Farley M. Allen
9127 Ashlar Place
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23116
(804) 317-9515
August 2016 - PresentLongwood University, Farmville, Virginia
Administration and Supervision Endorsement - 2 of 3 semesters completed
Completion in August 2017
August 2001Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
Master of Teacher
May 2000Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
B.A. HistoryMinor: Political Science
May 2009-PresentSchool Improvement Committee Member
●Member of an External Review team to Princess Anne High School in March 2015
●District wide accreditation committee focusing on communication and community relations within Hanover County
●Assisted with Patrick Henry’s Executive Summary, surveys and analysis of results
August 2016 - PresentPBIS/VTSS Committee Member
●Assist in making data driven decision regarding our positive behavior intervention plan that impacts school wide climate and culture
●Analysis of discipline data
●Work to combat negative behavior to improve the culture of our school
August 2016 - PresentAdministration and Supervision Intern
●275 hours of administrative experiences (athletics, finance, discipline, student supervision, PBIS/VTSS, evaluation, law)
August 2012 – PresentAssistant Athletic Director
●Manage ticket sales, ensure smooth events, lock up facilities following events
●Assist Athletic Director with communication, athletic events, reports
August 2001-Present Social Studies Teacher
●Sixteen years of classroom experience with Postgraduate Professional License,social science endorsement
●primarily taught ninth and eleventh grades
August 2008-2013Social Studies Department Chair
●Liaison between administration and 13 member department
●Conducted observations, monitored pacing, implementation of curriculum analyzed assessment results to make appropriate instructional decisions
PBIS/VTSS/Trauma Informed Care
●Gained knowledge of TIC and how to handle it in a school wide setting
●Serve on our school PBIS committee
●Present at monthly faculty meetings regarding our data analysis
World History I Online Curriculum Team
●Created modules for the implementation of the World History I online curriculum summer school class for Hanover County
Hanover County Teacher Leadership Institute 2015-16
●Created and implemented an effective PLC plan in my building
Professional Learning Communities at Work Institutes - November 2016
●Learned the purpose, advantages, and theories behind Professional Learning Communities
●collaborated with colleagues on how to effectively implement PLC’s in our building
Hanover County Leadership Academy
●Exposed to a variety of leadership roles available in Hanover County
●Shadowed an elementary assistant principal
Beth Smith, Principal
Patrick Henry High School
Tina Rudd, Principal
Hamilton Holmes Middle School, King William County
Tammy Jones, Internship Supervisor
Longwood University