Physical Education Pre-Athletic: Syllabus
Wayside Middle School 2016-2017
Classroom Vision
Participate Actively
Learn Everyday
Accept Others
You are a Winner!
Classroom Rules
Rules and Procedures
Students need to use the restroom before class
Students are not allowed to leave the gym without
teacher permission.
Gum, candy, food or drinks are not allowed in the gym
or the locker room at any time.
Horse play, fighting, and profanity are not permitted
during class, whether the class is in the gym or outside.
Participate in all class activities.
Classroom Management
Go directly to your assigned spot upon
entering the gym.
Respect teammates, coaches, and the rules
of the game.
Walk out of the gym when dismissed in a
calm and orderly manner. The bell does not dismiss you, the coaches do.
Classroom Information
,,, ,
817.232.0541 ext. 5175 (Girl's) ext.5174 (Boy's)
First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense: Removal from disruptive situation-time out
for unsafe or unkind behavior, demerits for not being a mover.
Third Offense: Student/Teacher Conference: implement a
contract/contact home.
Fourth Offense: Parent Conference.
Fifth Offense: Student/Parent/Teacher/Administration
Sixth Offense: Referral to Principal
*Severe discipline problems will be an
automatic referral to the principal.
Appropriate individual and class incentives will be earned
when physical and behavioral progress is made through-
out the year.
Physical Education Pre-Athletic: Syllabus
Wayside Middle School 2016-2017
Grading Policy
Students will start each week with a 100. Each day a student does not participate and/or dress out
without a parent or doctor's note; he or she will lose 20 points for the day.
Parents will be notified if a student is in danger of failing for the six weeks (2 days of not participating
or being dressed out=60 for the week).
Class Objective
The objective of Pre-Athletic Physical Education is to provide the opportunity for sixth grade
students to participate in a competitive athletics preparation program. Students will be taught
the fundamentals of team sports as well as learning to develop themselves as individual athletes. This class will have high intensity and expectations for effort from students.
Dressing Out
All students are required to dress out with the purchased uniform. Students should have tennis shoes (tied
laces and backs-No Sperry shoes). Hair must be pulled back and out of face. No jewelry should be worn
while working out. Students will need to bring their drawstring backpack each day to place their clothes in when they change. Students must be dressed and in the gym five minutes after the bell.
Locker Rooms
Students are not to be in the locker
room alone at any time.
Lockers will not be provided for 6th
grade, so you will need to keep any valuables in your school locker.
We are not responsible for lost or
stolen items that are brought to the gym.
Note Policy
Please limit parent notes to two per six weeks each one is
good for a maximum of two days. Please be specific with
reasons for sitting out and allow use to use some professional judgment to modify the activity for your child. After two days, please provide a doctor's note with the length of time needed to sit out or please call and speak with the coach to
discuss the situation. Communication is the key. There will
be a make-up workout to be completed upon return from an absence or a day or two sitting out. In the case of extended
illness or injury, observation assignments will be provided.
Physical Education Pre-Athletic: Syllabus
Parent Acknowledgement
Wayside Middle School 2016-2017
Student Name: ______
Class Period: ______
Teachers: Coaching Staff-Coach Robertson, CoachO’Hara-Huggins, Coach Harben, Coach Michael and Coach Owen
Course: Pre-Athletics Physical Education
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the rules and expectations of
this course. I also understand that class information and updates can be found on the teacher and school website.
Parent Signature: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent Phone Number: ______
Parent Email: ______