Report Card Procedures
St. Mary Parish – Second Nine Weeks
I Principal Reminds Teachers of Collection Date.....p. 2
II Open “3rd Nine Weeks” Grading Period...... p. 2
III Missing Grades Audit...... p. 2
IV Incomplete Grades Audit...... p. 3
V Mass Calculate Final Grades...... p. 3
VI Print Verification Sheets...... p. 4
VIIPrint Draft Copies of Report Cards...... p. 4
VIII Remove Averages of Previously Scheduled Classes.p. 5
IX Lock 2nd Nine Weeks Grades in JGradebook...... p. 6
X Calculate GPA’s...... p. 7
XI Print Report Cards...... p. 8
Appendix...... p. 11
Grade Procedures for Report Cards
I.Ask the Principal to remind Teachers what date grades are to be complete in JGradebook.
II.Open up the “3rd Nine Weeks” Grading Period in JGradebook. This step will allow teachers to begin posting grades to the next grading period.
- In GradesCommandCenter, click on “JGradebook” > “JGradebook”
- Click anywhere in green graphic to get setup box. Click “OK”.
- Click on “Admin” > “Global Locked Terms”. A prompt for a password will be presented.
- The password will be emailed to you by Debra or Irene.
- Click to remove the checkmark next to “3rd Nine Weeks” to make it available for teachers to begin posting grades for the next six weeks.
- Click “Save”, then exit.
III.Missing Grades Audit (Checks for missing averages in a class)
- In GradesCommandCenter, click on “Grades” > “Missing Grades Audit”
- At the setup box, choose your school, and set the date to 12/20/2007:
- Elementary and Middle Schools: Click to place a check next to “9wk”.
- High Schools: Click to place a check next to “4x4”.
- When you check “9wk” or “4x4” a second selection box appears. Click to check “P1” and “P2” for first and second marking period:
- Click “Ok” and work with teachers on missing grades. There may be some grades that simply cannot be resolved for valid reasons. Leave these blank.
IV.Incomplete Grades Audit (Checks for I’s).
- In GradesCommandCenter, click on “Grades” > “Incomplete Grades Audit”
- At the setup box, select your school and the correct date range (start of school to 12/20/07), then click “Submit”.
- Work with Teachers to clean up.
V.For High Schools and Middle Schools reporting Final Grades at Mid-Term Only: Mass Calculate Grades
- Note: If you are an Elementary School or a Middle School that does not have Final Grades being calculated at Mid-Term, you do not have to do this step.
- This process will make JPams calculate the Final grade average in courses that are ending at Mid-Term.
- In the GradesCommandCenter, click on “Grades”, then “Post Grades Master”.
- High Schools: Under “4x4 Semester to Display Scheduled Students”, click to place a check in the box for “2nd” grading period. (See example at right.)
- Middle Schols that have half credit courses earning Final Grades at the end of the First Semester Only: Under “2x8 Semester To Display Scheduled Students” click to place a check in the box for “1st” Semester. (See example at right.)
- Click to place a check next to “Report Card Mode”. This tells JPams to calculate Final Grades for classes that are finishing this semester.
- Click “OK”
- Click “Continue” at the warning dialog box.
- Click “Admin” then “Calculate Sem/Final Grades”.
- A progress bar like the one at right will be displayed. Click “Cancel” to stop the process if needed.
- When done, a user can check to see the final grades calculated for mid-tern classes by going to the bottom of the screen and choosing a Teacher and class to see the calculated final averages.
VI.Print Verification Sheets for teachers to verify grade averages:
- In GradesCommandCenter, click on “GRADES”, then “PRINT GRADE SHEETS”.
- Distribute to teachers.
- Set a deadline for teachers to return the Verification Sheets with their initials and date on them. If the teachers had errors, they should make the changes in JGradebook and note the change on the grade sheet printout. File the signed verification sheets in your office in case a future discrepancy comes up.
- On the grade sheet, courses with grade averages have several appearances:
- A lowercase letter grade means automatically calculated from assignments in JGradebook. “4a” means that an average of “A” worth 4 quality points has been automatically calculated.
