How invoice details are displayed

5.How invoice details are displayed

Invoice details display differently, depending on whether you perform rating in rate by total mode or rate by detail mode.

Viewing details in rate by total mode

Viewing invoice detail lines for billable stops

Viewing the line haul charge line

Viewing invoice detail lines for accessorial charges

Viewing the invoice total line

Viewing details in rate by detail mode

Viewing detail lines for commodities

Working with reference numbers in invoice details


Displaying stop reference numbers

Displaying a stop reference number for each commodity

Displaying freight reference numbers

Displaying invoice detail reference numbers

Entering invoice detail reference numbers and stop reference numbers

Viewing details in rate by total mode

When you perform rating in rate by total mode, the invoice detail section of the Edit Invoice Folder lists information regarding each billable stop on an order, as well as the line haul charge and any accessorial charges. This illustration shows the invoice detail section of the window.

The field names displayed across the top of the invoice detail section apply to all detail lines. However, not all fields apply to each type of detail. The number of detail lines that can appear at one time depends on your system resolution.

A red horizontal line separates one detail from the next. If an invoice has more detail lines than can be displayed at one time, use the scroll bar to bring additional details into view.

Invoice detail lines are shown in this order:

  1. Details regarding stops, with stops listed in the order in which they occurred.
  2. Freight Total displays in red in the detail line for the line haul charge. This line appears after the detail for the last stop.
  3. Invoice details for accessorial charges.
  4. Total charges for the invoice.

Viewing invoice detail lines for billable stops

When you rate an order by total, the Edit Invoice Folder displays a detail line for each billable stop on the order. The stops are listed in the sequence in which they occurred. This illustration shows invoice details for a billable stopat Bakersfield.

The note icon displaysin each drop detail line. The icon is red if the detail includes a note. Click to view the note or to record a free-form note for a specific line. Click again to close the note.

The fields displayed across the top of the detail section are defined below.

Commodity Code / Three fieldsare associated with this field name.

  • Charge information, in the first line, displays the activity that occurred at the stop; e.g., Delivery.
  • Commodity information appears in the second line.
  • The first field displays the ID of the commodity delivered.
  • The second field displays the commodity description.

Cmp ID / Two fields associated with this field name are in the first line.

  • The first field displays the ID of the company where the stop occurred.
  • The second field displays the city and state/province location where the stop occurred.

Count / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The first field shows the total number of units dropped.
  • The second field identifies the unit of measure used to determine the count.

Volume / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The first field shows the volume of the cargo delivered.
  • The second field identifies the unit of measure used to determine the volume.

Weight / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The first field shows the weight of the cargo delivered.
  • The second field identifies the unit of measure used to determine the weight.

Distance / Two fields appear in the second and lines.

  • The first field displays the number of distance units (e.g., miles or kilometers) from the previous stop on the order to this stop.
  • The second field identifies the unit of measure used to determine the distance.

Quantity / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The first field displays the number of charge units on which the charges for this stop will be based.
  • The second field identifies the type of charge unit (e.g., pounds or miles).

Rate / Does not apply to a stop detail line.
Charge / Does not apply to a stop detail line.
Ref# / Two fields display the reference number type and reference number associated with the stop.

Viewing the line haul charge line

When you rate an order by total, the line haul charge is displayed in the line marked Freight Total.

The note icon displays for the Freight Total line. The icon is red if a note was recorded for the charge type. The note is automatically copied to the Freight Total line. Click to view the note or to record a free-form note for a specific line. Click again to close the note.

The detail line field names display across the top of the detail section. The fields that apply to freight total information are defined below.

Charge Type / This unlabeled field is thedrop-down list above the Freight Totalline.

A charge type identifies an item for which a customer will be billed. It determines the rate to be applied. In this illustration, the charge type is Freight(Dist O-D). The freight charge (i.e., line haul charge) is determined by a per-mile rate, based on the distance between the trip's origin and destination. (Miles traveled for interim stops are not considered.)
Note: When you use the Compute function to calculate charges for an order, the Freight Total detail line displays the charge type for the primary rate that matches the order.
Quantity / Two fields are associated with this field name.

