Liverpool Hope
Students’ Union
Standing Orders
Liverpool Hope Students’ Union is a Students’ Union within the meaning of the Education Act 1994 and according to the Constitution of Liverpool Hope Students’ Union. In pursuance of the Ideals and Aims of the Constitution the Union shall seek to govern itself according to these orders, which constitute a by-law of the Union.
1.Liverpool Hope Students’ Union (hereinafter referred to as the Union)is a Students’ Union according to the Constitution of Liverpool Hope Students’ Union (hereinafter referred to as the Constitution).
1.1In pursuance of the aims and ideals of the Constitution the Union reserves the right to govern itself.
1.2In the course of Governance the Union reserves the right to create, revoke or amend any by-laws, as it deems appropriate, including and according to this Governance Structure.
1.3This Structure shall be subject to the Executive Council, the Union Forums, the Trustees and the Members according to their powers as defined in the Constitution
1.4The Union is a Charitable Organisation and shall govern itself according to UK Charity Law.
2.According to the Constitution and UK Charity law there shall be a Board of Trustees of the Union.
2.1The Trustees shall be appointed, dismissed and given powers according to the Constitution.
Executive Council
3.There shall be an Executive Council of Liverpool Hope Students’ Union
3.1The Executive Council shall constitute
3.1.iThe Sabbatical Officers of the Union
3.1.iiThe Student Trustees as defined by the Constitution
3.1.iiiThree (3) Student/Liberation Officerswho shall be elected to the Executive Council
3.1.ivThese Councilors shall hold this office for a term of one (1) year
3.2The Executive Council shall have the following powers:
3.2.iTo create, revoke or amend any by-laws
3.2.iiTo appoint or dismiss trustees according to the Constitution
3.2.iiiAny powers prescribed to them in the Constitution
3.2.ivTo make emergency resolutions for the Union in place of a Forum
3.2.vTo amend the Governance Structure of the Union
3.2.viTo have the final say on interpretation of the Constitution and By-Laws
3.2.viiTo create and disband any committees of the Union as it deems appropriate
3.2.viiiTo elect one of the Sabbatical Officers to be the Sabbatical NUS Delegate
3.3Any resolution of the Executive Council may be overturned or amended by the Trustees, the Forums or by a Referendum of Members as defined in the Constitution except where those resolutions are within the powers outlined in clauses 3.2.ii, 3.2.iii and of these orders.
3.4The President of the Union shall de facto be the Chair of the Executive Council and shall have, in case of a tied vote, a casting vote.
3.5The Executive Council shall annually hold an Initial General Meeting (IGM) within two (2) weeks of the Student & liberation Officer members of council being elected in the first term of the academic year.
3.6At the IGM, the Council shall review all By-Laws of the Union and the general state of the Union as well as ratifying any new By-Laws.
3.7The President shall notify the Executive Council of an Ordinary or General meeting with notice of at least five (5) working days and of an Emergency or Extraordinary meeting within two (2) working days.
3.8The Executive Council shall meet in Emergency session when any matter arises which is deemed urgent and cannot be held until the next appropriate Forum.
3.9The Executive Council shall be competent to pass any Emergency Resolution it deems necessary but shall be subject to Paragraph 3.3.
3.10The Quorum for the Executive Council shall be five (five) members of the Executive Council.
3.11Resolutions of the Executive Council shall be passed by a simple majority vote.
3.12Voting shall take place by a show of hands unless at least three (3) members request a secret ballot.
3.13All Executive Councilors shall be subject to any relevant impeachment by-laws and by-laws governing their conduct.
Sabbatical Officers
4.There shall be Sabbatical Officers of the Union
4.1There shall be three Sabbatical Officers who shall constitute the following:
4.2The President
4.3The Vice President Education
4.4The Vice President Welfare & Community
4.5Sabbatical Officers shall be elected by a Ballot of members and according to any and all appropriate By-Laws governing Elections.
4.6Sabbatical Officers shall not be Full-Time members of the Union but shall take a Sabbatical from any Full Time study.
4.7Sabbatical Officers shall be elected to serve a term of One (1) Year with dates according to any relevant by-laws.
4.8A person may only serve Two (2) terms of office as a Sabbatical Officer.
