November 2017
Dear Parents/Guardians,
YEAR 7 FRENCH TRIP – Northern Coast of France - Friday 22nd June 2018
As part of the Year 7 French syllabus, pupils have the opportunity to spend a day on the Northern Coast of France. There, they will be able to hear and practise their French in an authentic context, as well as experience first-hand the local culture and heritage.
The provisional itinerary is as follows (all times are local):
04.30 / Departure by coach to Dover, to take the Ferry.10.30 / Visit to local snail farm with opportunity to try some of the delicacies on offer! See:
12.30 / Lunch at Le Touquet. See:
14.30 / Bakery visit at La Ronde des Pains with an opportunity to make bread and croissants
18.20 / Depart from Calais
21.00 / Arrive back at Forest School
This is a voluntary enrichment trip and the voluntary cost will be £83, which covers everything except the food and drink that they will need to sustain them during the day.
For those without an EHIC, visit your local post office, or apply online at
IMPORTANT: Boys with non-EU passports and who do not have a Schengen VisaIf your son falls into this category, the good news is that he does not need a visa to travel. However, the school must apply to the British Council to obtain permission for him to go. Please let us know when you fill in the forms.
Pupils will not be required to wear school uniform, but should come sensibly dressed (with rainwear, just in case) and equipped with a clipboard, pen and pencil. They should be provided with enough food to last them the duration of the trip. We advise a maximum sum of €20 as spending money for gifts/souvenirs/refreshments on the day.
The trip is not compulsory, but will be an enjoyable and invaluable experience for those taking part.
There are 50 places available. If the trip is oversubscribed, we will take into consideration ”Effort Grades”, and if necessary, draw names from a ballot, should your son be unsuccessful your full deposit will be returned. For those who are in receipt of qualifying benefits, there may be some financial assistance towards funding this trip. Please contact Mrs Farley, Parents Support Advisor, Tel: 0118 9781626, Ext.1085 or email .
Please return the attached booking slip, payment, EV2 consent form and one scanned copy of both the passport details page and the EHIC card in one envelope, to the school’s Admin Centre(cheques payable to 'The Forest School') as soon as possible. It is also possible to pay online at: this will be open for the FINAL balance only.
You will be notified if your son has been successful via email.
I must advise that if insufficient funds are raised, the trip may have to be cancelled. Cut-off date will be 6th December 2016.
Many thanks for your co-operation and support.
Yours faithfully,
Mr R Walker
Modern Languages Team
To: Admin Office
Year 7 French Trip to Northern France, Friday 22nd June 2018
My son would like to reserve a place on the Year 7 trip to France; I have paid a deposit only by cheque/cash (using the slip below) and enclose a completed EV2 form.
□ – tick if your son is eligible for financial assistance through the pupil premium fund
Name of Pupil ………………………………….………………… Tutor Group: …………….
Tick this box if your son/ward has a non-EU passport, and does not have Shengen Visa. The school will need to apply to the British Council for a Visa Waiver for him. Please supply a photocopy of your son’s passport page.
Signed: ………………………………………….. (Parent/Guardian) Date: ……………………
Please complete the slip below for cheque/cash payments. Complete all details in BLOCK CAPITALS and do not use staples.
Payment date: BY 6th December 2017
Trip details:
Year 7 French Trip to Northern France, Friday 22nd June 2018
Pupil’s Name: ______
Pupil’s Tutor Group: ______
Name of cheque signatory: ______
Please complete the slip below for cheque/cash payments. Complete all details in BLOCK CAPITALS and do not use staples.
To: Admin Office
Payment date: by 1ST February 2018
Trip Details: Year 7 French Trip to Northern France, Friday 22nd June 2018
Pupils Name:______
Pupil's Tutor Group: ______
Name of cheque signatory:______