  • The top field shows the total number of rate units.
  • The bottom field specifies the unit of measure.
For example, if the rate is mileage-based, the top field displays the number of miles and the bottom field specifiesMiles as the unit of measure.
Note: If the quantity for the order has been"fixed" in Order Entry, you cannot change the quantity in Invoicing. For details about fixed quantities, see:
Guide: Order Entry | Chapter: Rating an order
Rate / Two fields are associated with this field name.

  • The top field shows the per-unit billing amount.
  • The bottom field specifies the rating method.

Charge / The dollar amount (line haul charge) that results when the quantity is multiplied by the per-unit billing amount.

Note: If the order was pre-rated in Order Entry and the charges "fixed," you must clear the FixedChrg check box before using the Compute function to re-rate the order. For details about the FixedChrg check box, see:
Guide: Invoicing | Chapter Making entries in the invoice header

Viewing invoice detail lines for accessorial charges

Invoice details for accessorial charges display beneath the detail line for the line haul charge. Each accessorial charge is shown in a separate detail line. The accessorial detail display is the same whether you rate by total or by detail.

The text in the invoice detail comes from the Charge field in the rate header. This tells you which rate was used when multiple secondary rates (both accessorial and line item) use the same charge type.

The note icon displays for the accessorial charge line. The icon is red if the charge type includes a note. The note is automatically copied to the accessorial charge line. Click to view a note or to record a free-form note for a specific line. Click again to close the note.

The invoice detail line fields display across the top of the detail section. The field names for the accessorial charge detail information are defined below.

Charge Type / This unlabeled field displays below the Charge/Commodity Code field name.

A charge type identifies the item for which a customer will be billed and determines the rate to be applied. In this illustration, the accessorial charge type is Fuel Surcharge per mile.
Note: When you use the Compute function to calculate charges for an order, the detail lines for any accessorials that apply to the order are automatically displayed. The charge type shown for a specific accessorial is determined by the secondary rate set up for that accessorial.
Cmp ID / Two fields are associated with this field name.

  • The first field displays the ID of the company with which the accessorial service is associated.
Note: The UNKNOWNvalue is usually displayed. Make an entry, if desired.
  • If a company ID appears in the first field, the second field displays the city and state/province location of the company.

Commodity / Two fields are associated with this field name.

  • The first field displays the commodity IDassociated with the accessorial service.
Note: The UNKNOWN value is usually displayed. Make an entry, if desired.
  • If a commodity ID appears in the first field, the second field displays the commodity description.

Ref# / Reference number associated with the charge.
Count / Does not apply to accessorial charge detail lines.
Volume / Does not apply to accessorial charge detail lines.
Weight / Does not apply to accessorial charge detail lines.
Distance / Does not apply to accessorial charge detail lines.
Quantity / Two fields appear in the second and third detail lines.

  • The first field displays the total number of rate units.
  • The second fieldspecifies the unit of measure.
For example, if the rate is a flat rate, the top field displays the number of units and the bottom field specifiesFlat as the unit of measure.
Rate / Two fields appear in the second and third detail lines.

  • The first field shows the per-unit billing amount.
  • The second field specifies the rating method.

Charge / The dollar amount (accessorial charge) calculated by multiplying the quantity by the per-unit billing amount.

Note: If the order was pre-rated in Order Entry and the charges "fixed," you must clear the Fixed Chrg check box before using the Compute function to
re-rate the order. For details about the Fixed Chrg check box, see:
Guide: Invoicing | Chapter Making entries in the invoice header
Tax Type 1 / Applies only if your company is located in Canada. The check box preceding the field name is in the first line. If it is selected, this charge is taxable.
Note: The field name is user-defined, as are the tax amounts for individual states/provinces. Setup occurs in the Tax Maintenance window in System Administration. For details, see:
Guide: System Administration | Chapter: Setting up Canadian taxes
Tax Type 2 / Applies only if your company is located in Canada. The check box preceding the field name is in the first line. If it is selected, this charge is taxable.
Note: The field name is user-defined, as are the tax amounts for individual states/provinces. Setup occurs in the Tax Maintenance window in System Administration. For details, see:
Guide: System Administration | Chapter: Setting up Canadian taxes

Viewing the invoice total line

The total line is the last line displayed in the Edit Invoice Folder.

The invoice total information fields are described in the following table.

