executive Board of Directors (Officers). This Executive Board of Directors shall include the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Football Director and Spirit Director. Officers are elected for two-year terms with staggered terminations. Three (3) of the six (6) Officer positions will become available on odd years beginning with the President, Treasurer and Spirit Director. The Vice President, Secretary and Football Director will become available on the even number years. There is no limit to consecutive terms in one position, provided it is in the best interest of the organization as a whole.
Section 2a: Nominations
a) No person may be a candidate in an Association election who has not been nominated in accordance with these bylaws.
b) Nominations for positions on the Board of Directors can be submitted in writing to the Secretary between October 1st and October 15th for the upcoming year. Self-nominations will be accepted.
c) Nominations for President can only be of members who have served on the Executive Board. In the event that no one from the Executive Board wants to be President, then other members of the Board of Directors can be nominated. General member nominations for the position of President will only be accepted in the event that no current Executive Board or other members of the Board of Directors is nominated.
d) No person may be a candidate for more than one position as an officer or as a member of the Board of Directors.
e) In the event of a Board vacancy, the responsibilities of that position will be assumed by the current Board members until the vacancy is filled.
f) At no time shall a member not in good standing with the Association, e.g., monies due the association, removed or suspended from the association, or a member under disciplinary action be allowed to be nominated or elected.
Section 3: Appointed Officers
The remaining Board members shall be appointed by the Executive Board and will include, but not limited to: Fundraising Coordinator, Corporate / Grant Fundraising Coordinator, Concession Coordinator, Equipment / Field Coordinator, Scholastics Coordinator, Web / Publicity Coordinator, Registration / Recruitment Coordinator. These appointed Board positions will have voting privileges. The Board of Directors may appoint advisors to the Board, who will not have voting privileges. The appointed position term is for one year - January 1st to December 31st, along with an approved background check.
Section 4: Duties and Powers
1) The newly elected Executive Board will appoint the remaining Directors and standing committees.
2) The full Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint all Coaches.
3) The Board may alter, modify, add or remove items or amendments from the ByLaws and/or Handbook in compliance with Article V: Meetings, Section 8: ByLaw and Handbook Changes
4) The Board will have the power by two-thirds vote of those present at any regular meeting to discipline, suspend or remove any Director(s), Officer, Committee Member, Head Coach or Assistant Coach.
5) The Board will have the power by two-thirds vote of those present at any regular meeting to discipline, suspend or remove any player/cheerleader or other active member of the MMYFSA in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article III Section 3.