4.9The Sabbatical Officers shall carry out the duties laid down for all Officers and shall:
4.10Act as cheque signatories for the Union
4.11Be generally available to students to answer queries or deal with problems that arise according to their areas of responsibility
4.12Generally liaise with each other in the day-to-day running of the Union
4.13Shall be Sabbatical Trustees of the Union
4.14Chair/Sit on the relevant Union committees
4.15Attend University committees as requested by the University where appropriate
4.16Ensure the Union is ethically and environmentally sound, inaccordance with policy as set by Union Forums from time to time
4.17The President of the Students’ Union shall be the main Political Voice of the Union. They shall be the primary Representative of the Student Voice working alongside the Vice President Welfare & Community and Vice President Education. They shall be the Officer responsible for implementation of the Policy of the “Hope in the Union” Forum.
4.18The President shall:
4.19Promote the aims and objectives of the Constitution
4.20Be the Political Representative of the Union to the University, Local Communityand on a National Level
4.21Implement the Policy of the “Hope in the Union” Forum
4.22Oversee the Democratic, Accountability and Quality Assurance functions of the Union
4.23Liaise with the Press
4.24Co-Ordinate with the National Union of Students on Campaigns and otherappropriate issues
4.25Attend University Committees including the University Council
4.26Ensure the organisation of Union Elections
4.27Be responsible for and oversee Student Activity Groups
including Sports, Clubs and Societies.
4.28The Vice President Education shall be the main Representative of the Union on Educational Matters. They shall be primarily concerned with Learning, Teaching and influencing University Policy. They shall be the Officer responsible for implementation of the policy of the “Hope in the University” Forum.
4.29The Vice President Education shall:
4.30Promote the aims and objectives of the Constitution
4.31Be the Educational Representative of the Union to the University, Local Community and on a National Level
4.32Implement the Policy of the “Hope in the University” Forum
4.33Lobby the University on behalf of Students
4.34Counsel and Represent Students on Academic Appeals
4.35Oversee and Promote the Course Representative System in liaison with the Course Representative Officer
4.36Attend appropriate University Committees
4.37Liaise with NUS on Educational Matters
4.38The Vice President Education’s focus shall be on all aspects of academia at University, which can include exam feedback; library opening times; personal tutors; teaching contact time; essay marking; lecturers and much more.
4.39The Vice President Welfare & Communityshall be the main Representative of the Union on Welfare Matters. They shall be responsible for Campaigns in the University and Local Community to raise awareness of Student issues and to bring about positive change. They shall be the Officer responsible for implementation of the policy of the “Hope in the Community” Forum.
4.40The Vice President Welfare & Community shall:
4.41Promote the aims and objectives of the Constitution
4.42Be the Welfare Representative of the Union to the University, Local Community and on a National Level
4.43Implement the Policy of the “Hope in the Community”
4.44Be responsible for Community Relations
4.45Lobby Community Leaders on behalf of Students
4.46Be the first point of contact for Students with Welfare issues and signpost them to the appropriate source of care
4.47Be the first point of Contact and support for Liberation
4.48Promote Equal Opportunities in the Union, University and
Local Community
4.49Attend appropriate University Committees
4.50Liaise with NUS on Welfare Matters
4.51All Sabbatical Officers shall be subject to any relevant impeachment by-laws and by-laws governing their conduct.
4.52One Sabbatical Officer shall serve as the Sabbatical NUS Delegate and they shall be elected annually by the Executive Council. This election shall be held each year before the election of the Student Delegate under clauses 5.85-5.87
Student and Liberation Officers
5.There shall be Student Officers of the Union
5.1There shall be 17 Student Officers who shall constitute the following:
5.2Creative Campus Representative
5.3Aigburth Campus Representative
5.4International Students Representative
5.5Mature & Part-Time Students Representative
5.6Post-Graduate Students Representative
5.7Sustainability Officer
5.8Student Officers shall be elected by a Ballot of members and according to any and all appropriate By-Laws governing Elections.
5.9Student Officers shall be Full-Time members of the Union and shall hold office only while studying at Liverpool Hope University.
5.10Student Officers shall be elected to serve a term of One (1) Year with dates according to any relevant by-laws.
5.11A person may only serve as a Student Officer or Liberation Officer for Two (2) terms of office regardless of which role(s) they may hold.
5.12There shall be Liberation Officers of the Union.
