Annex 13
of the Statement of Work
- Introduction
During the performance period of the Contract the Contractor shall provide 1 (one) dedicated and EASA qualified B1 mandatory (B2 recommended) Technical Representative on site Field Service Representative(FSR), to assist the Italian A319CJ fleet operator (31st Wing) in maintainingand dispatching thesubject aircraft.
1.Technical Support - Key Tasks and Responsibilities
The main task of the FSR is to provide 31st Wing’s personnel with the necessary technical assistance concerning scheduled and unscheduled (i.e.: inspections, troubleshooting, corrective maintenance operations, etc.) maintenance activities.
The FSR assistance shall be provided:
-at Ciampino Airbase where the 31st Wing is located;
-at any possible location through the entire World as required by ItAF.
The FSR shall also ensurea close liaison between the Contractor/Subcontractors and ItAF in order to assist and solve ASAP any technical and administrative issuearisingduring the performance period of the Contract.
Thus, the FSR is required to perform activities as specified below:
- provide technical assistance to solve unusual and/or difficultmaintenance related problems;
- analyse potentialhurdles in performing maintenance operations and identify/ definethe necessary actions to cope with the specific issue (if applicable) or the change to be recommended to the relevantmaintenance procedure (i.a.w. the applicable directives/technical documentation);
- identify and recommendimprovement in performing inspection procedures;
- be aware of any maintenance activity to be carried out on materials object of the contractual support (i.e.: A/C, engines and engines’ LRU, APU and APU’s LRU, accessories, equipment and ItAF A319CJ peculiar cabin interiors (i.e. furniture, entertainment devices, etc.) including survival equipment, AGE & GSE etc.)), in order to minimize potential difficulties in successfully performing such activities;
- contact the Contractor and Subcontractors, manufacturers, authorized repair stations and (if applicable) require the necessary assistance.
Following the completion of any A/C maintenance activity, the FSR shall be incharge forsigning therelevant “Certificate of Release to Service” and the required related documents.
The Contractor shall provide the FSR with all the hardware and software provisions necessary to fulfil his tasks and meet his responsibilities.
The Contractor shall also provide the FSR with a voice and data telephone line and individual and portable communication devices toupload/download documentation and to operate also in a no-power-supply condition.
More specifically, FSR’s performance in all above technical activities shall be evaluated against the achievement of the following KPIs targets, allowing a tolerance of a 10% to each of them, on a monthly basis by the TRPO.
KPI / TargetResponse time for A/C findings after flight (reported time on work order, tasked by TRPO,until corrective action response time by FSR)
FSR On-Site / 1 hour
Response time for A/C findings after flight (reported time on work order, tasked by TRPO, until corrective action response time by FSR)
FSR Off-Site / 2 hours
Compliance with completion time for A/C findings after flight (time for actual work completion to time required as by A/C system relevant work cards. Time starts from A/C form entry and ends to A/C CRS signature) / 95%
Response time for A/C findings during scheduled maintenance (reported time on work order, tasked either by TRPO or FSR,until corrective action response time by FSR)
FSR On-Site / 1 hour
Response time A/C findings during scheduled maintenance (reported time on work order tasked either by TRPO or FSR,until corrective actions response time by FSR)
FSR Off-Site / 2 hours
Compliance with completion time for A/C findings during scheduled maintenance (time for actual work completion to time required as by A/C system relevant work cards. Time starts from A/C form entry and ends to A/C CRS signature) / 95 %
Repetitive DRs reported after A/C findings/problem restoration (# of DRs) / 0
Non-Repetitive DRs reported after A/C findings / problem restoration (# of DRs) / 2
Response time for A/C AOG condition (time from AOG condition reported by TRPOuntil FSR response and proposal for AOG corrective action) / 0.5 hours
A/C CRS issuance for unscheduled maintenance (time from A/C findings/problem completion untilCRS signature by FSR)
FSR On-Site / 1 hour
A/C CRS issuance for scheduled maintenance (time from A/C findings/problem completion until CRS signature by the FSR)
FSR On-Site / 2
A/C CRS issuance for unscheduled maintenance (time from A/C findings/problem completion until CRS signature by the FSR)
FSR Off-Site / 2
A/C CRS issuances for scheduled maintenance (time from A/C findings/problem completion until CRS signature by the FSR)
FSR Off-Site / 4
Response time for request for A/C technical support for missions abroad, prior to mission date (reported task time by TRPOuntil FSR response, which includes complete support details) / 1 day
Problem solving time for A/C technical support for missions abroad, during mission (time counts from reported task by TRPOuntil problem solved time reported by FSR) (*) / 1 day
(*) Problem solving time considers restoration of all airplane systems problems, except: Engine, APU, L/G replacement and structural repairs requiring extensive A/C disassembly
2.Administrative matters - Key Tasks and Responsibilities
2.1During the performance period of the Contract the FSR assistance shall be ensured at Ciampino Airbaseon24h basis i.a.w. the priorities and rules specified in the next part 2.3.
