Fulbeck and Carlton Scroop with Normanton

Volume 458 Price 25p February 2009

From Your Parish Priest

A recent invitation to a birthday party brought me out in spots, not literally you understand, the party was for our grand daughters’ 6th birthday and it was to be a disco, loud music, no conversation...... ugh, it wasn’t as bad as I had imagined, we all had fun watching Zoe and her friends endlessly dancing to music they all enjoyed! The short times we had to talk to her friends I was not sure what they were saying most of the time, they talk differently these days and I may be a little hard of hearing!

So contemplating this month taking a group of older youngsters, (11 upwards), through a confirmation course, it will probably require me to learn a different language over again, but I am seriously looking forward to sharing what we can of the Christian faith with those who not only have a lot to learn about God, but much to teach us, who over the years have fixed our ideas and forgotten all about growing in faith, when truth to tell we should be doing that at every stage of our lives.

Ash Wednesday falls on the 25th of this month which in turn marks the beginning of those 6 weeks of Lent, a golden opportunity to do a bit of growing, to tread again in the footsteps of Jesus as he prepared for his Passion, his death on the cross.

Beyond that terrible death is the wonder of the Resurrection that we celebrate on Easter Day, but like our young people prepared to do some serious thinking before they take the step to Confirmation, a confirming of their belief in God begun at baptism, so we who want to celebrate on that glorious Easter Morn should be prepared to spend some time this Lent on considering the commitment of Jesus to be our Saviour, this was no impulsive action on his part, but older in its inception than the world itself.

Now here’s a thought...My finger slipped as I typed in confirmation for this letter, and instead I had written conformation, which made me offer a quick prayer for our group, for them not to feel they should conform, but be open to the love of God through the words of Jesus, the work of His Spirit and grow continually by his grace.

Be happy as you give up chocolate for Lent and pray for those of us who can’t!

Yours in love and prayer,



In Memoriam

Air Vice –Marshall John Powell Few readers of today’s Three Towers will remember John Powell. He lived in part of Fulbeck Manor for nearly 10 years from 1947 while serving at R.A.F. Cranwell. He was a boy chorister at Kings College, Cambridge and when he came to Fulbeck founded our Church Choir. Today the choir still sings happily and is the only Village Choir in the Deanery. He and his wife, Ysolda, were a very active couple in Fulbeck bringing up their four boys and would often be seen running across Fulbeck fields with the Cranwell beagles. Charles, his oldest son, was private secretary to Lady Thatcher during her time as Prime Minister. Christopher is Chairman of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, Roderick is an engineer and accountant in the United States and Jonathon was Mr Blair’s chief of staff. He very bravely did nearly 10 years of behind the scene discussions with the IRA which lead up to the Good Friday Agreement. John Powell died on 24th Novembers 2008, five years after his wife. They were married for 64 years. It was good that seven Fulbeck friends were able to be at his memorial service in Wiltshire.

Julian Fane

Peter and Colette Hughes would like to thank all those who sent messages of sympathy following the death of Colette’s mother, Iris, just before Christmas. We were deeply moved, not only by the number of messages that we received, but also by the many small acts of kindness at such a difficult time. Iris passed away just 2 months short of her 93rd birthday and had been living with us at East View for the last 11 years. Fulbeck had always held very special memories for her as Colette discovered, whilst looking through some old documents, that her father was awarded his commission in the RAF whist stationed at Fulbeck airfield on Lancasters during the Second World War. He would most certainly have enjoyed a pint at the Hare & Hounds!

Thank you Andrew, Stephen and I are so grateful for all the thoughts, prayers, letters and cards we have received on Colin’s death. We shall always treasure them. It is comforting to know just how deeplyhe was respected and loved. God’s love is reflected in the many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness which are supporting and encouraging us at this difficult time. Some of Colin’s “townie” relatives remarked, “ How fortunate you are to live amongst such a caring community.” Indeed I am! Thank you.

Barbara Hancock

To the parishioners of Carlton Scroop

My retirement and farewell service already seems a lifetime ago. Whilst I was able to say thank you to the people of Fulbeck and Caythorpe via their newsletters, I missed the deadline for the Three Towers. So rather belatedlyI am writing to express my gratitude for your generous cheque and the many letters and cards I received. Thank you too for all your support and encouragement during the past twelve and a half years. Whilst the more formal part of that ministry has now ended, I shall still be around, friendships will continue and I shall hold you in my prayers each day. My heartfelt gratitude! May you know God's richest blessings on your lives.

Barbara Hancock



Sunday 1st February Candlemas

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion at Caythorpe

10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist at Fulbeck

12.30 p.m. “Hot Lunch in Church” at Caythorpe

Wednesday 4th February Gilbert

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion at Caythorpe

Friday 6th February Accession of Queen Elizabeth ll 1952

Martyrs of Japan

8.45 a.m. Morning Prayer at Fulbeck

Sunday 8th February 3rd Sunday before Lent

10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist at Caythorpe

600 p.m Evensong at Carlton Scroop

Wednesday 11h February

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion at Caythorpe

Friday 13th February

8.45 a.m. Morning Prayer at Fulbeck

Sunday 15th February 2nd Sunday before Lent

10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist at Fulbeck

6.00 p.m. Celtic Worship at Caythorpe

Wednesday 18th February

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion at Caythorpe

Friday 20th February

8.45 a.m. Morning Prayer at Fulbeck

3.45 p.m. Friday Club at Caythorpe

Sunday 22nd February Sunday next before Lent

9.00 a.m. B.C.P. Holy Communion at Carlton Scroop

9.00 a.m. Breakfast followed at

10.00 a.m. Joint Benefice Family Service at Caythorpe

Wednesday 25th February Ash Wednesday

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion at Caythorpe (with imposition of ashes)

6.00 p.m. Holy Communion at Fulbeck (with imposition of


Friday 27th February George Herbert, priest, poet

8.45 a.m. Morning Prayer at Fulbeck

Sunday 1st March Lent 1

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion at Caythorpe

10.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist at Fulbeck

Wednesday 4th March Ember Day

9.00 a.m. Holy Communion at Caythorpe

Friday 6th March Ember Day

8.45 a.m. Morning Prayer at Fulbeck


Chapel Services Regular services are held in Finkin Street Church, Grantham every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m


The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) - meet every Sunday at 11.00 a.m. at Brant Broughton Meeting House.

Roman Catholic Church Services

Regular services are held in St Peter’s Church RAF Cranwell on Sundays at 9.30 a.m. For midweek masses contact the Chaplain’s office (01400 267025). People wishing to attend these services will need only to obtain a pass from the Guard Room. The R.C Priest’s number is 01400 262064.


1st February Mrs L. Kingston

15th February Mr A. J. Robinson


Fulbeck Carlton Scroop

Mrs R. Day 1st February

No Service 8th February

Mrs C. Hughes 15th February

Mrs C. Hughes 22nd February

St Nicholas Church Fulbeck - Thank you very much to everyone who helped decorate and remove the Church’s decorations:- Carol Aram, Sue Broughton, Megan and Santi Buc Fane, Jenny, Olivia and Joshua Copley and Alexandra Fane who did the Christmas Tree, and Dick High, who provided the tree. Julian Fane, Margaret Lane, George Lawson, Veronica Ownsworth, Judy Peberdy, Margaret Perrin, Caroline Topley, Alan and Brenda Valentine and Judy Woolfitt.

Julia Fane


Fulbeck Week ending: Carlton Scroop

7th February Mrs L. Johnston

Mrs B Robinson & Mrs P. Rice 14th February Mrs D. Bates

Mrs M. Perkins & Mrs S. Broughton 21st February Mrs D. Bates

28th February Mrs D. Bates

Please can I have articles for the March issue of the Three Towers by Saturday

14th February Barbara Robinson