No. 707


707 – Facility Use
1.Purpose / The athletic facilities of California Area High School and California Elementary/Middle School are primarily for California Area School District (CASD) activities, practices, games and other events. Secondary preference will be given to community and other organizations or groups that involve California Area students, then to all other entities. All approved parties must abide by the fee schedule, policies, and procedures listed below to best ensure proper, safe and successful use for all involved as well as permission to return for future events.
2. /
  1. Interested parties should first contact the Director of Athletics to determine initial availability of the facilities desired, followed by submitting a Facilities Use request form. Applicants should use the worksheet included in this document to calculate the projected costs. Once the arrangements are finalized, by the Director of Athletics/Facility Manager, the form will be presented to the District’s School Board for approval. A contract will be mailed to the applicant after the request is approved by the School Board. A completely executed copy of the contract must be returned to the Athletic Director or Superintendent’s Office seven (7) days before the date of the event for which the use is requested.
  1. There shall be no charge for the use of facilities of the CASD, when such use is made by an organized activity directly related to operation of the School District (example given, PTA meetings, Band Parent Meetings, etc.).
3. First priority will be given to CASD athletics and activities. Cancellation of an approved facilities use agreements may be necessary due to an unscheduled or rescheduled CASD need for the facility. If school is cancelled on the day of the event, the decision to cancel the event is at the discretion of the Superintendent. Requests cannot be made more than one year in advance. Approved requests are not automatically renewable year to year.
4. All individuals, groups, or organizations who are not affiliated with the
CASD or whose intended use of a facility is not CASD-related must
provide a certificate of liability insurance in the minimum amounts of
$1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. The certificates of
insurance shall be issued by an insurance underwriter that is approved by
the Pennsylvania Commissioner of Insurance, and shall name the CASD
as an additional insured.
5.The application for use of facilities shall be held as evidence of the
applicant’s acceptance of responsibility to the CASD for damage done to
a building, an area, or equipment during the approved period of use and
of the applicant’s willingness to assume financial responsibility for
repairs and/or replacement.
6. The application for use of facilities shall be held as evidence that the
applicant, and all who are included in the use of the requested facilities,
shall hold the CASD free and without harm from any loss or damage
liability or expense that may arise during or be caused in any way by
such use or occupancy. The CASD shall, under no circumstances, be
liable for injuries sustained by any person.
7. Use of facilities is restricted to the area(s) approved and the specific
times listed on the application. For example, a listed time use of 7:00 PM
to 10:00 PM indicates entering the facilities at 7:00 PM and departing the
facilities no later than by 10:00 PM. Any time projected for facility prep,
set-up or other preparations as well as teardown, clean-up, or other
closing efforts must be included in the total time frame requested. All
buildings must be cleared no later than 10PM, or at such earlier hour as
designated by the Building Facility Manager at his/her discretion.
8. All applications for the use of school facilities shall be submitted on official forms provided by the School District, which may be obtained from the Elementary/Middle School or High School Office. Facility requests must be received at least 30 days prior to the anticipated use to allow review, approval and scheduling. When a facility use request cannot be approved by the Board prior to the start of the requested use, the Superintendent of School may, if appropriate, approve the request until it is given final approval at the Board at its next meeting. The Superintendent will not grant such a request unless all requirements set forth herein have been met.
9. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that CASD policies, procedures
and ordinances are obeyed. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on
CASD property, and, by Federal law, the California Area School District
grounds is a no smoking and tobacco free campus. This includes “e-
cigarettes” and all smoking cessation devices. Smoking is not permitted
anywhere on the school property. The fire lanes in front of any school
district building must be kept clear of parked vehicles at all times
throughout the duration of the facilities use, not only during the use of the facility.
20 U.S.C.
Sec. 7181 et seq
35 P.S. 1223.5
10 P.S. 311 et seq /
  1. There shall be no charge for the use of facilities of the CASD, when such use is made by an organized activity directly related to operation of the School District (example given, PTA meetings, Band Parent Meetings, etc.).

3.Delegation of Responsibility
School Code



This contract will serve as a permit to show the custodian in charge of the building.

We hereby certify that we shall be personally responsible on behalf of ourselves or our organization, for any loss of furniture or equipment, and any damage to or abuse of school buildings, grounds, and equipment growing out of occupancy of said premises by our organization. We agree to abide by and enforce the Policy of the California Area School District governing the use of school buildings, grounds, and equipment as prepared and presented to us at the time of application and which are considered to be a part of this agreement. (Policy attached)

The conditions of use are herby set forth:
Admission Price: ______/ Collection: ______
Use of Proceeds: ______
Kind of Activity: ______
Facility to be Used: ______
Date: ______/ Time (from): ______/ To: ______
Rehearsal Date: ______/ Time: ______/ To: ______
Rental and Operating Fees – To be paid to the CaliforniaAreaSchool District before the date of use of facility.
Rental Fee: / To be determined per request
(see attached schedule)
Operating Fee: / Overtime for any employee for weekend use of the facilities
Organization: ______
Signature of Representative: ______
Address: ______/ Telephone: ______
Date of Approval by School Board: ______
Signature of Superintendent: ______
Date of Signature: ______
Rental and/or Operating Fee(s) of / Paid / Date:
To be completed in duplicate. One copy for the school and one copy for the organization using the facility.



Organization: ______
Kind of Program ______
Use Requested By: ______/ Telephone: ______
Address: ______/ Date of Request: ______
Admission Price: ______/ Collection: ______
Use of Proceeds: ______
Name of Person in Charge: ______/ Telephone: ______
Facility Requested______
Number of Organization Members to be Present at Event: ______
Equipment Requested: ______
If requesting an athletic facility and PA system and scoreboard are needed Mr. Minerd is to be contacted; Nadia Uhall is to be contacted if the stage is requested and you will need the lighting and audio equipment.
Estimated Attendance: ______Date: ______/ Time From ______To ______
Date of Rehearsals ______
Public Liability Insurance: Yes______No ______/ Collection: ______
If yes, applicant must provide evidence of such insurance naming the School District as an additional insured at the time for which the facility/property is requested.
Signature: ______

Return to the office of the principal

/ Signature of AD: ______
Principal______/ Date: ______
Board Action: ______/ Date: ______
Remarks: ______
Approved by Athletic Director ______
______/ ______

You are responsible for reading the abiding by the rules and regulations for use of school facilities.


Schedule of Fees

Type A – District Affiliated Organizations

Type B – Non-Profit Organizations or Activities

Type C – For Profit Organizations or Activities

Fees to be PaidType AType BType C

AuditoriumNo Fee$30$200

Auditorium Lighting/Sound PersonHourly RateHourly RateHourly Rate

GymnasiumNo Fee$30$200

Locker RoomNo Fee$10$100

CafeteriaNo Fee$10$100

KitchenNo Fee$10$100

ClassroomNo Fee$10$40

Computer LabNo Fee$30$100

FitnessCenterNo Fee$30$150

Turf FieldNo Fee$250$750

Softball/Baseball FieldsNo Fee$10$100

Field LightsNo Fee$50$100

Custodial Fees (in the schools)No FeeHourly RateHourly Rate

Custodial Fees (Stadium)$100(maximum)Hourly RateHourly Rate

Stadium (scoreboard operator)Hourly RateHourly RateHourly Rate

WPIAL/PIAA – cost to be determined at time of use

CaliforniaUniversity – no charge for university organized competitions

Intermediate Unit 1 – no charge

No charge for practices

Board approved March 17, 2010

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