CSD Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 17, 2013

Centralia School District


Regular School Board Meeting – Wednesday, April 17, 2013

6:15 p.m.– Budget Extension Hearing

6:30 p.m. Board Meeting – Oakview Elementary School


Robert Fuller, President; Patty Dolezal, Vice President; Kim Ashmore, Member; Michael Kelly, Member; Chris Thomas, Member; Steve Bodnar, Secretary; Matt McCauley, Assistant Superintendent; and Sherri Norman, Recording Secretary.


The Centralia School District Board of Directors met at Oakview Elementary School on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. Mr. Fuller called the public hearing to order at 6:15 pm.


Mitch Thompson shared information about why the budget extension was held. He explained that a budget builds capacity for spending. If we do not have capacity, then we do a budget extension to move money from one account to another to have the capacity needed. OSPI transferred our grant money into our Capital Projects fund. We need to transfer money out of Capital Projects and put it into the general fund to cover the energy efficiency projects. Mr. Thompson shared the amounts and how the transfers will take place. He then opened the meeting up for comments and questions. There were no questions or comments.


Mitch Thompson shared information about the debt service fund. This is used for long-term payments. The only long-term payments we have at this time are busses and the energy efficiency grant. The legislature moved the depreciation payment from September to August for our Transportation Vehicle Fund depreciation revenue. By doing this, what we have budgeted for this year is now not there because the payments will not come from the legislature until the end of the year instead of the beginning of the year as previously done. So, the resolution brought before the board asks permission for the State Forest Revenue in the District’s Debt Service Fund in the amount of $39,904.60 be transferred into the Transportation Vehicle Fund.


There was no further information brought before the Board and Robert Fuller adjourned the public budget extension/ debt service fund hearing at 6:32 pm and the meeting moved into the regular school board meeting.


The Centralia School District Board of Directors met at Oakview Elementary School. Mr. Fuller called the public meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.


Colby McCann and Araceli Aparicio, Oakview students, led the flag salute and gave the morning message including the vision of the school in both English and Spanish.


Oakview Elementary School Report

Jay Sparks, Oakview Elementary Principal, shared that the morning announcement that was heard at the beginning of the meeting is given every morning during school. It is led by the 6th grade students on a rotational basis. Mr. Sparks continued by sharing information about Oakview School. The vision of Oakivew School is a community of high-achieving, positive, self-directed, life-long learners. Oakview school leadership team includes Andy Justice, Bob Sprague, Ben Bange, Shawn Peters, Cathie Painter, Ann Carper, Bambi Donahue, Melissa Sikel, Dean Hamilton, Lori Fast, and Jay Sparks. Mr. Sparks reviewed the student demographics of Oakview School including male, female, special education, Hispanic, low income, and ELL. Oakview school’s trend over the past six years of low income has increased from 60 percent to 75 percent and ELL from 7 percent to 11 percent. The State Board of Education Achievement Index, two-year average data in reading, writing, math, and science, and trend data on writing was presented. Oakview School is addressing the achievement gap in math with school-wide culture, Tier II instruction, Rocket Math, integration of technology, Math Fanatics, Tier I instruction, differentiating math instruction, and class size reduction in math classes. They are addressing the achievement gap in reading using school culture, fluency, SRI, Tier I instruction, differentiating instruction, technology integration, reading time, non-fiction reading encouraged, and developing student skills for self-selecting. Graphs were displayed that showed the proficiency of the three grade levels over the year. Mr. Sparks talked about the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for Oakview School. The staff came up with 8 different targeted action plans.

Ann Carper, teacher development and classroom teacher, shared about the engagement averaged percentages. She observed classrooms and monitored the engagement of students. With this data, they found when asking for continued group and partner responses the student engagement spiked. She then reviewed how they created new lesson plans that will help teachers self monitor engagement.

Cathie Painter talked about the Tier II Interventions. Oakview decided that they would screen all students at Oakview. With this screening, they were able to work on levels and concepts that the students needed. Focus Math and Math Fanatics were used to help students reach their goals. Students are rotated in and out as needed and have been very successful in the after school math program.

Mr. Sparks reviewed SIP Action 1 regularly reviewing student performance data, SIP Action 2 peer observations, SIP Action 3 the monitoring of extended learning time programs using data and making modifications, SIP Action 4 differentiating instruction, SIP Action 5 stimulate interest in the topics, SIP Action 6 individual student levels, SIP Action 7 positively teaching classroom rules and procedures, and SIP Action 8 assistance working effectively with parents. He explained the School Improvement Planning for 2013-14 and reviewed the vision for Oakview School.

Students from Ann Carper’s 4th grade class came to work with the board on reading fluency. The students and board members did an activity where the board members read a passage and the students marked errors in the passages as they read. When the reading passage was over, the student would give the board member their score and then give them feedback on how to improve next time.