- A capital letter on a gradesheet indicates a “human” edit of an average. “4A”means that the final grade of “A” worth 4 quality points was manually entered in Post Grades Master.
- “*” means that an attendance violation has caused a failure of the course. “4f*” means that the final grade of “f” has overridden the A (4) average.
- Printed Report cards show all grades in capital letters.
VII.Print Draft Copies of Report Cards to check over initial grades.
- This can be done in one of two ways…..
- Printing draft copies of Report Cards on plain paper to check student grades. Directions for printing report cards can be found starting on page 8….. OR….
- Print “Mini Report Cards”. This is basically an end of the year label printed on plain paper.
- In the setup box, choose “Av 5163 Opt2”.
- Set your school number, then year = “0708”.
- Check “Act Stu Only” as “Yes”.
- Check “Grade Span”, and then set to do one or two grade levels.
- Check “Post” to “Alphas” and “Incld StuMstr /At….”.
- Click OK to print.
- On the following screen, click “select all”, then “Print”.
VIII.Remove averages of formerly scheduled courses, as in transfer students, schedule changes, etc…
- This is caused when a student’s schedule is changed to a course with a different name (Example: Physics changed to Financial Math). If the former average is to be removed, the removal is done in “Post Grades by Student”.
- In GradesCommandCenter, go to “Grades”, then “Post Grades By Student”.
- Use “Find” to locate the student in question.
- Double click in the cell of the average to be removed from the report card. Press the “Tab” key or “Enter” to confirm the change.
- Repeat for each student needing this adjustment.
Example of a student who needs to have grade averages cleaned up due to schedule change. Note Exploratory 8 has a grade for first 9 weeks, then none for second. Also, note Math 8 has no grade in first 9 weeks. Situations like this “may” indicate the need to investigate the student’s grades/schedule with the teachers. To remove a grade, double click on the average, back space the cell to empty, and then punch “Enter” or “Tab” to move to the next subject to clean up. Click “Find” to reselect the student to check for changes made.
IX.Lock 2nd NineWeek Gradesin JGradebook. When verification sheets are complete, edits are done, and the report cards are ready to be printed for a final draft, lock the electronic gradebook so that grades will not be accidentally changed.
- In GradesCommandCenter, click on “JGradebook” > “JGradebook”
- Click anywhere in green graphic to get setup box. Click “OK”.
- Click on “Admin” > “Global Locked Terms”. A prompt for a password will be presented.
- The password will be emailed to you by Irene or Debra.
- Click to place a checkmark next to “2nd Nine Weeks” to lock assignments for that grading period.
- Remember to leave “3rd Nine Weeks” unchecked so that teachers can post grades for the next grading period.
- Click on “Save”
- Use same procedure to “unlock” a grading period for edits for a teacher.
- ***Note: A teacher needs a Principal’s permission to get a term unlocked for grade changes.
Check “2nd Nine Weeks” to lock this grading period.
Leave “3rd Nine Weeks” unchecked so that teachers
may access this grading period in JGradebook.
X.Calculate GPA’s: (This can be run in two locations)
- Using GradesCommandCenter to Update Current GPA’s:
- In GradesCommandCenter click on “Grades” > “Update Current Year GPA”. A setup box like below will appear.
- Take the settings as shown below, and then click “Process”.
- Using Report Cardsettings to Update Current Year GPA’s
- In the GradesCommandCenter, click on “Report Cards”, then “Report Cards” again.
- At the report card set up screen, click on the red “Update Current Year GPA”.
XI.Printing Report Cards: In GradesCommandCenter, click “Report Cards”, then “Report Cards” again.
- Upper Left Section Directions:
- Click on the down arrow in the Report Type To Print field. Click on “Report Card”.
- Click on the down arrow in the Print Courses By field. Click on “Course Name Order”.
- Click to place check marks on the following options:
- ShowSchool Name
- Shown Address Line
- Show Homeroom Teacher
- Show Comments
- Show Guardian Signature Line
- Lower Left Section:
- For Display the Below Items From, double click the date fields to bring up a calendar. Set the dates to start with the beginning of school to the and end of the 2nd Six Weeks (8/09/2007 – 12/20/2007).
