Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District
Minutes: Meeting of the Board of Directors
July 14, 2010
Lower Canyon
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Bette Blinde at 7:04pm. Board members present were Bette Blinde, LeAnn Davis, Jim Venable, Rachel Schneider and Jackie Matzner.
Approval of Reports:
A motion was made by Rachel Schneider to approve minutes, as e-mailed, to all Board members and a second by LeAnn Davis. No discussion. All approved. Motion passed 4-0.
LeAnn Davis presented the treasurer’s report. Jim Venable made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, as e-mailed, to all Board members, second by Rachel Schneider. No discussion. All approved. Motion passed 4-0.
New Business:
The next Board meeting will be held at Arrowhead Lodge in the Upper Canyon at 7:00pm on August 10, 2010. Winter meetings that were scheduled for the Upper Canyon from then on will be held at the Lower Community Building until construction on the new Upper Canyon Building is completed.
Budget Assignments: LeAnn Davis wants to track down what everything is for, check for duplications, make projections of new building costs, training, maintenance and licensing expenses, etc.
LeAnn Davis will get with JCL, Fire Chief, Asst. Fire Chief, and grant writers to have budget done by October.
Old Business:
Justin Larson and Kiley Baham from JCL, presented the status of the Lower building with the County processes. Also, an overview of the design and needs were presented.
The Upper Canyon Building well permit is in process and should be obtained very soon.
Rachel Schneider reported that a fund raiser at Ted’s Place raised $1315.00.
Fire Chief: Call load increased slightly, in the 40’s. There were no fires. Mishawaka is an issue of safety with their varying venues. There was much discussion concerning these problems. The Board was in favor of Carl checking with the County to see if there could be a hearing to see about requirements. 7 people passed the pack test.
Station 1: Jon Schneider reported nothing new.
Station 2: no representation.
Station 4: Bette Blinde reported the Type 2 engines are up and running, Type 6 is running. There is a problem with the baseboard heaters, they won’t turn off. She got a bid of $2500.00 for 2 heaters from the ceiling. 55% can be reimbursed from a grant by USDA World Development. A motion was made by LeAnn Davis to allocate $2500.00 for heaters for Station 4. Second by Rachel Schneider. All approved. Motion was carried 4-0.
EMS: Leslie Nine reported 10 calls more than this time last year. EMS training this fall at Wellington.
Public Comments:
New posting of dates at 5 locations. Jackie Matzner will update website and postings.
Carl Solley stated that LCSO will relieve us of financial responsibility on a wild fire as soon as we turn over command to them.
Motion made to adjourn by LeAnn Davis at 8:04pm, second by Rachel Schneider.