Crystal Tapestry
JoAnne Dodgson
excerpt from Walking the Spiral Path: Awakening Power and Passion
As the orange glowing sun rose up over the horizon, a hint of magic filled the
air. A chattering flock of ravens surfed wildly on the winds, landing high in the trees
and soaring to the ground to hold council among the frozen cornstalks in the field
beside our house. I wondered what they were up to, besides calling me out to play.
Iventured into the woods, delighted by the beauty of the vibrant green forest dusted
with sparkling white snow, all embraced by the brilliant blue sky. Our spirited dog,
Jasmine, romped through the underbrush, sticking her nose deep into animal tracks
imprinted in the snow to determine just who had been by and how long ago and if
there still was a chance of catching up.
When I stopped beside a creek to breath in the deep woody silence, I noticed
the thread of a spider’s web swaying slightly in the breeze. Hanging in a graceful arc
between the branches of a cedar tree, the delicate fiber was lined with snowflakes.
Each individual snowflake was clearly visible, such intricate starry crystals of all
different sizes and shapes gathered along a shimmering thread.
Enchanted by thisdiscovery, I looked around with heightened awareness and more discerning eyes tofind the woods filled with snowy spider webs. There were sparkling threads strungfrom broad cedar branches to the tips of the neighboring pines. There were glittering
fibers dangling around the spindly bushes beside the icy creek. There were ornate
strings of tiny snowflakes stretching all the way across the path
I walked along,crystalline fibers reaching out and connecting tree to tree to tree to tree.
The glittering tapestry of snowflakes woven in the woods was a vivid reminder
of the extraordinary web of life, that vast array of diverse life on the planet, the
countless unique and intricate beings all connected yet distinct. Balance and harmony
thrive in the connectedness of the web, in the honoring and understanding of the
relationship among all beings, in the fertile knowing that we all are joined in the circle
of life.
Boundless potentials come alive when we explore with awakened awareness
the worlds within us and all around, leaving behind the well-ingrained habits that
cloud our vision, bury our passions, disguise our gifts, and shape us into something
other than who and what we really are.
There’s such beauty in sharing our unique distinctive songs as we dance with the
grand web of life, each of us embodying particular forms, energies, and rhythms,
bringing into the world our unique purposes, passions and gifts. The tapestry of our
lives is colored with freedom when we are guided by our own creativity and knowing.
There’s magic in weaving the webs of our lives with shimmering fibers like those
among the trees, reaching out with curiosity, unconditional love and compassion,
connecting heart to heart to heart to heart.
Dr. JoAnne Dodgson is a healer, teacher and writer whose life and work are centered in
the ancient tradition, Ka Ta See, “living in balance from the heart.” Her unique healing
work with individuals and groups offers dynamic invitations to awaken joy,
empowerment, connectedness and compassion. She has been involved in counseling,
teaching and community outreach for over twenty years. She has a doctorate in
counseling psychology and has been on the faculty in holistic health, women’s studies
and psychology programs. In addition to Walking the Spiral Path, JoAnne is the
author of two illustrated books, Gifts of the Grandmother and Cocooning.