ACD Group Leaders’ Meeting Minutes, 7/22/05
Present:C. Chambers, M. Coffey, L. Cervantes, D. Edwards, F. Eisle, T. Frederick, J. Gille, D. McKenna, G. Pfister, S. Schauffler, G. Tyndall.
Notes:Victoria Miller
D. McKenna reported on the 7/21/05NCAR Directors’ Meeting, and the UCAR Management Committee meeting.
Directors’ Meeting
Presentations and Discussions
- Rick Katz gave a presentation regarding the NCAR ARG. Further information will be provided. Significant organizational units will be asked to nominate one member from the unit. Other members will be elected by a lottery selection that will be grandfathered in over a couple of years. Anne Smith is rotating off. There will be three-year terms and exemptions will be made due to medical and family emergencies.
- Brant Foote gave an update regarding research, science, and outreach activities. Outcome: Facilities Division Community Service ESSL Research. Education and outreach were 6% throughout the organization.
- Rena Brasher spoke about the modified direct costs and direct spending process. The 2007 overhead rate must be set soon. The base has been going down so the overhead rate will need to increase.
- Peter Backlund gave an update on strategic plans.
UCAR Management Committee
- Micky Glantz gave a presentation regarding the SERE Climate Capacity Building–drawing different communities together.
Relocation Update
- HAO moved to CG1. The cafeteria will open next week, there will be a common coffee room, and the auditorium is being redone.
- The NCAR executive committee will have a retreat at the new CG1 facility next week.
- FL0 is three weeks ahead of schedule. Someone from each group will get a tour of FL0 next Thursday at 3:00 PM. Around October 1, 2005, the first floor Mesa Labs will move to FL0, and the general move will be during the first week of December.
- The approval for the bike path has been signed by the city attorney, and is waiting for the approval from the mayor.
Budget and Costs Update
- There was a significant increase in costs in the healthcare pool. HIPA laws prevent anyone from finding out why there has been such a large increase.
October 4 – 5, 2005 Members’ Meeting
- There will be an open house approach to include:
- A facilities tour of both ML and FL0–Sue Schauffler will lead the ML tour
- One major poster from each major organizational unit should be prepared showing what NCAR/UCAR/UOP does for the community.
Strategic Planning and Missions
- UCAR is to write the strategic plan after NCAR’s plan is prepared.
ACD News
- Modalities are still being worked on regarding the recompetition. There will be a management review in March 2006.
- J. Lamarque, C. Chambers, D. McKenna, and S. Schauffler attended the ESSL Retreat on July 6, 2005.
- Guy Brasseur will be here next week for a few weeks, and will be involved in some of the strategic plan preparation.
- The ESSL Advisory Board meeting has been cancelled and will be rescheduled in January 2006.
- Please let G. Tyndall know by Monday, July 25, 2005 who from your group will be attending the FL0 tour.
- The HIRDLS reception went well and the HIRDLS team was appreciative of the encouragement and support.