Service Users Guide

Peters Hill,

28 Lime Court,


BT13 1BA

Telephone: 02890315829

January 2015

Reviewed date: January 2016

Review date: January 2017


Welcome to Peters Hill4


Our Aims and Objectives6

Mission Statement7

Service User Rights/ Access to the Service7

What you can expect from us8

What we expect from you8


How we maintain Our Standards9

Contractual and Personal Issues10

The Services we provide11

Philosophy of Care and Support11

Status and Constitution of Inspire Wellbeing12

Section One

  1. Offer of Residency13
  2. Personal Belongings13
  3. Keys13
  4. Smoking14

Section Two

  1. Financial Responsibility14
  2. Scheme Charges14
  3. Household Bills14
  4. Domestic Responsibility 14
  5. Service User’s Bedrooms15
  6. Holidays/Absence from Scheme15
  7. Local Services and Facilities15
  8. Transport15
  9. Advocacy 15
  10. Leisure16
  11. Medication16
  12. Healthcare16
  13. Staff17
  14. Supporting People 17
  15. Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA)18
  16. Withdrawal of Care/Support18
  17. Moving on/Leaving the Service18
  18. Dignity Plan19

Section Three

  1. Staff Access to Accommodation19
  2. Fire Safety Procedure19
  3. Health and Safety Checks20
  4. First Aid21
  5. Alcohol and Substance Misuse21
  6. Criminal Behaviour21
  7. Borrowing22
  8. Protection from Abuse22
  9. Restrictive Practice23

Section Four

Emergency Contacts23


Arrangements for dealing with complaints24

Arrangements made for dealing with your care and support plan27

Arrangements made for respecting your Privacy and Dignity27

Contract for provision of Services28

Welcome to 28 Lime Court, Peters Hill

This guide has been compiled to inform new and existing service users’ their families, representatives and carers about the provision of services at 28 Lime Court, Peters Hill.


I would like to welcome you to your new home. Whatever the length of your stay I hope you find our staff helpful in ensuring you settle in and gain maximum benefit from living here.

This Guide has been written to provide information and clarify important issues for service users and visitors.

If you have any queries or concerns, please ask any member of staff for assistance.

Best wishes

Peter McBride

Chief Executive

Introduction to Inspire

Inspire Wellbeing (hereafter referred to as Inspire) Domiciliary Care Agency is a Care Agency that has been established to respond to the needs of our service users on a 24 hour basis. Our service users are those who, because of a learning disability, mental health or increasing age, find it difficult to cope with domestic responsibilities and their own daily living tasks.

We are an independent care agency providing care and support to our service users in their own home environment or within shared supported living settings. Our services are designed to maximise independence of individuals with a learning disability and are undertaken by our team of highly trained and experienced staff.

Introduction to 28 Lime Court, Peters Hill

Address:28 Lime Court, Peters Hill, Belfast, BT13 1BA

Tel. No.028 90315829


Area Manager:Kelly Devlin

N.B. Please see qualifications and experience included in Statement of Purpose for all staff.

Staff at 28 Lime Court, Peters Hill:

1 x Area Manager – Kelly Devlin

1 x Deputy Area Manager

1 x Admin Assistant

7 x Team Leader

23 x Support Workers

Our Aims and Objectives

We aim to provide our service users with a comprehensive service of care and support of the highest quality within their home environment. We strive to offer a flexible, efficient and professional service that is tailored to meet each person’s individual needs. We will treat each service user with respect and remain sensitive to his / her individual needs and abilities, and aim to promote service users independence and personal dignity.

Each service user has the right to a care service that does not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnic origin, creed, colour, religion, political affiliation, disability or impairments, martial status, parenthood, sexual gender or sexual orientation.

Each service user has the right of access to their personal records. He / she have the right to be consulted with respect to the care services provided and to be involved in on-going reviews of the same. Where, for reasons of mental frailty, the service user is unable to make his / her wishes known directly, an appointed advocate may fulfil this purpose.

Each service user has the right to details of the contract with respect to the care services offered, including the costs involved.

Each service user has the right to be assured that no personal or confidential information concerning their affairs will be disclosed to a third party without their express permission.

Each service user has the right to complain about any element of care and support service, and to do so without fear of any intimidation, recrimination or reprisals.

Each service user had the right to be informed in advance of any changes in hours of duty by the support worker, or even a change in the support worker.

Mission Statement

“To work in partnership with individuals and systems to cultivate their capacity for creativity, care, compassion, realism and resilience”.