5.13There shall be four Liberation Officers who shall constitute:
5.14Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans Officer
5.15Women’s Officer
5.16Disabled Students Officer
5.17Black and Ethnic Minorities Officer
5.18Liberation Officers shall be elected by a Ballot of members and according to any and all appropriate By-Laws governing Elections.
5.19Liberation Officers shall be Full-Time members of the Union and shall hold office only while studying at Liverpool Hope University.
5.20Liberation Officers shall be elected to serve a term of One (1) Year with dates according to any relevant by-laws.
5.21All Student Officers Shall:
5.22Maintain and uphold the Constitution and By-Laws of Liverpool Hope Students’ Union
5.23Implement and adhere to all Union Policy and mandates
5.24Attend Union Forum meetings
5.25Make recommendations to Union Forums, the Sabbatical Officers, Staff Members and any committee where appropriate
5.26Promote the Union and encourage engagement from within their area and/or constituency
5.27The Creative Campus Representative shall:
5.28Represent all Students who Study and/or Reside at the Creative Campus
5.29Represent the Union to all Students who Study and/or Reside at the Creative Campus
5.30Hold regular surgeries and liaise with Creative Campus Students and residents of Gerard Manley Hopkins Halls
5.31Promote the Policy, Business, Events and Campaigns of the Union at the Creative Campus and to its Students
5.32Encourage engagement in the Union from Creative Campus Students
5.33Liaise with the Resident Tutors at Gerard Manley Hopkins Halls
5.34Any Person holding this office shall be primarily a Student at the Creative Campus.
5.35The Aigburth Campus Representative shall:
5.36Represent all Students who reside at the Aigburth Campus
5.37Represent the Union to all Students who reside at the Aigburth Campus
5.38Hold regular surgeries and liaise with Aigburth Campus Students and its Residents
5.39Promote the Policy, Business, Events and Campaigns of the Union at the Aigburth Campus and to its Students
5.40Encourage engagement in the Union from Aigburth Campus Students
5.41Liaise with the Resident Tutors at the Aigburth Campus
5.42Any Person holding this officeshall reside at the Aigburth Campus.
5.43The International Students Representative shall:
5.44Be the Representative for International Students
5.45Hold regular surgeries and liaise with International Students
5.46Encourage engagement in the Union with International Students
5.47Liaise with the International Students staff at the University
5.48Any Person holding this office shall be an International Student.
5.49The Mature & Part-Time Students Officer shall:
5.50Be the Representative for Mature and Part-Time Students
5.51Seek to support and represent students with caring responsibilities
5.52Hold regular surgeries and liaise with Mature Students
5.53Encourage engagement in the Union with Mature Students
5.54Liaise with the Mature Students staff at the University
5.55Any Person holding this office shall be a Mature Student.
5.56The Post-Graduate Students Officer shall:
5.57Be the Representative for Post-Graduate Students
5.58Hold regular surgeries and liaise with Post-Graduate
5.59Encourage engagement in the Union with Post-Graduate Students
5.60Engage with and represent Post Graduate Certificate of
Education Students
5.61Any Person holding this officer shall be a Post-Graduate for the Academic year commencing during their term of office.
5.62The Sustainability Officer shall:
5.63Lead and facilitate student engagement in all Union and NUS Sustainability campaigns including: Student Switch Off, Green Hope, Green Impact, Fair Trade and the Student Allotment
5.64Be the President of the Green Hope Society
5.65Advise the Vice President Welfare & Community on Sustainability Policy for the Union
5.66The Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans Officer shall:
5.67Be the President of the LGBT Campaign
5.68Liaise with LGBT students to form their Policy
5.69Any Person holding this office shall self-define as Lesbian, Gay, Bi or Trans.
5.70The Women’s Officer shall:
5.71Be the President of the Women’s Forum
5.72Liaise with Women Students to form their Policy
5.73Any Person holding this office shall self-define as a Woman.
5.74The Disabled Students Officer shall:
5.75Be the President of the Disabled Students’ Forum
5.76Liaise with Disabled Students to form their Policy
5.77Any Person holding this office shall self-define as Disabled.
5.78The Black and Ethnic Minorities Officer shall:
5.79Be the President of the BME Forum
5.80Liaise with B.E.M. Students to form their Policy
5.81Any Person holding this Office shall self-define as Black or of an Ethnic Minority.