LaChispa Leadership Student Report

America Smith, ELL Teacher/Federal Programs introduced Leonardo Romos a 6th grader at Oakview. America explained about La Chispa Leadership Retreat. CSD had 5 migrant students who were able to attend a three day leadership retreat at Cispus. The students ranged from 6th – 9th grade. The event helped students build their self-confidence, strengthen their cultural identity, and increase their academic success. Leonardo shared his favorite part was hanging out with new friends. He shared activities that they participated in and things they learned about how to make improvements in their schools. The group’s goal is now to work on how to reduce gang activity in schools.

Fiscal Stewardship Report

Steve Bodnar, Superintendent, shared information regarding the cost savings measure taken by converting the board books to paperless board books. The district will pay for the iPads that were purchased in about a year period of time.

2013-14 Staffing Report

Matt McCauley, Assistant Superintendent, shared about staffing projections for next year. He started by sharing the projected enrollment for next year. Last year, we staffed at 96 percent of the projected amount. This year, we will be staffing elementary at 98 percent. He then reviewed the staffing goals for next year including avoiding split classes, class overloads, and utilizing LAP and Title funds to provide extra learning time at the elementary level. The primary staffing preparation changes for next year is Edison will increase by one, Jefferson Lincoln will be reduced by one, and Fords Prairie will stay as is and move two staff to Edison. The primary principals will do a screen and interview process in August for additional Kindergarten teachers and have them on hold for September based upon class size. Class size will be considered by the parameters in the current CEA/CSD contract and staffing at 98 percent at elementary and 96 percent at the secondary level. He then reviewed CSD teacher FTE, sections of all day kindergarten for 2012-13 and planned for 2013-14. He then reviewed the staffing changes for 2013-14. Edison will add 1 teacher and address staffing after boundary change, Fords Prairie address staffing after boundary change; Jefferson Lincoln right at the brink of needing 1 more teacher, Oakview will add 1 teacher to avoid a split, Washington is holding steady, CMS is reducing super FTE in fitness by -.284 and reducing .327 of electives (two sections), and CHS will likely add .5 special education teacher. Changes may happen depending on state budget funding. We currently have 21 retirements at the end of this year.

Response to Intervention (RTI) Report

Barb Boone, District Instructional Specialist, explained that Response to Intervention or (RTI) is the infrastructure used to address the needs of students. She reviewed the IDEA 2004 (how to identify special education students) and the major conceptual shift (RTI is based on a risk model not waiting for students to fall behind). We know that students who come from poverty have delayed development of phonemic awareness, have had less exposure to print and the alphabet, have vocabularies that are usually less well developed, have a range of experience and conceptual knowledge that is often limited or different compared to other students, and frequently do not have good models of reading or support for academics in their homes. RTI is for the success of all kids, applies to all grade levels, and meet students where they are. CSD’s goal is to have students grow 1 grade level each year and if the student is behind, 1 year growth plus catch-up growth. RTI is important for CSD because if the steps are followed, CSD should see 80 percent of the students meeting standards. Ms. Boone shared the three Tiers of Instruction as Tier I is instruction (80-90 percent),Tier II is intervention (5-15 percent), and Tier III is individual assessment (1-5 percent). Ms. Boone then shared how RTI fits into our district using instruction, intervention, and individual assessment. This year, CSD has focused heavily on instruction. Ms. Boone gave details about what Tier 1 Instruction and Tier II Strategic Interventions means to CSD. She shared what the PLC problem-solving process includes and showed a sample progress monitoring chart. She gave details on Tier III and what steps are being taken. Assessment includes screening, progress monitoring, diagnostic, and outcome. She shared a chart that Edison school effectively uses to show their students’ progress, what Tier the students are at, and how to go about moving students up to the next Tier. Ms. Boone ended by explaining the desired outcomes of RTI for Centralia: catch students before they fail; students who are behind make one year progress plus close the achievement gap; fewer referrals to Special Education; more students meeting standards; and differentiated instruction so students who are at or above standard are challenged.

Boundary Change Report

Matt McCauley, Assistant Superintendent, presented information to the board on the boundary changes. He took them through information on the purpose, primary enrollment history, and number of current classrooms. He then shared some maps to see the different boundaries and options for change. He reviewed Option A and B information. He shared the demographics of Option A and B and the Hispanic populations in Option A and B. Mr. McCauley explained how grandfathering for 1 year of time will be honored for 2nd graders with no transportation provided. He shared input from CEA liaison, Edison, and Fords Prairie choices. He shared parent concerns from Option A including Harrison traffic (including construction), RR crossing, Ives apartments, proximity to FP, Happy Day DC, and volunteerism. He then reviewed the Option B parent concerns as Ives road, flood and bridge issues, Happy Day DC, and they would miss Mr. Roberts. He shared that there were 14 people who attended the meeting for option A and 6 people who attended the meeting for option B. Mr. McCauley then shared that Dr. Bodnar and himself both recommended option A.

