/ Job Description and Person Specification (HR5)
Vacancy Number: 082011TW
Job Description
School/Department: / Research and Innovation Services
Post Title: / Intellectual Property Coordinator
Career Pathway and Level: / MSA4
Post Responsible to (and Level):
Posts Responsible for (and Level): / Senior Legal Adviser(MSA6)
Administrative Assistant (MSA 2b)
Job Purpose:
To coordinate the portfolio of Intellectual Property Rights arising from research undertaken at the University.
Key Accountabilities/Primary Responsibilities (6-10 bullet points maximum)
  • Work in collaboration with the Collaboration Managers to facilitate the commercialisation and use of IP by providing project support andpatent status advice. Engaging Senior Legal Adviser for provision of IP advise where necessary.
  • Coordinate the protection process to avoid any loss of IPR by :
  • ensuring decision on the prosecution of patents are taken in time through the patent review processes and securing the necessary agreements to commit Schools and/or licensees’ resources.
  • assisting the inventors in preparing invention disclosures for submission to patent agents to minimise the costs to the University and provide advice at every stages of the prosecution.
  • ensuring that deadlines are met – providing relevant and sufficient information and/or notice to inventors, Facultiesand licences so that no loss of rights occur and/or informed decisions are reached in a timely manner.
  • Undertake due diligence on new Intellectual Property; provide information to assess status of publication, disclosures and third party claims in order to optimise the IP position of the University; provide assistance in the negotiation with other organisations or funding bodies, of agreements which will facilitate the exploitation of the IP where interests are shared by two or more institutions. Monitor University’s and third parties’ obligations and ensure compliance on reporting and payments.
  • Manage and develop relationships with all parties involved in the prosecution process – Liaise and coordinate relationships between Collaboration Managers, inventors,patent agents, licensees and other professional services providers.Coordinate Faculty Patent Panels to ensure and patent decisions fit with Faculty strategy and priorities.Liaise with Patent Agents and other service providers to ensure best service for the University within budget constraints.
  • Develop and maintain IP Management systems and processes to support RIS commercialisation practices to ensure an effective, efficient and seamless service is provided both internally and externally. Provide training and guidance to the RIS team. Develop appropriate improvements, in consultation with the team.
  • Participate to the education agenda of RIS and increase IP awareness for academic staff, students and staff in other Professional Services.
/ % Time
Internal & External Relationships: (nature & purpose of relationships)
  • RIS Collaboration Managers
  • Senior Legal Adviser & Major Contracts Managers
  • Other RIS Staff
  • University staff and students
  • Patent Agents and other professional service providers
  • University spinout companies
  • SMEs and large corporate
  • Technology Transfer Offices at other Universities

Special Requirements:
Travel to attend meetings (primarily UK, some overseas).
Willingness to work non-standard hours as reasonably required to fulfil role (e.g. out of hours meetings offsite, conference calls with overseas partners).
Person Specification
Criteria / Essential / Desirable / How to be assessed
Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience:
Good first degree or equivalent in relevant subject.
Knowledge of Intellectual Property Rights and technology transfer processes.
Qualification in IP Law or equivalent experience gained in a similar position.
Broad interest in science, engineering, medicine, arts or humanities.
Understanding of HEI sector.
Recent IP coordination experience. / X
X / X
Planning and Organising:
Ability to prioritise a varied workload and work to deadlines on multiple cases. / X
Problem Solving and Initiative:
Excellent analytical skills.
Ability to identify potential issues in relation to IPR and propose solutions to resolve and/or prevent issues arising, whilst under pressure to meet deadlines.
Ability to work without guidance, seeking information from experienced colleagues as and when necessary. / X
Communicating and Influencing:
Excellent inter-personal skills with a wide range of people of different backgrounds, from within and outside the university.
Excellent presentation skills and writing ability.
Excellent written and verbal skills, with ability to communicate at a variety of levels. / X
Other Skills and Behaviours:
Must be self-sufficient, capable of setting own work strategies and of working with minimal guidance, actively seeking information from internal or external sources as required.
Must be a team player able to work collaboratively with others to disseminate and share knowledge and information. / X
Special Requirements:
Willingness to travel on business (mostly UK, some overseas). / x


Job Description

Job Hazard Analysis Form - Appendix to Job and Person Specification

Please tick one of the following statements:

This post is an office-based job with routine office hazards e.g. use of VDU (if ticked, no further information needs to be supplied) / √
This post has some hazards other than routine office e.g. more than use of VDU

Please tick all those that apply, and put N/A if not applicable

Environmental Exposures / O* / F / C
Outside work
Extremes of temperature (eg fridge/ furnace)
Potential for exposure to body fluids ##
Noise (greater than 80 dba - 8 hrs twa) ##
Exposure to hazardous substances (eg solvents, liquids, dust, fumes, biohazards). Specify …………………………………………………………. ##
Frequent hand washing
Ionising radiation.
Equipment/Tools/Machines used
Food Handling ##
Driving university vehicles(e.g. car/van/LGV/PCV) ##
Use of latex gloves (note: prohibited unless specific clinical necessity) ##
Vibrating tools ( e.g. strimmers, hammer drill, lawnmowers) ##
Physical Abilities
Load manual handling.
Repetitive Crouching/Kneeling/Stooping
Repetitive Pulling/Pushing
Repetitive Lifting
Standing for prolonged periods
Repetitive Climbing i.e. steps, stools, ladders
Fine motor grips (e.g. pipetting)
Gross motor grips
Repetitive reaching below shoulder height
Repetitive reaching at shoulder height
Repetitive reaching above shoulder height
Psychosocial Issues
Face to face contact with public
Lone working
Shift work/night work/on call duties ##

O – Occasionally (up to 1/3 of time); F – Frequently (up to 2/3 of time); C – Constantly (more than 2/3 of time) ## denotes to HR the need for a full PEHQ to be sent to all applicants for this position.

FOR SCHOOL/SERVICE USE ONLY / ResourceLink Post Number
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