Push Pull
Primary Connections: / Stage 1Essential Learnings by the end of: / Year 3
Forces are at work in everything we do- we push to open doors, and pull to tie ropes. Gravity pulls on things to make them fall down or to keep them down. Scientists and engineers study forces to design better bridges and faster aeroplanes, and to reduce the forces that impact on people in car accidents.
While engaged in the Push Pull unit, students have the opportunity to explore pushes and pulls. Through investigations, students observe and gather evidence about how these forces act in air and water and on the ground. Students identify the effect of the pull of gravity and learn that both air and water can ‘push’.
Primary Connections units are intended to be taught as whole units. The cross-referencing indicates how specific lessons relate to Ways of Working, within a whole unit.
In each cross-referencing document, there are shaded areas showing suggested teaching ideas that are not mentioned in the current Primary Connections resources. These ideas have been provided by Primary Connections personnel who are involved in the development of the cross-referencing document and the ideas are suggestions only, with teachers being encouraged to develop further ideas related to the Essential Learnings.
Ways of working
Lesson / Essential Learnings Statement
/ Lesson 1 Moving toys
Lesson 3 Water water everywhere
Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats?
Lesson 5 Floating on air / Pose questions and make predictions
/ Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats?
Lesson 5 Floating on air
Lesson 7 Helicopter Test Flights / Plan activities and simple investigations, and identify elements of a fair test
/ Lesson 1 Moving Toys
Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats
Lesson 5 Floating on air
Lesson 7 Helicopter test flights / Identify and collect data, information and evidence
/ Lesson 3 Water water everywhere
Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats
Lesson 5 Floating on air / Make judgments about the usefulness of the data, information and evidence
/ Lesson 1 Moving toys
Lesson 3 Water, water everywhere
Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats
Lesson 5 Floating on air
Lesson 7 Helicopter test flights / Use identified tools, technologies and materials
/ Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats
Lesson 5 Floating on air
Lesson 7 Helicopter test flights / Draw conclusions and give explanations, using data, information and evidence
/ Lesson 1 Moving Toys
Lesson 2 Investigating pushes and pulls at home
Lesson 3 Water water
Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats?
Lesson 5 Floating on air
Lesson 6 Push meets pull
Lesson 7 Helicopter test flights / Communicate scientific ideas, data, information and evidence, using terminology, illustrations or representations
/ Lesson 3 Water water
Lesson 5 Floating on air
Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats? / Follow guidelines to apply safe practices /
Nil as yet / Reflect on and identify other points of view relating to science in everyday situations
/ Lesson 4 What sinks, what floats?
Lesson 5 Floating on air
Lesson 6 Push meets pull
Lesson 7 Helicopter test flights
Lesson 8 Pulling it together / Reflect on learning to identify new understandings
Knowledge and Understanding-
Science as a Human Endeavour- Science is a part of everyday activities and experiences
Lesson/teaching idea / Essentials Learning StatementThroughout unit, including how objects move, how boats float (lesson 4- listed as an optional lesson), how objects fly (lesson 7) / Science has applications in daily life, including at home, at school, at work and in leisure time.
Knowledge of pushing and pulling enables people to modify their natural and built environments / Science can impact on people and their environments
Nil as yet / Stewardship of the environment involves conserving natural resources
Design and movement of throwing implements, wind push, floating objects / Australian Indigenous knowledge of natural phenomena has developed over time as a result of people observing, investigating and testing in everyday life
Knowledge and Understanding-
Earth and Beyond- Changes in the observable environment influence life.
Earth and space experience recurring patterns and natural cycles of events, including seasons, weather and moon phases, and these can affect living things.Materials of the earth can be used in various ways.
Knowledge and Understanding-
Energy and change- Energy can be used for different purposes
Whole unit / Pushes and pulls affect the shape and motion of objectsWhole unit / Forms of energy, including electricity, light, heat, movement and sound, have different applications
Knowledge and Understanding-
Life and Living- Needs, features and functions of living things are related and change over time
Animals, plants and non-living things have different features/characteristics.Offspring have similar characteristics to their parents.
Change occurs during the life cycle of living things.
Living things depend on the environment and each other.
Knowledge and Understanding-
Natural and Processed Materials- Materials have different properties and undergo different changes
Materials are categorised according to their observable properties.Properties of familiar materials may be changed.
Document shows actual links between Primary Connections and Essential Learnings