“To promote and support the recovery of hope and ambition for service users”.

Service User Rights/Access to the Service

Service users will always be treated with dignity and respect in accordance with the core values of the service. You’re Human Rights, Welfare Rights and your Rights as a tenant and citizen will be safeguarded and where necessary we will advocate on your behalf.

Inspire values each person as an individual and welcomes diversity within an evolving multi-cultural society. We donot discriminate against anyone on the grounds of age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, religious belief or political opinion (as defined in Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998)

Our services are funded by the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (Care Services) and Supporting People – NIHE (Support Services).

All referrals for Peters Hill will be made through H&SCT/NIHE.

Access to all our services including this Supported Housing service is based on your assessed needs. These needs, particularly your needs in Supported Housing are agreed with you in conjunction with the relevant Trust professionals. This looks at your interests and aspirations and not just the effects of your mental health and or learning disability.

We are committed to providing the best possible service and preventing any form of direct or indirect discrimination within our practices. Individual differences are recognised and valued.

What you can expect from us

Under Niamh Standards, service users have the right to be treated with dignity, to make informed choices, to receive integrated services and to have the opportunity to participate in the planning, delivery and monitoring of those services.

We aim to provide you with high quality Housing Support Services for as long as:

-This is appropriate to your needs

-You continue to abide by the conditions in your Tenancy Agreement and your Service User Responsibilities.

What we expect from you

We want you to have respect for the people you live with and to have respect and to care for your home and its environment.

You should have respect for the people who help support you in your home, and comply with the conditions of Niamh’s service user responsibilities/contract within this guide


The quality of our services is important to us because we know it is important to you. We aim to provide you with services of the highest possible standard.

Information about the standards that you can expect is available in your home and if you need further information please ask for this to be provided.

As someone who uses Inspire services, we are keen to know what you think about our services. You are welcomed and encouraged to forward your comments, ideas and suggestions at any time to any member of staff.

All of our services are regularly inspected and monitored by Inspire Senior Staff, Health and Social Care Trust, Supporting People and Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority. You will be notified when inspections are going to take place and copies of all reports are available for you to read.

Each year you will be given the opportunity to complete a satisfaction questionnaire. You are encouraged to be honest in your responses and to complete and return these as they provide useful information and can lead to improved services for everyone supported by Inspire.

How we maintain our Standards


Every aspect of running and managing our business is set out in a comprehensive set of specific policy and procedure documents. These procedures ensure that we meet the statutory requirements for running a care and support service and cover all aspects of staffing, managing, caring for our service users, including procedures on the use of restraint, restrictive practice and physical intervention, and also include the preservation of health and safety standards where appropriate.

All our policies are annually reviewed to ensure that they are kept up to date and in line with latest legislation and regulations. Procedures are reviewed at least every three years.

Our master policy manual are held in each office setting but may be consulted at any time upon request or you may request copies of any specific policies.

Our Quality Management System:

We have embodied quality in our way of life and in everything we do.

We define “quality” as delivering a service of care and support appropriate to each individual service user’s needs. We have a comprehensive self-assessment system that requires all our policies and procedures to be audited regularly to ensure that we maintain the standards we have set ourselves.

Any “non-conforming” areas are corrected and reviewed for any other action that we may need to take to ensure that the problem is not repeated in the future.

External Inspections:

This service is registered with the RQIA, who will regularly carry out inspections to ensure that high standards of care and support are maintained, to ensure that the service is appropriately managed and to ensure that staff are adequately trained and supported to provide high quality services.

Inspectors will visit this service to examine all aspects of the care provided, to assure the comfort and dignity of those using the service, and ensure public confidence in the service. Please ask a member of staff if you would like to see any of the inspection reports.

We also have monthly visits by a senior staff member to evaluate the quality of services provided. All of these visits produce a monthly report. Please ask a staff member if you would like to see any of the reports.

Our Staff Team:

We have an excellent team of highly skilled professional staff to support you.

Each staff member undergoes continuous training that ensures we deliver the highest quality services to you.

Visiting You at Your Home:

When our staff attend your home they will always be prepared to demonstrate who they are, with an appropriate identification badge with photograph so that he / she is easily identifiable to you.

They will knock and not try to gain entry without your permission. If at any time a staff member cannot attend your home we will always telephone you with the name of the replacement staff member.

As a service user you have the right to exclude all others from your accommodation. However, if you live in a shared property you cannot exclude other service users from communal areas. Nor can you exclude staff from communal areas when they are delivering care or support to other service users.