Row: x of x / Indicates the total number of invoice details and the detail line currently selected. In the illustration above,Row: 3 of 4indicates that the invoice has a total of four detail lines, with the third detail line currently selected.
Note: A detail line is selected when you click in any field. The pointer icon precedes a selected detail line.
Count / Total number of units delivered.
Wgt / Total weight of the cargo delivered.
Vol / Total volume of the cargo delivered.
Dist / Total number of distance units (such as miles or kilometers) traveled.
Invoice Charges / Total billing amount for the invoice.
This dollar figure is the sum of the line haul charge, all accessorial charges, and any applicable tax amounts.

Note:The total line display is the same whether you rate by total or by detail.

Viewing details in rate by detail mode

When you perform rating in rate by detail mode, the invoice detail section of the Edit Invoice Folder lists billing information about each commodity on an order. It also lists any applicable accessorial charges. This illustration shows the Freight All Kinds and Furniture/Antiques commodities and the Toll Charges accessorial charge.

Invoice detail lines are shown in this order:

  1. Details regarding commodities.
  2. Invoice details for accessorial charges.
  3. Total charges for the invoice.

The field names displayed across the top of the invoice detail section apply to all detail lines. However, not all fieldsapply to each type of detail. The number of detail lines that can appear at one time depends on your system resolution.

A red horizontal line separates one detail from the next. If the invoice has more details than can be shown at one time, use the scroll bar to bring additional details into view. The number of invoice details viewable at one time depends on the resolution you are using.

Viewing detail lines for commodities

When you rate an order by detail, the Edit Invoice Folder displays a detail line for each commodity on the order.

The note icon displays for the commodity charge line. The icon is red if a note was recorded for the commodity rate's charge type. The note is automatically copied to the commodity line. Click to view a note or to record a free-form note for a specific line. Click again to close the note.

The fields in the commodity detail information are described below.

Commodity Code / Three fields are associated with this field name.
  • In the first line, the charge typeidentifies the item for which the customer will be billed, and determines the rate to be applied.In this illustration, the charge type for the first commodity is Freight(Count). The charge is determined by a rate based on the number of pieces.
Note: When you use the Compute function to calculate charges for an order, the detail line for a commodity displays the charge type for the primary rate that applies for that commodity.
  • The Commodity information appears in the second line.
  • The first field displays the ID of the commodity delivered.
  • The second field displays the commodity description.

Cmp ID / Twofields in the first line are associated with this field name.
  • The first field displays the ID of the company where the commodity was delivered.
  • The second field displays the city, state/province, and ZIP Code/postal code location where the drop occurred.

Ref# / Reference number associated with the charge.
Count / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The top field shows the total number of units dropped.
  • The bottom fieldshows the unit of measure used to determine the count.

Volume / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The top field shows the volume of the cargo delivered.
  • The bottom field identifies the unit of measure used to determine the volume.

Weight / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The top field shows the weight of the cargo delivered.
  • The bottom field identifies the unit of measure used to determine the weight.

Distance / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The top field shows the number of distance units (such as miles or kilometers) from the previous stop on the order to this stop.
  • The bottom field identifies the unit of measure used to determine the distance.

Quantity / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The top field shows the number of charge units on which the charges for this stop will be based.
  • The bottom field identifies the type of charge unit (e.g., pounds or miles).

Rate / Two fields appear in the second and third lines.

  • The top field shows the per-unit billing amount.
  • The bottom field specifies the rating method.

Charge / The field associated with this field name is in the second line.

The dollar amount is the charge for transporting the commodity. It is calculated by multiplying the quantity by the per-unit billing amount.
Note: The ID of the rate schedule used to calculate the charge is shown below the charge field.
Tax Type 1 (PST) / Applies only if your company is located in Canada. The check box and field name are located in the first line. If it is selected, this charge is taxable.
Note: The name of this field is user-defined, as are the tax amounts for individual states/provinces. Setup occurs in the Tax Maintenance window in System Administration. For details, see:
Guide: System Administration | Chapter: Setting up Canadian taxes
Tax Type 2 (GST) / Applies only if your company is located in Canada. The check box and field name are located in the first line. If it is selected, this charge is taxable.
Note: The name of this field is user defined, as are the tax amounts for individual states/provinces. Setup occurs in the Tax Maintenance window in System Administration. For details, see:
Guide: System Administration | Chapter: Setting up Canadian taxes

Working with reference numbers in invoice details

In Order Entry or the Trip Folder, you can record reference numbers for: