Fact Sheet 2003-03
Leyton’s Hierarchies of Symmetry: Solution to the Major Asymmetry Problem of Thermodynamics.
© T. E. Bearden, August 22, 2003
The Problem: Thermodynamics Has a Temporal Asymmetry Problem, Recognized for a Century, Because the Second Law Excludes Negative Entropy processes and Nature does not.
- Starting with some controlled available system energy, the second law provides that, in subsequent interactions, the entropy S of a system can only remain the same or increase. Or, S 0, once the subsequent interactions start.
- The recognized major problem in thermodynamics arises from the present Second Law. As Price states {1}:
"A century or so ago, Ludwig Boltzmann and other physicists attempted to explain the temporal asymmetry of the second law of thermodynamics. …the hard-won lesson of that endeavor—a lesson still commonly misunderstood—was that the real puzzle of thermodynamics is not why entropy increases with time, but why it was ever so low in the first place."
- This problem particularly arises in prevailing notions of the origin of the universe, whether “big bang” or “steady whimper”. A great deal of organization and energy came from somewhere or somehow, in a relatively short time cosmologically, to initially generate enormous negative entropy {2} shortly after the beginning.
- If the energy of our observable universe somehow came from “outside” it (thus saving energy conservation), then it represented “loss” of available energy (positive entropy) to that outside source, and “negative entropy” to our gaining universe.
- This suggests a possible clue to the solution: Look for a lower or “outside” broken symmetry generating a higher negative entropy (higher symmetry) across an interface between the outside source and our observable universe. We will find precisely this required characteristic in Leyton’s geometry and in his hierarchies of symmetry {3}, as well as in the broken symmetry of particle physics.
- Our observable state universe is separated by a quantum threshold interface from its associated virtual state vacuum. The vacuum has extraordinary virtual energy density and continuously exchanges energy with the observable state. This exchange in fact generates all observable forces of nature, in the modern physics view.
- We are thus focused directly upon the disordered virtual energy of the vacuum, and some required process to coherently integrate virtual vacuum energy into observable energy, crossing the quantum threshold boundary—a negative entropy process.
- Price also states {4}:
"…the major task of an account of thermodynamic asymmetry is to explain why the universe as we find it is so far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and was even more so in the past."
- A theoretical process for producing negative entropy will of course solve the problem, if a physical system continuously producing negative entropy by that process can also be exhibited experimentally. Leyton provides the process {3}, and every charge in the universe is already just such a required physical system obeying it {5}.
- We have given the exact mechanism by which the charge coherently integrates virtual photon energy absorbed from the vacuum, into observable photons {5}, which are re-emitted in all directions as real EM energy without any observable EM energy input. The charge continuously consumes positive entropy of the virtual state vacuum, and produces negative entropy at the next higher level, the observable state.
Facts Bearing on the Problem: Characteristics of the Second Law and Its Experimental Falsification.
- The Second Law is statistical, so it need not apply to just a few involved entities where statistical analysis is inapplicable. This is the “small number” violation of the Second Law, which is well-known.
- The Second Law is also violated in statistical fluctuations {6}, where usual entropic reactions may run backwards and produce negative entropy for a time.
- Wang et al. {7} have experimentally shown such fluctuation violations in chemical solutions at cubic micron level and for up to two seconds. In water, e.g., a cubic micron contains some 30 billion ions and molecules. In that ensemble, negative entropy reactions can occur for at least two seconds and sometimes longer.
- Evans and Rondoni {8} showed that systems continuously producing negative entropy are possible in theory. Startled, they felt that real physical systems could not exhibit such behavior. However, every charge does it {5}, as we have pointed out.
- Our proposed solution to the source charge problem {5} is based on the quantum field theory view of the charge and its vacuum polarization as a special dipolar ensemble. The bare charge in the middle is surrounded by virtual charges of opposite sign in the polarized vacuum. Both charges are infinite, but their difference is finite and is the textbook value of the “classical charge”—what the external observer sees or measures of the internal bare charge through its external screening charge.
- The ensemble exhibits the known broken symmetry of opposite charges.
- The charge ensemble thus continuously absorbs virtual photons from the seething vacuum, and pours out real photons in all directions, establishing and continuously replenishing its fields and potentials, spreading outward at light speed.
- The fields and potentials are deterministically ordered as a function of radial distance.
- This process produces ordered macroscopic energy from the vacuum’s disordered virtual energy flux. Thermodynamically the charge is a nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) system, continuously fed by vacuum energy, and continuously performing work to transduce the form of the absorbed virtual energy into emitted observable energy. It is also a deterministic process, since the emitted photon energy intensity is ordered with respect to radial distance from the source charge.
- Every charge continuously produces negative entropy as shown theoretically possible by Evans and Rondoni {8} for deterministic NESS systems.
- Simply regauging a system—ubiquitously permitted and used in gauge field theory and by every electrodynamicist—also totally violates the second law at any size level and for any period of time. This follows since the potential—and therefore the ordered, available potential energy—of an EM system can be freely changed at will.
- As an example, voltage amplification without current flow is work-free and involves only energy transfer in the same form. We strongly stress that work is the changing of the form of some energy, not the changing of its magnitude.
- The present second law is falsified by the gauge freedom axiom of gauge field theory. Regauging is a negative entropy operation, where the sysem’s available potential energy can be freely increased (or decreased) at will.
- The Second Law is already an approximate and “very leaky” law at best, and in some cases it is demonstrably wrong. In the case of regauging, the freely altered potential of the sytem may extend outward in space to infinity. Hence regauging can apply to any macroscopic size and time duration desired.This is a total violation of the second law of thermodynamics, and it also is experimentally verified.
- Since the Second Law excludes negative entropy, and negative entropy processes and systems do experimentally exist, we conclude that the present form of the Second Law is experimentally falsified.
- The task, then, is to correct the Second Law to permit the production of either positive or negative entropy. For this general correction, we require Leyton’s object-oriented geometry and his hierarchy of symmetries {3}.
More Facts: Leyton’s New Object-Oriented Geometry and Hierarchies of Symmetry vs. the older Klein Geometry.
- Since 1872, much of physics and most of thermodynamics are based on Felix Klein’s geometry {9} and his group theoretic methods. Leyton’s object-oriented geometry and advanced group theoretic methods {3} include Klein geometry as a subset.
- In Klein’s geometry and more limited group methods, a broken symmetry at a given level loses the symmetry information and reduces the overall group symmetry.
- In Leyton’s geometry and with his more advanced group methods, a broken symmetry at a given level generates a new symmetry at the next higher level. The information of the lower level is also retained and not lost. Hence in Leyton’s approach, a broken symmetry retains the symmetry information of that level, creates an additional higher symmetry, and increases the overall group symmetry.
- This automatic generation of a higher symmetry by a lower level broken symmetry is the Leyton effect. At the new higher level, symmetry can then be broken to again generate a yet higher level symmetry. And so on. Hence the Leyton effect generates a hierarchy of symmetries, increased and knit together by broken symmetries.
- The Leyton effect is a general negative entropy process. It converts disordered energy at one level into ordered energy at the next level.
- The Leyton effect and resulting hierarchies of symmetry, knit together by negative entropy processes, falsify the present Second Law of thermodynamics. Hence the Second Law must be revised to include the Leyton effect (negative entropy, negative entropy processes, and negative entropy-producing systems).
The Resulting Solution: Adopt Leyton’s More Advanced Object-Oriented Geometry, Apply Leyton’s Hierarchies of Symmetry, and Rewrite the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
- The present Second Law of thermodynamics can be stated as:
“Given some available controlled order (available controlled energy), this initial controlled order will either remain the same or be progressively disordered and decontrolled over time by subsequent entropic interactions.” Or, simply put, dS/dt 0.
- In accord with Leyton’s geometry and methods, the revised Second Law can be stated as:
"First a negative entropy interaction occurs to produce some controlled order (available controlled energy). Then that initial available controlled order will either remain the same or be progressively disordered and decontrolled by subsequent entropic interactions over time, unless additional negative entropy interactions occur and intervene."
- The revised Second Law is now consistent with experiment {6,7}, with the source charge solution {5}, with theoretical proof that negative entropy producing systems can exist {8}, and with Leyton’s geometry and hierarchies of symmetry {3}. It is inconsistent with Klein geometry {9,10} and Klein group methods, but these are only a subset of the Leyton geometry and thus cannot limit the Leyton effect and Leyton’s hierarchies of symmetry.
- In addition, the new second law statement resolves the asymmetry problem of thermodynamics {1,4}, given that negative entropy processes occurred at or during the formation of the present universe. And the evidence supports it.
Implications: We argue that:
- This adoption of Leyton’s geometry and his group theoretic methods {3} heralds a new revolution in physics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, and chemistry.
- The coming revolution will be as profound as was the prediction of broken symmetry by Lee and Yang {11}, and its quick experimental proof by Wu et al. {12}.
- Leyton’s geometry and methods have already been very successfully applied to robotics and pattern recognition. They work in many cases where the Klein geometry and methods fail.
- The Leyton change now thermodynamically prescribes EM power systems such as the source charge, which freely extract useful and observable EM energy from the virtual energy of the vacuum.
- The new approach thus leads directly to a great new re-examination of the present theory of electrical power systems. EM systems that violate the present thermodynamics are quite possible and several areas where the processes violate the second law are already known {13}. The Bohren-type experiment {14} involving negative resonance absorption of the medium provides a well-known and experimentally proven, replicable process in which 18 times as much energy is re-emitted by the absorbing medium as is input to it by Poynting energy flow calculations.