2.2The FSR shall operate at Ciampino Airbase or anywhere throughout the entire World upon request of TRPO, 35(thirty-five) working hours perweek, i.a.w. the priorities specified below:
-Priority 1:during A319CJ fleet flight activities;
-Priority 2:during maintenance activities to be carried out on GFE.
The FSR shall perform the required assistanceduring the following hours:
-Monday to Friday: 08.00 -12.30 / 13.30 - 16.00;
-Saturday and Sunday: assistance i.a.w. para 2.4.
2.3The overtime (necessary to carry out performances upon request of TRPO), exceeding FSR contractual working hours (35 hours per weekly, as specified in para 2.2) shall be compensated with an equivalent number of FSR spare hours.
2.4Beyond the 35 working hours and the weekly time schedule specified in previous para 2.2, the FSR assistance shall be guaranteed on a continuous basis, every day of the performanceperiod of the Contract, i.a.w. the rules specified below:
-Response to a telephone call for assistance shall be guaranteed within 5 (five) minutes from aphone call made by the TRPO;
-Present himself (physically available), as follows:
-at Ciampino Airbase within a period of 2 (two) hours from acall made by the (TRPO);
-at any place located in Italy within a period of 24 (twenty-four) hours from a call made by the (TRPO);
-at Ciampino Airbase within a period of 6 (six) hours from a call made by the (TRPO), ready to be deployed throughout the entire World.
2.5The TRPOshall check and register the FSR presence as specified above in par. 2.2 and 2.3. and he shall evaluate the requirement about deploying the FSR away from Ciampino Airbase on a case by case basis.
2.5Based on daily presence registrations, the FSR shall meet the following KPIs regarding his availability (physical presence):
FSR confirmed daily presence (start to stop) and working hours (weekly report by TRPO & timesheets of FSR) / 98%FSR absence and replacement documentation (weekly report by TRPO & FSR formal requests) / 100%
2.6The FSR shall meet the requirements listed below:
-Specific technical knowledge on A319CJ A/C andon job experience (no less than 5Y in B1 and/or B2 level) performed on Airbus A320’s family;
-Fluency in languages, both oral and written,and communication skills (English and French at least);
-qualificationfor test flight activities as passenger.
Prior to releasing the necessary clearance for entering the Ciampino Airbase, ItAF will activate the local Security Authorities to ascertain the suitability of the proposed FSR to cover the position from a security standpoint.
3.31st WingResponsibilities
3.1Access to Ciampino Airbase: The TRPO will take care to provide FSR with the "Passi" needed to access the Ciampino Airbase.
3.2GFF (Government Furnished Facility): Furnished Office including telephone line access. The telephone (voice and data) services will be provided by the Contractor at its own cost.
3.3Access to the Government Furnished Equipment (GFE):The TRPO will take care to provide access to GFE.
4.FSR Service approval and acceptance
The FSR shall send to TRPO for signature the timesheets certifying his daily presence at work (see previous parts, from 2.2 to 2.4), on a monthly basis, i.a.w. rules specified below:
-lack in satisfying FSR availability requirement shall be recorded on the subject document as a 1 (one) day of not-justified absence from work in the same day;
-activities carried out (independently by the duration of the activity itself) by the FSR away from Ciampino Airbase without a proper authorization (to be provided by TRPOor his authorized delegate), shall be considered as a 1 (one) day of not-justified absence from work in the same day.
The above mentioned timesheets attesting the FSR performance shall be delivered by the FSR to the Contractor, duly filled-in and signed as specified above.
5.FSR replacement
The Contractor shall advise NSPAwith at least 30 calendar days advance notice to eventually replace the FSR designated person.NSPAshall advise the Contractor at least 30 calendar days before to eventually require the FSR replacement without any obligation of motivating the request.FSR replacement request shall be justified with evidence of poor performance (less than 90% for a period of 3 consecutive months) as per the KPIs specified above. The FSR shall be replaced within 30 calendar days from the request.The substitute FSR shall meetthe same requirementsdetailed in para 2.6. Substitution shall take place at no additional cost to NSPA.
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