January 2017 Retired Association Meeting
Call to Order:
The membership offered prayers for the following members who passed away: Brother Harvey Looney #151 on December 19, 2016;
Jennifer Edwards longtime friend to the FOP and former wife of a retired member,
The membership offered prayers for the following members who lost loved ones: Brother Richard Rabbit Donnelly who lost his wife Nancy; Sister Laura Sisk who lost her father Ron;
The membership prayed for a speedy and complete recovery for: Brother Tom Blandford;
Pledge of Allegiance:
New Retirees: Robert J. Frankenfield#1895, Tammy J. Chaffee#1916, Harold E. Black Jr. #1996, Jesse Stewart Jr.#2038, Marvyn L. GaynorJr. #2962, Jumeye N. Nabinett#3427
Seldom Seen: Mark Magaw, John Davey, Eddie Hickman,
Lodge Board Secretary Rachel Stallings distributed the Retired Association pocket calendars.
Old Business:
1) Lunch with Charlie Ward: Bottom of the Hill Leonardtown on January 11 at 11:30 AM, at Three Brothers Prince Frederick on January 18 at 1130 AM at Marie’s Diner La Plata on January 19 at 11:30 AM, and at the Double T Diner in Annapolis on January 25 at 11:00 AM
2) The CID/NED/SOD reunion has been rescheduled for Saturday, Sept. 16th, 2017.
3) Between June 30-July 3rd I have reserved 20 rooms at “TheMyvernHotel.com” in Punta Gorda.Brother Gary Johnson, more information on the website.
4) The 2017 John Parker Lunch Bunch will be February 17, 2017 at 1130 AM at The Swamp House Grill 488 West Highbanks Rd, Debary, FL. Please contact to confirm your attendance
5) Don’t forget your dues or the Pre-Paid Legal Plan.
6) Range date in March, call to get your name on the list, alternative Charles County, and the Community College
7) On March 4, 2017 at St Michaels Church in Baden there will be a Mass by Father Gude, former police chaplain, at 5 PM. All retirees are welcomed.
FOP News: President Teletchea praised Brother Magaw in his role as Public Safety Director for protecting the retirees from added health care costs.
Vice President Report: Excused
Secretary Report: 752 members
Treasurers Report: The Treasury has $37,325.80
Finance Committee Report: None
Raffles: 50/50: $146 won by Brother Dave Van Dyke who donated $50 to the Police Memorial Fund
The Attendance Raffle for January $100: Brother Bob Kennedy was not in attendance.
Attendees: 70
Good of the Order:
1) Brother Mickey Ferriter made a motion to start a third $1000 Denny Husk Scholarship. Before I could explain the” Finance Committee “role Brother John Rhodes made a second. The By- Law approved by the membership reads:
The finance committee, whose duty will be to receive and review all requests for donations and expenditures, not otherwise provided for in the by-Laws or annual budget. The committee will make their recommendation(s) to the elected board, who shall consider the recommendation(s) before making a final decision on the request. All requests shall be in writing, stating the nature of the request and the reasons for it. Requests shall be submitted at least ten days prior to a regular scheduled meeting. The President shall appoint the chair person and an even number of members of not less than two and no more than six.
The Finance Committee is made up of Chairman Dave Van Dyke, Mickey Ferriter, John Rhodes, Larry Jensen, Bob Zidek and Milt Crump.
Chairman Van Dyke chose to wait till the next meeting to decide on the award.
2) Brother Emmet Driggers spoke on the Credit Union on Central Ave. having a spare change counter that does not charge a fee for members.
3) Active member Brother Paul Mazzei Jr. spoke on the needs of the Queen Anne Deputy shot in the line of duty. There will be a benefit hockey game with the fire department on March 25 at 6 PM at the Bowie Ice Rink. The membership donated on the spot over $700 to send to the deputy.
Dinner: Cole’s Creative Catering and will be Pork Chops, Lemon Peppered Chicken, Roasted Vegetables and Potatoes, Vegetable Medley, and Fresh Garden Salad