By Francis Gonsalves SJ
A puppy said to an old dog, “I’ve been told that joy lies in my tail. Thus I’m chasing it; and when I catch it, I’ll be joyful.” The old dog mused, “True joy lies in our tails. Yet, I’ve realized that when I chase it. It eludes me. But when I go about doing my duty, it follows me.” Joy, bliss or ananda is God’s gift associated with the Easter season that we Christians currently celebrate.
The deep joy that Jesus’ disciples experienced after His resurrection transforms them totally. And after meeting the Risen Lord and receiving God’s Spirit, they joyfully proclaim messages of hope, love, equality, justice and peace despite being harassed and humiliated. It’s said of them: “They rejoiced despite great hardships.”
“Gospel” means “joyful news”. The Christian gospels repeatedly speak of joy. “Rejoice!” is the angel’s greeting to Mary, Jesus’ Mother, who sings: “My Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” Jesus himself “rejoices in God’s Spirit and tell his disciples: I’ve taught these things to you so that your joy may be complete.” Wherever Jesus disciples went, “there was great joy.”
Reiterating the centrality of joy in his The joy of the Gospel document, Pope Francis exhorts believers to “stop appearing as if they’ve just returned from funeral”! Although sufferings are unavoidable along life’s pilgrim path, it is joy and bliss, not sorrow and death, which ultimately crown human lives, lived faithfully.
Joyful people radiate godliness and spread goodness around. Joycomes from sharing a right relationship with God, by loving and serving all people, and by caring for every tiny creature in the cosmos. The inner joy should be manifested in actions like that of our Founder St Pedro Betancur experienced in his life. As we have just spent a month being close to our Holy Founder through novenas, special prayers, reading his life history and contemplating his devotions and attitudes and the celebration of his feast day we got to know more about him. We have seen that when he contemplated the mystery of Bethlehem, he said: “My brothers, for the love of the Child, let yourselves carried away as Christmas approaches.” He was so transported,” relates the chronicler Vazquez de Herrera, “that those of us who saw him would have thought he had lost his good sense.” The joy stirring within Bro. Pedro’s soul drove him to dance among his children and before the crowd; thus says the chronicler, the choirmaster of those little angels went about like one of them, sobbing, jumping like a child and singing like a madman.
The Eucharist made him to lose his senses. In front of the monstrance, sparkling with gold and precious stones under the open sun of the Guatemalan plateau, Pedro went dancing, singing and hoisting his improvised standard. He was making merry steps and exhilarating capers, and was quickening the steps of the dance with the music’s cadences. His psalms were clever verses; his dancing made no one laugh, but rather made the Bishop weep with devotion and the faithful pray clamorous.
Joyful people radiate godliness and spread goodness around. This is what our Holy Brother Pedro was;the one who spread the joy of the Gospel with his simplicity, openness and innocence of a child attitudes. He was enjoying in doing small things and attracting others to do the same.
Joy is the greatest mystery; the love of God is beyond human comprehension. Slowly growing up into Christ’s fullness, human beings are infants who but dimly perceive the glory. Yet we see enough to trust that “all will be well, all will be very well.” Let this invitation of Joy be a seal that marks our identity as ‘Joyful Bethlemites’ of this century in imitation of our Holy Founders and let us be contagious of the joyful humor avoiding all negativism and bitterness.
Dear Sisters, we are in the month dedicated to our dear Mother Mary. God chose Mary, among all other women, to fulfill the divine plan for the Incarnation of His Eternal Word. She was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God. We venerate our Lady with various devotions. Of these, surely, the most important is the Holy Rosary. It is an excellent habit to say the Rosary every day, especially in this month, while meditating on the life of Jesus. In the rosary, we pray with Mary and, through meditating on the mysteries,invite herto lead us more deeply into the life of her Son, whom we seek to follow and imitate.
We see in the lives of our Holy Founders how they nurtured a tender and deep devotion to our Lady venerating and honoring her and with love and reverence calling her with various names. Bro. Pedro invited everyone to pray the Rosary and thus increased the love and reverence towards our Mother Mary.Prayer in common is very pleasing to the Lord He went from house to house in soliciting families to invite each other to pray the Rosary in common and to approach the Sacraments in groups. For this man of God, the Rosary became an instrument of apostolate and sanctification.” (‘The Man who was Charity’) Let us imitate our Holy Foundersbygrowing in her maternal love and by spreading this devotion and fragrance of our Lady of Rosary to all our brothers and sisters in and around us. Our attitude to her must be that of a child to a mother, with simplicity and utter trust that Our Lady will never desert us in our hour of need.