The board then discussed if a decision needed to be made tonight, how the changes would affect the time students would ride the bus, community input they had received, and where each of them stood at this time.


There were no public comments.


Kim Ashmore moved and Patty Dolezal seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda that includes:

§  The minutes from the March 20, 2013 meeting.

§  The enrollment report for the 2012 – 2013 school year including April’s total FTE of 3236.69.

§  The employee count for the month of March was 211 certificated and 254 classified staff for a total of 465.

§  Matt McCauley provided a memo dated April 12, 2013, highlighting the new hires, transfers, and other personnel changes including:

Retirement of: Dennis Dawes, transportation, effective June 2013; Victor Delair, transportation, effective June 2013; Neil Fowler, transportation, effective June 2013; Judy Hewitt, CHS daycare supervisor, effective June 2013; Kay Hodgson, JL teacher, effective June 2013; Judy Vertz, Food Service, effective April 30, 2013; and Sharon Ward, ED Paraeducator, effective June 2013.

Resignation of: Steve Amrine, CHS teacher & football coach, effective June 2013; Vicki Dennis, DO payroll specialist, effective June 28, 2013; and Amber Oien, JL teacher, effective June 2013.

Leaves of absence: Jessica Boeck, CHS counselor, effective May 6, 2013 through the end of the year; and Rebecca Langan, ED teacher, effective May 15, 2013 through the end of the year.

§  Travel Requests were submitted for Chris Guenther to take the FFA group to Spokane Firgrounds for State FFA livestock evaluation and Career Development Event, leaving April 30, 2013 and returning May 1, 2013.

·  Voucher Warrants –

Fund / Warrants / Electronic Transfers / Date / Amount
Gen Acct Pay / 107215 to 107263 / 03/15/2013 / $ / 21,191.53
Gen Acct Pay / 107264 to 107265 / 03/25/2013 / 79,188.47
Gen Acct Pay / 107266 to 107381 / 03/29/2013 / 248,877.04
Gen Acct Pay / 107382 to 107383 / 03/29/2013 / 19.09
Gen Acct Pay Void / 107227 / 03/26/2013 / (158.22)
Gen Acct Pay / 107384 to 107487 / 04/15/2013 / 292,041.51
Gen Acct Pay / 107488 / 04/15/2013 / 461.86
CPF Acct Pay / 200121 / 04/15/2013 / $ / 144.99
ASB Acct Pay / 401084 to 401110 / 03/28/2013 / $ / 10,732.69
ASB Acct Pay Void / 401111 / 03/29/2013 / (71.99)
ASB Acct Pay / 401112 to 401114 / 04/15/2013 / 1,758.75
Gen Payroll / 900011633 to 900011634 / 03/29/2013 / $ 2,361.97
Gen Payroll / 805386 to 805514 / 900011635 to 900012113 / 03/31/2013 / 2,133,685.25
Gen Payroll Void / 805386 to 805514 / 03/31/2013 / (191,538.34)
Gen Payroll / 805517 to 805645 / 03/29/2013 / 191,538.34
Gen Payroll Acct Payable / 805645 to 805678 / 03/29/2013 / 466,870.23
Gen Payroll / 805679 / 03/29/2013 / 0.00
Gen Payroll / 805680 / 03/29/2013 / 487.50
Gen Payroll Void / 900011947 / 03/31/2013 / (1,654.80)
Gen Payroll / 900012115 / 03/29/2013 / 1,585.42
Gen Payroll Void / 900011942 / 03/31/2013 / (2,514.73)
Gen Payroll / 900012116 / 03/29/2013 / 1,340.09
Gen Payroll / 900012117 to 900012118 / 03/29/2013 / 0.00
Gen Payroll / 900012119 / 03/29/2013 / 6,604.71
Gen Payroll Wire Transfer / 201200348 to 201200385 / 03/29/2013 / $ 216,355.89
Gen Payroll Wire Transfer / 201200360 to 201200360 / 03/14/2013 / 389.02
Gen Payroll Wire Transfer / 201200362 to 201200381 / 03/29/2013 / 364,897.41
Gen Payroll Wire Transfer / 201200368 to 201200386 / 03/29/2013 / 8,122.69
Gen Payroll Wire Transfer / 201200371 to 201200387 / 03/29/2013 / 12,768.89
Gen Payroll Wire Transfer / 201200388 to 201200399 / 03/29/2013 / 1,222.16
Gen Payroll Wire Transfer / 201200400 to 201200400 / 03/29/2013 / 86.38
Gen Accts Pay Wire Transfer / 201200403 to 201200403 / 04/08/2013 / 386.08

The motion carried.