The Redeemable has an Eternal Quality
Bro Kenan Williams
302 Now, I want you to... See, you want to remember this, friends, that God... God never does, or has at any time, as I can remember (See?), but what... Look, Jesus was the--was the keynote of all of it, because He was God, Emmanuel made flesh. Now, look at this--this Fellow, Jesus. When... Did you know when He came on earth, there wasn't, I guess, one tenth of the world knowed He was here? Do you know when that forerunner come, when all the mountains and things would take place, there wasn't one hundredth of the population of Israel, I guess, ever knowed it? Isn't that strange? Why, there were Jews and things and people all over the world.
304 Now, remember Jesus came to be a witness as a Saviour of the world. Is that right? Why, there was just people after people after people after races after people that never even knowed nothing about it, went right on just like the world knowed nothing about it, but all the time, that was going on in the world. See?
Why didn't He let them know? He came and the ones that was predestinated to Eternal Life was the ones that received Him. It'd been no good to say anything to the rest of them, because He could not have redeemed them, because they wasn't even redeemable. Why was it when those priests stood there... when He had to come to that spot because the predestinated was plotted out in there, all around; so He had to preach to them as a group. And the great scholars that should've known Him, said, "This man is Beelzebub. We'll not have this man rule over us," and so forth. See? "We'll not do it." But a little old prostitute, with a Life in her, predestinated to Eternal Life and her name is immortally in the Word of God here, walked up there, and the first time the Light struck that little seed, quickly she knowed it.
307 Look at that old fisherman, come by there; here He stood there doing signs and wonders and--and telling different people the secrets of their heart and revealing Himself. And my, there was Pharisees standing there, and said, "This man is Beelzebub." They had to answer to their congregation. All of them standing around, "Dr. Jones, will you go down and listen to this man? He--He seems like He knows what He's talking about. He don't talk like ordinary man." "I will hear Him." Walked down there to see who... God--God could never get to him. And there he stood down there, he said... they said, "Now, looky there. Looky there. There comes a man... Now, there's one of His disciples. There comes a man up... Now, now, that guy's name... That's Andrew. You remember? Oh, you remember the old--the old fishermens down here, that's them. Yeah, there's--there's Simon, his brother (See?), and that's--that's old Jonas' kids. Now, there they... Look, he's--he's bringing somebody up to Him. Who is it? Yeah. See what He will do now. He's--he's the next up there."
And he walks up and He says to him, "Your name is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas."
310 "This man is Beelzebub. See, he's got some kind of a spirit on him. He's a odd fellow (See?), spirit on... Don't you all listen to nothing like that. See? Keep away from there. I wouldn't attend any more of these meetings at all. See? Just as soon as this thing is over we'll get out of here. We'll never get--wait around here again." See? Why? Now, that's what he thought, and yet was supposed to be the one. Look, the very ones that He come to was the ones who crucified Him. See? But there was a little prostitute that everybody'd kicked out. I'm not endorsing prostitution (no, indeedy.), but I'm just showing you the predestinated seed.
312 Look at this guy, here, this old fisherman--could not even... The Bible said he was unlearned. Is that right? Not only that, but he was ignorant. Now, is that right or wrong? Oh, if we could just get ignorant to a lot of these things that we think we know. See? All right. See, he was both ignorant and unlearned. And then he walked up there in the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and He told him who he was, right then that settled it.
72 Look at the priests. When they see Him express Hisself exactly with the Word, what He was, they said, "It's Beelzebub." That showed where their nature was. It was in the modern thought of the day.
73 But when the little prostitute, that He met at the gate, and told her, expressed His messianic sign, by telling her what she had done. "Why," she said, "Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet. We know, the Messiah, when He comes, He will tell us all these things." She was recognizing Him as the Messiah, the anointed One, because He met the Scripture qualifications. Don't you see? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The two pieces of paper were coming together. She, "We know that, when the Messiah cometh."
74 Now, God might have had to interbred this and that, to get this certain ting of the bell, like the molder. But when Jesus turned, said, "I am He that speaks with you," there was no such an expression as "Beelzebub." She left her water pot, ran into the city, and said, "Come, see a Man Who told me the things that I have done. Isn't This the very Messiah?" See?