02nd April / Council Meet to study the report of the sisters who are going to make their final vows.03rd April / Council meet to decide on certain issues of the Province
04th April / Council Meet to organize the transfer list for the new academic year.
06th to 08thApril / Accompanied Sr. Michael Mazarella Pudhota for the preparation of her visa.
11th to 12thApril / Attended the Seminar on ‘Emotional Intelligence for Personal and Professional Leadership’ in Dhyanashram at Visakhapatnam.
13th April / Chief Guest in the Graduation celebration in St. Paul’s Eng. Med. High School at Kovur.
19th to 21stApril / Visited to the community of Thirunelveli and meet with Bro. Gen. Victordoss SHJ
21st to 30thApril / Preparation for the renewal of FCRA
- 02nd April Council Meet to study the report of the sisters who are going to make their final vows.
- 03rd April Council meet to decide on certain issues of the province
- 04th April Council Meet to organize the transfer list for the new academic year.
- 06th to 08th Aprilwent to Chennai for the preparation of the visa.
- 10th to 18th April Preparation of the materials for the meeting in August.
- 19th to 26th April visited Thirunelveli, Porur and Muttukadu communities for proceeding with the work for the Bethlemite Congress in August for the Year of Consecrated Life in Latin America.
- SR. MARIA AUXILIA ATHIMALA – Advisor of Apostolate
- 02nd April Council Meet to study the report of the sisters who are going to make their final vows.
- 03rd April Council meet to decide on certain issues of the province
- 04th April Council Meet to organize the transfer list for the new academic year.
- 05thApril to May accompanied the sisters and replaced Sr. Annie Tharigopala in the community of Muthupettai.
- SR. MARY HILDA KOPPALA – Provincial Procurator
- O7th April attended one day seminar in Hyderabad on ‘Personal development skills’ conducted by Mr. Shiv Khera.
- 13th to 17th April attended seminar on ‘Education – Legal issues’ at Mysore.
- 18th to 30th April preparation of Accounts, submission of the same and working on the renewal of FCRAfor the society of Bethlemite Sisters and Bethel Orphanage.
- SR. JAINMARY JOSEPH – Province Vocational Promoter
- 1st to 5thAprilpreparation of the materials for the vocational camp.
- 6th to 9th April vocation camp held in the community of the koovathur.
- 9th to 12thApril Vocation camp held in the community of Porur.
- 13th to 18th Aprilattended seminar on ‘Education – Legal issues’ at Mysore.
- 23rd to 25th Vocation camp held in the community of Thirunelveli.
- 28th to 30th visited the families of the candidates.
-On 24th April during the Solemnity of our Holy Founder St. Pedro De San Jose Betancur the two groups of our sisters made their renewal of vows.
- Sr. Alangara Mary Antony
- Sr. Mercy Flora Antony Samy
- Sr. RoselienSudha Anthony Raj
- Sr. Antony Helen Rajammal Vincent
- Sr. Baby Mary BuelaMaria Louis
- Sr. Lumina Pathinathan
- Sr. Velanganni MaryBasani
- Sr. Arockia Mary Chinnappan
- Sr. JestyPerianayakiSagayaraj
We congratulate you dear Sisters and we pray for your perseverance.
The second year Novices
*Hilda Mary Rajendren
*Mary Benazir ButtoChinnapparaj
*Joseph Vilcy
*VinitJeromia Vincent Paulraj
who successfully completed their community and apostolic experience and returned to Novitiate on 26th of April. Let us continue to pray for them so that they may grow in the love of the Lord.
*The first retreat was held in SamiyarThottam near Kelambakkam from 26th April to 03rd May. It was guided by Rev. Fr. Antony Christy SDB. 25 sisters from various communities attended the retreat and renewed their intimate relationship with the Lord.
- Meeting in Secunderabadon 07th April
On 07th April Sr. Lilly Josephine Tharigopala, Sr. Mary Imelda Samineedi and I attended the one day programme arranged by Mr. GopuBala Reddy – Software Businessman. It was held in Hyderabad regarding on managementsskills on personal development. It was conducted by Mr. Shiv Khera who is a famous author of book named “You can Win”.