Contractual and Personal Issues


Our Terms and Conditions for the Care and Support Service are embodied in our contract document that forms the basis of your agreement with us. You have free access to copies of any such documents and other records concerning your care or support. Please ask a member of staff who will be able to explain in more detail.


We are fully insured for Public Liability and Professional Indemnity. This means that our staff are insured when they come to visit you. However, this only applies when we visit you and we do recommend that you maintain your own insurances on your own home and possessions.

Statement of Purpose:

This is a summary of our organisation, the service that we offer and the staff that perform these duties. This document is included in your own file.


Our staff are bound by a code of conduct that includes preserving the confidentiality of any information that you divulge to us. We will not actively seek confidential information from you unless we feel that it is in your best interest for example enables us to prepare an appropriate care and support plan. Where we do have such information, we undertake not to disclose any of it to an unauthorised third party without your express permission, except in an emergency or crisis situation. When this happens we will always keep you informed of any discussions that have taken place and this will be recorded in your care and support records to which you may have access to at any time.

Support and Care Plans and Our Records:

A care and support plan is the key document for your care and support while residing in Peters Hill. Together with you and other agencies involved in your care and support we will have assessed areas of risk and identified your needs and this is recorded in your care and support plan. This ensures that your needs are met appropriately by staff. This plan is continually reviewed with yourself, the staff team and any other agencies involved in your care and support with amendments being made that suit your needs.

We also recognise the value in involving your family members, relatives and friends in your care and support plan and we will always (with your permission) invite your family and friends to participate in the care and support planning process.

As we start to work with you we will be generating records of visits and tasks performed on a daily basis. You have the right to access these records. Please understand that staff are to notify more senior members of staff on any changes in your condition or any accidents/incidents that you may have had, this is to ensure that we can maintain the best care and support to you.

The Services we Provide

We provide quality individual care and support to each of our service users in their own home environment. According to the need we are able to provide a tailored package of care and support.

Our staff are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Philosophy of Care and Support

We at 28 Lime Court, Peters Hill aim to provide every service user with the highest possible standards of professional careand support to enable growth and development in life skills, self-worth and independence within the community.

  • We will treat you as an individual
  • We will help you maintain independence
  • We will encourage self-respect
  • We will ensure your rights are respected
  • We will ensure you are treated with dignity.

Status and Constitution of Inspire Wellbeing and28 Lime Court, Peters Hill

Inspire Wellbeing is a voluntary Housing Association with charitable status.

28 Lime Court, Peters Hill is a registered supported living scheme with day opportunities providing care and support to service users with either mental ill health or a learning disability.

Number of Places Provided:

28 Lime Court, Peters Hill provides accommodation and day opportunities for 13 people.

Process & Documentation for Admission:

1. HSC Referral,

2. Application & Assessment

3. Home visit by Registered Manager

4. Offer of placement

5. Acceptance for Admission

6. Care Planagreed

7. Weekly Report

8. 6 /Week Review

9. Annual Reviews

Arrangements for you to take part in Social Activities, Hobbies and Leisure interests:

28 Lime Court, Peters Hill offers a range of meaningful activities in a caring and stimulating environment to encourage participation and promote the self-esteem and fulfilment of each service user by reviving old skills, traditions and learning new ones.

You will be invited to involve in works of arts, crafts, games, exercises, story telling /reminiscences and be given the opportunity to bring along any specialpersonal skills, talents/ hidden talents you may have to offer for others to learn and enjoy.

Arrangements for Service Users Consultation:

We welcome and value suggestions, views and opinions at all times and use them to review and improve the services we offer.

Ideas can be voiced in private with your Key Worker or shared in group discussions during service users meetings or in the suggestion box located beside the staff office.

We keep a written record of all outings and activities that takeplace within the scheme. With your help we can decide if these were enjoyable and good value for money.

Section One

Move In:

  1. Offer of Residency

Now that you have been offered a tenancy you will be required to sign a Tenancy Agreement. You must also consider acceptance of the Service User Responsibilities contained in this guide. The contents of the Tenancy Agreement will be fully explained to you by the Responsible Inspire staff member.

When you move in you will receive a general welcome by your Area Manager or nominated deputy who will give you-

  • Information on the Systems within your home, Communication systems in your home, duties and hours of work of staff and an initial support plan will be agreed.
  • Tour and explanation of the scheme & communal facility.
  • An outline of the procedure for reporting repairs, queries and complaints.
  1. Personal Belongings