75 Now, what did this? Putting the old Scripture with the experience that--that Jesus was giving to her, what did it do? It made the Messiah. And did you notice? Quickly, her sins were forgiven, because, at the beginning, she was redeemable, because she was in God's thinking at the beginning.So, it redeemed her, or brought her back, when she seen the expressed Scripture manifested, of Jehovah, what He was, what He is.
76 Now, when Jesus come, if He'd have come with Noah's message, it wouldn't have worked. To build an ark, and float out, it wouldn't have worked. But that Noah was a portion of God. He acted a peculiar way because he was peculiar, and his message was peculiar because it was the Word being made manifest.
77 He could not have come with Moses' message, because it wouldn't have worked. Moses was God, in a portion, made manifest. He was the word expressed for that hour, but Jesus could not come in that. The Bible never said He would come in that way.
78 But when He come, expressed exactly like the--the Testament had said He would be expressed, then all those who was redeemable believed It, because they were the thoughts of God. The attributes of Him at the beginning was made flesh, and redeemable, and was brought back to God. "As many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become sons of God," because they were redeemable. They were from the beginning, in the expression.
79 If we could stop here a moment, if it would be possible, and think of that, tonight, of the Message of the hour, the expressed thoughts of Jehovah. "Before the foundation of the world," we are told, "our names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life." Then we can see the two sides, as I first said, why one is odd to the other. It must be that way. It was always. It always has been that way, and it always will be that way. "He was the Word. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
201 Then when He got into the house where they was all crying, He said, "She's asleep." That was contrary to science. That was contrary to common sense. She was dead, embalmed.
202 As soon as they died, they embalmed them right then, just as soon as the life went out of them, they poured that spices and stuff on them and wrapped them up and got them to go away. See, bury them, they bury them just, well, sometimes didn't even notify the people. You know, Ananias and Sapphira; they done buried Ananias, when Sapphira... Ananias, when Sapphira had come in, you see; done took him out and buried him, you see. They just, soon as they'd die, they'd pour that stuff on them and take them out there and put them away. See?
203 So she was already ready to go in the grave, but they wanted to wait for papa to see her before they put her away. And when He comes in, and her in that condition, and He said, "She's just taking a nap."
Well, they said, "Now, if that Fellow isn't truly crazy!"
204 So now what did He do? He had already said she was asleep, He had to prove His Word. He couldn't do it before that bunch, so He said, "Put them all out." And I can see Him look around to Jairus and say, "You still believe?"
"Yes, Lord."
205 "You and the wife come here. Peter, James and John, you come with Me." They walked over there and called this word, talitha cumi, which means, "Little girl, rise up." And He proved His Word, she was only asleep. Is that right? He proved here, His Word was right. Regardless of their unbelief, He still proved His Word was right, by waking her up, because He said she was asleep. She was asleep.
206 He'll do the same someday, to every true believer, for His Word promised to. "They that are in Christ, will God bring with Him." See, "They that are in Christ."
207 What did this little Jewish girl do? I just started to bypass this Scripture here, but I--I'm going to--going to keep it. I know it may be a little late, and we'll get to the prayer line in a few minutes. I won't see you for another week maybe, but let's wait a minute. "Man shall not live by bread alone." See? Notice, let me just push this in now, to show you. Why did Jesus wake this little Hebrew maid up? Cause she knowed she wasn't dead? Predestination. Just the same as He did Lazarus. See? Perhaps there was many little maids died that same day, He never said a word to them. He knew this one had Eternal Life. See, He didn't wake the rest of them up.
208 Look, when He come out of Jericho, they say, "Here, this guy here!" No doubt they said, "You wake up the dead? You tell me that You can raise the dead, we got a graveyard full of them up here, come, wake these up." See, He never even paid a bit of attention to them. See, never did it, because He knew He was the Word.