The section started with five MODULE PROGRAM, basing on ATTITUDE, SUCCESS, MOTIVATION, COMMUNICATION, and SELF – ESTEEM. The tutor made us to understand all these with personal worksheet to know about ourselves. It was more interesting one’s personal growth.
*Sr. Mary Hilda Koppala Bethl
- Seminar on Emotional Intelligence for Personal and Professional Leadership
We participated in the seminar on psychology and counseling from 11th to 12th April in Visakhapatnam – Dhyanashram. We were about 45 participants of priests, religious men and women, and lay teachers. The resource person was Rev. Fr. Dr. Divya Paul who is an inspirational speaker. The speaker enlightened us by saying that Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.
In today’s competitive world, organizations need leaders with high EI (Emotional Intelligence) more than technical and intellectual competence. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is vital to be an effective and high-performing member of any team. In this seminar, we became familiar with this confirmed EI model and learnt how to apply EI skills for maximum effectiveness. We gained insights and tools which we can apply to make our mission more effective, satisfying, and successful. And have a standout advantage in any situation. We felt hugely informed by the days, because the course was most informative, understandable and stimulating.
We thank our Provincial Superior Rev. Sr. Leena Mary Medabalimi who allowed us to participate in this seminar in order to update ourselves in different levels as an educator and more over as a religious. May our risen Christ bless her efforts to lead our province according to the needs of the current world.
*Sr. Fathima Mary Perianayagam Bethl.
FCRA Meeting - Intense – Comprehensive – Complete Programme
My experience
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think’’
By Albert Einstein
Comprehensive Education and Legal seminar was organized by Rev Fr.Chifford OCD. We, Sr. Lilly JosephineTharigopala., Sr. Mary HildaKoppala, Sr. Mary ImeldaSamineedi, Sr. Jain Mary Joseph, Sr. Jayanthi Celine Rose Maryand myself participated in it. Fr chifford was such a wonderful resource person, who dealt with many topics. He explained how to register the society, trust and company, the procedures we should follow in our accounting system. And also he has given the clarification about Income tax , service tax , Building tax , Tax deduction of service , PAN Card , Right to Education, FCRA and many other sub - topics . He invited 5 other professional resource persons to give us insights on different Topics.
Rev. Fr. Joy – Human Resource management.
Mr. M U. Paily – Education through ICT – Information, communication and Technology. And about computer in future.
Mrs. Preethi Jose –Woman and Law
KGS. Bhat – Building Construction with highlighting schools.
Mr. Nagesh – On accounting
The seminar was very informative we got information on many things new and some which we already knew. We learnt that we have to go towards the current of the world and follow all the rules and regulations of the government which demand from us so many things. We have to update ourselves even in the legal matters. The Seminar was really helped to empower myself. So I render my heartfelt thanks to our Provincial Superior Rev. Sr. Leena MaryMedabalimi and Sr. Mary Hilda Koppalafor the wonderful chance given to us. Also I thank my sup. Sr. Flora Bashyamand community sisters who replaced me in the mission field in my absence.
*Sr. Victoria Amali Matchariyar Bethl.
- Seminar on Training 1n T20 Prayer Methods from 19th to 25th April
I gratefully remember God almighty who is faithful and makes me to be faithful for the call that I received and I also privileged to thank our beloved Provincial Superior Sr. Leena Mary Medabalimiand her team for having given us the opportunity to nourish our spiritual thirst in attending the Training in 20 Prayer methods. The course was held for six days, we were 45 members from various congregations attended this course.
The main important element of the prayer method is to teach how one can make close contact with God and feel His living presence in one self. It was a wonderful journey which helped to live the coming days to experience God and cherish Him as everything. This enriched us personally to interiorize ourselvesand our spiritual aspiration in order to improve in which we failed so far. We were taught methodsto keep oneself active and alive during the hour of meditation and to avoid destructions and sleepy moments. Jesus is our destiny, if we want to reach him there is necessary of taking slow and steady moments to reach this destiny. So prayer is a house for religious. So prayer is our home and the place where we start, to which we return from where we feel secure, so we should not give up prayer even if it is filled distraction and boredom,what is important is that we give time to God and slowly it will have an effect in our lives. Prayer is not method but it is a relationship.
*Sr. Esther Mary Anthonysamy Bethl.
St. Pedro De San Jose Betancur province | News Bulletin - 05