5.82Within two (2) weeks of the Student and Liberation officers taking office in the first term of the academic year, they shall elect three of their number to sit on the Executive Council according to clause 3.1.iii.
5.83This Election shall be by a secret Ballot of the Student and Liberation Officers and shall be conducted under the Single Transferrable Vote System.
5.84All Student and Liberation Officers shall be subject to any relevant impeachment by-laws and by-laws governing their conduct.
5.85There shall be Student NUS Delegates to NUS National Conference to a number as prescribed by the Democratic Procedures Committee of NUS annually. They shall be elected by cross campus ballot and according to any relevant by-laws concerning elections
5.86Assuming the number of Student NUS Delegates continues to be one (1), the election shall be restricted in the following way under NUS Rules: If the Sabbatical NUS Delegate elected under clause 4.52 is not a self-defining woman, this position shall be reserved for a self-defining woman. If the Sabbatical NUS Delegate elected under clause 4.52 is a self-defining woman, this position shall be an open place (any student may stand and be elected).
5.87If the number of Delegates for Liverpool Hope is changed by Democratic Procedures Committee, clause 5.86 must be urgently reviewed by Executive Council and amended accordingly.
6.There shall be Forums of the Union.
6.1The Forums shall be open to all Full Members of the Union according to the Constitution.
6.2All Full Members shall have the right to propose policy, debate any matter raised and to vote on resolutions of the Forum.
6.3Members of the Forum shall be considered to be any Full Members in attendance.
6.4There shall be three Forums which shall constitute:
6.5Hope in the Union (see Section 7)
6.6Hope in the University (see Section 8)
6.7Hope in the Community (see Section 9)
6.8Each Forum shall have a Chair who shall be elected from the members of the Forum.
6.9The Chair shall be elected at the last meeting of each Forum of the Academic Year
6.10All candidates for Chair shall be a member of the Forum and shall not also be a Sabbatical Officer, Student Officer or Liberation Officer.
6.11The Chair of each Forum shall automatically become a Student Trustee and Member of the Executive Council upon taking office.
6.12The Chair of each forum shall be elected to serve a term of one (1) year with dates according to any relevant by-laws.
6.13The Chair shall be subject to any relevant impeachment by-laws and by-laws governing their conduct.
6.14The Chair shall be elected by secret ballot and according to the Single Transferrable Vote system.
6.15Each Forum shall be overseen by a Sabbatical Officer who shall be responsible for implementing the Policy of that Forum.
6.16At each meeting of a Forum the relevant Sabbatical Officer shall give a report of their business since the last Forum meeting focusing on their implementation of the Policy of the previous Forum meetings as well as any other information they deem appropriate.
6.17At each meeting of a Forum the relevant Sabbatical Officer shall be available publicly to take questions from Forum members.
6.18Voting on all Resolutions shall be by a show of hands (unless a secret ballot is requested by at least three (3) members) and by a simple majority.
Hope in the Union Forum
7.There shall be a Hope in the Union Forum (hereafter in this section referred to as the Forum) according to Paragraph 6.5.
7.1The Forum shall be primarily concerned with the Business of the Union itself, its political direction and the business of the President as well as Sports, Clubs and Societies.
7.2The Forum shall consider business such as the following, although this is not intended to be an exhaustive list:
7.3The Political Direction of the Union
7.4The Budget of the Union
7.5The Activities provided by the Union
7.6Clubs and Societies
7.7Sports and the Athletics Association
7.8The Union’s relations with the National Union of Students (NUS)
7.9Policy and amendments to Policy to submit to NUS
7.10The Forum shall be headed by the President of the Union who shall be responsible to implement its Policy.
7.11In the case of a Student or Liberation Officer Position being vacant after the main election for these positions, this Forum shall be competent to fill the vacancies. This election shall be conducted by secret ballot using the Single Transferable Vote system.
Hope in the University Forum
8.There shall be a Hope in the University Forum (hereafter in this section referred to as the Forum) according to Paragraph 6.6.
8.1The Forum shall be primarily concerned with the Educational development of the Union Members and influencing the Policy of Liverpool Hope University (hereinafter referred to as the University).
8.2The Forum shall consider Business such as the following, although this is not intended to be an exhaustive list:
8.3The curriculum of the University