- Click to place a check mark by Absentee Detail and Absentee Summary.
- Note: Do not check off Discipline. St. Mary Parish does not show this information on Report Cards.
- Set both Grading Period being Printed… fields to “2”.
- If the school wishes to place a message from the Principal, click on “Principal’s Message” to type in the text.
- This information will print just below the grades section of the Progress Report.
- If the school wishes to place additional information such as upcoming events, reminders, etc…, click on “Bottom Message” to type the text.
- This information will print at the bottom of the Report Card.
- Upper Right Section: This section deals with the selection of students and order to be printed. Variations will be shown for different kinds of schools. It is important to remember to keep your print jobs in small to medium sized batches.
- Print a group of 5 to8 homerooms at a time
- Click the drop down arrow on School Year, then select “0708”.
- Make sure School is set to your school number.
- The Grade range can be set from “-1” to “12”
- Make sure Gender is set to “Male and Female”
- Make sure Ethnic is set to “Include All”
- Set Order to List as “Homeroom Order”.
- Select 5 to 8 homeroom teachers at a time to print. Select the first homeroom teacher in the range by clicking on Starting Teacher/Counselor. Select the last teacher in the range by clicking Ending Teacher Counselor.
- Repeat for each group of 5 to 8 homeroom teachers.
- Print a grade range by homeroom
- Click the drop down arrow on School Year, then select “0708”.
- Make sure School is set to your school number.
- Set the Grade range (Example “01” to “01”
- Make sure Gender is set to “Male and Female”
- Make sure Ethnic is set to “Include All”
- Set Order to List as “Homeroom Order”.
- Select 5 to 8 homeroom teachers at a time to print per grade level. Select the first homeroom teacher in the range by clicking on Starting Teacher/Counselor. Select the last teacher in the range by clicking Ending Teacher Counselor.
- Repeat for each grade level
- Lower Right Section: (This section deals with the final print settings of the Progress Report)
- Set Omit Inactive Students As Of: to “12/20/2007”
- Set Date Displayed on the Report” to “01/10/2007”
- Click to place a check mark next to Is JSped Installed?
- Click to place a check mark next to Special Education Student: Include
- Check the GPA related fields if GPA information is to be shown on the Report Card.
- TO PRINT A RANGE OF STUDENTS defined in the upper right section of the computer screen, click PrintSelectedRange.
- TO PRINT A SINGLE STUDENT, click Print Single Student. If there is a small group of students, click this button to find the individuals you are wishing to print.
After grades are collected, remember to keep your gradebooks locked for 1st and 2nd Nine Weeks unless changes are needed. Let a school administrator give approval to a teacher before unlocking a grading period for changes.
Thank you for your hard work and dedicated efforts!!!
Printing Gradebooks With Assignments
As you know, our policy states that teachers are to print their gradebooks on paper weekly, either on Friday afternoon or on Monday morning. This has been somewhat troublesome due to the large amount of paper and ink required.
This procedure offers a more efficient and less costly way of accomplishing the same thing. In this procedure, someone in administration prints all the teachers’ gradebooks on a high speed laser printer instead of teachers doing it. This insures complete operation (all teachers are printed), and it produces the output on the most efficient printer at the school, thus eliminating the high cost and problems associated with classroom printing on ink jet printers.
To print all teacher gradebooks with their assignments and grades:
In GradesCommandCenter, click on “JGradebook” > “JGradebook”.
Click anywhere in the green graphic to get setup box and enter for 0708 year.
Pick any teacher, any class, and the desired marking period.
Click on “Admin” > “Mass Print Gradebooks”
When password is requested, enter “super”, then click “Okay”.
Click “Yes” when asked if you want to print gradebook sheets for the requested grading period.
The program begins to print the gradebooks. The top progress bar is for the current teacher being processed, the second progress bar is for the complete task of all teachers. The number of teachers to be processed is shown, 38 in the example below.
You can also cancel the print out if you wish. This produces a lot of paper!