209 Notice, she was only asleep. He knew the father would come. Now, this little girl, see, He knew that that little Jewish maid was only asleep. See, the--the righteous does not die. Jesus came to redeem the righteous. And, to redeem, means "to be brought back from where you once was." See? He could not redeem the unbelievers, no matter how educated and how much doctors of degree they had. He could not redeem them, because they were not redeemable; they had to go to their destination. But, in His foreknowledge, knowed that Lazarus was coming out of the grave. He also knew this little girl had Eternal Life. So she was not dead, she was only asleep. And when our work is over on earth, if we don't live until His Coming, we cannot die, we're only asleep. He proved it here. He'll prove it again. "Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet I'll awake in His likeness."
210 He proves all of His Words, all of His Words. Just think of it, all of His Words! And you were His Word. He was the Word, and you were part of His Word. And, that's the reason you're sent here, to confirm your place in life. I--I--I don't think you got that. See, He is the Word. Now you get it?
211 He was in the feet, in Luther; in the thighs, in Wesley; in the shoulders, in Pentecost. See what I mean? He is the Head. You have a part that joins that together, this hour that we're living now; not the feet part, not the thigh part, not the shoulder part, but the neck part. Is that right? It joins to the head. That's the part of the body. Those that are asleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. The trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Is that right? See, you become a part of that Word, you become a part of Him. And you take His Name to recognize it, see, you're placed in there, baptized into His Name, into His Body, "By one Spirit we're all baptized in one Body," into here, just exactly like the same position. He never changes His way. If... How many believes the early church is in Him? Let's see, how many believes it? How were they baptized? All right. See, He's unchangeable God. We proved that. We could stay here till midnight tonight, proving that, and still go on and on and on. See, unchangeable! See? You are in Him and a part of Him, because you were a part of the thinking of Him. Before the foundation of the world, He called you!
149-1 In John 6:37 & 44 it says, "All that the Father giveth Me shall come to me; and him that cometh to Me I shall in no wise cast out. No man can come to Me except the Father draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." John 1:12-13, "But as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name, Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, BUT OF GOD." Ephesians 1:4-5, "According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will." Now without getting too involved in the subject of the sovereignty of God (for that would take a book in itself) let me point out here that according to these verses, Jesus Christ is choosing His own bride just the same as men choose their brides today. The bride today does not simply decide she is going to take a certain man for a husband. No sir. It is the groom who decides and chooses a certain woman for his bride. (John 15:16, "Ye have not chosen Me; but I have chosen you.") Now according to the Word of God, the bride was chosen before the foundation of the world. This choosing of the bride was purposed in Himself. Ephesians 1:9. And in Romans 9:11 it says "That the purpose of God according to election might stand." You can't read it any other way. The heart purpose, the eternal purpose of God was to take a bride of His OWN choosing, and that purpose was in Himself, and being eternal was decreed before the foundation of the world.
149-2 Watch carefully now and see this. Before there was ever a speck of star dust; before God was God (God is an object of adoration and no one was there to worship Him, so He was at that time only potentially God.) and He was known only as eternal Spirit, the bride was already in His mind. Yes, she was. She was existing in His thoughts. And what about those thoughts of God? They are eternal, are they not?
149-3 The eternal thoughts of God! Let me ask you, "Are the thoughts of God eternal?" If you can see this, you will see many things. God is unchangeable in both essence and behavior. We have studied that and proven that already. God is infinite in His abilities so therefore He as God must be omniscient. If He is omniscient, then He is not now learning, nor is He taking counsel even with Himself, nor is He at any time adding to His knowledge. If He can add to His knowledge, then He is not omniscient. The best we could say is that sometime He will be. But that is not Scriptural. He IS omniscient. He has never had a new thought about anything because all His thoughts He has always had and always will have, and knows the end from the beginning because He is God. THUS THE THOUGHTS OF GOD ARE ETERNAL. THEY ARE REAL. They are not simply like a man with a blueprint he has drawn up and which one day will be translated into substance and form, but they are already real and eternal, and part of God.
150-1 See how this works. God always had His thoughts for Adam. Adam, as His thoughts, was yet unexpressed. Psalms 139:15-16 will give you a little idea of this, "My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book were all my members written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." That, as I said, was not written about Adam but it gives you the idea and knowledge that the thought was there in His mind, and that thought was eternal and had to be expressed. So when Adam was formed of the dust of the earth and his spiritual being created by God, then Adam became God's thought expressed, and those eternal thoughts were now manifested.