- The new approach leads toward the rapid development of negentropic engineering, contrasted to the present highly wasteful and polluting positive entropy engineering universally used in electrical power systems because of the present limited Second Law of thermodynamics and the use of Klein geometry and group theoretic methods.
- Huy Price,Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point, Oxford University Press, 1996, paperback 1997, p. 78.
- Boltzman’s suggestion was that the world is simply a product of a chance fluctuation into a state of very low entropy. Little or no real progress has been made on the problem since then.
- Michael Leyton, A Generative Theory of Shape, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
- Price, ibid., p. 36.
- See (a) T. E. Bearden, "Giant Negentropy from the Common Dipole," Proc. Congr. 2000, St. Petersburg, Russia, Vol. 1, July 2000 , p. 86-98; also published in J. New Energy, 5(1), Summer 2000, p. 11-23. (b) — Fact Sheet, “The Source Charge Problem: Its Solution and Implications,” Aug. 18, 2003. In this fact sheet, we give the exact physical mechanism that coherently integrates absorbed totally disordered virtual photon energy into real observable photons. The energy of each absorbed virtual photon is changed to a differential change of the mass m of the absorbing charge(s). Iterative changes thus algebraically sum since mass is unitary. When the mass differential reaches sufficient magnitude to constitute the energy for an observable photon, the zitterbewegung of the vacuum causes expulsion of an observable photon, decaying the mass back down to base level to start the process again. We have nominated the source charge (using this mechanism) as the first known physical system that continuously produces negative entropy, along the lines theoretically predicted by Evans and Rondoni {8}. We have also nominated the coherent summation by the mass of the charge as the first known physical mechanism continuously producing negative entropy and thus falsifying the present form of the Second Law. See also (c) M. W. Evans, T. E. Bearden, and A. Labounsky, "The Most General Form of the Vector Potential in Electrodynamics," Found. Phys. Lett., 15(3), June 2002, p. 245-261.
- A most useful and rigorous transient fluctuation theorem is given by D. J. Evans and D. J. Searles, "Equilibrium microstates which generate second law violating steady states," Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 50, 1994, p. 1645-1648.
- G. M. Wang, E. M. Sevick, Emil Mittag, Debra J. Searles, and Denis J. Evans, "Experimental Demonstration of Violations of the Second Law of Thermodynamics for Small Systems and Short Time Scales," Phys. Rev. Lett., 89(5), 29 July 2002, 050601.
- D. J. Evans and Lamberto Rondoni, "Comments on the Entropy of Nonequilibrium Steady States," J. Stat. Phys., 109(3-4), Nov. 2002, p. 895-920.
- Felix Klein, "Vergleichende Betrachtungen über neuere geometrische Forschungen," 1872. Klein's Erlanger program was initiated in 1872 to describe geometric structures in terms of their automorphism groups. It has driven much of the physics development in the twentieth century.
- Also see I. M. Yaglom, Felix Klein and Sophus Lie: Evolution of the Idea of Symmetry in the Nineteenth Century, Birkhäuser, Boston, MA, 1988.
- (a) T. D. Lee, "Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions," Phys. Rev., 104(1), Oct. 1, 1956, p. 254-259; (errata in Phys. Rev. 106(6), June 15, 1957, p. 1371); (b) T. D. Lee, Reinhard Oehme, and C. N. Yang, "Remarks on Possible Noninvariance under Time Reversal and Charge Conjugation," Phys. Rev., 106(2), 1957, p. 340-345.
- C. S. Wu et al., "Experimental Test of Parity Conservation in Beta Decay," Phys. Rev., Vol. 105, 1957, p. 1413.
- Dilip Kondepudi and Ilya Prigogine, Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures, Wiley, Chichester, 1998, reprinted 1999 with corrections, p. 459. Present thermodynamics is violated in rarefied media where local equilibrium fails, in strong gradients (about which little is known, either theoretically or experimentally), and in long-lasting memory effects occurring in materials and in many nonequilibrium processes. Other violations due to fluctuations are shown by Wang et al. (cited above).
- (a) Craig F. Bohren, “How can a particle absorb more than the light incident on it?” Am. J. Phys., 51(4), Apr. 1983, p. 323-327. Metallic particles at ultraviolet frequencies are one class of such particles and insulating particles at infrared frequencies are another. See also (b) H. Paul and R. Fischer, “{Comment on “How can a particle absorb more than the light incident on it?’},” Am J. Phys., ibid. Scientists in the area just use a change of reaction cross section. EM field and potential intensities are defined in terms of a “static unit point charge’s” scattering. If the same charge is resonant , it scatters more energy, much like a strongly churning rock on the bottom of a river displaces more water than does the same rock fixed on the bottom. Thermodynamically, that gives COP > 1.0—in fact, COP = 18.