Lewisham’s Local Support Scheme
As part of the changes in the benefits system, the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) abolished the Crisis Loan and Community Care Grant schemes on 31 March 2013. Instead, it has provided all councils in England and Wales with funding to operate their own locally-based ‘emergency welfare assistance’ schemes from 1 April 2013.
Lewisham’s Local Support Scheme has been designed to ensure that Lewisham residents who are most at risk and least financially able to help themselves receive access to the support that they need when they are in crisis.
Although the scheme is similar to the previous Crisis Loan and Community Care Grant schemes, we have made some key changes in order to:
- make sure limited funds go to those most in need
- ensure the sustainability of the scheme for future years
- improve the way in which the scheme is managed.
Our Local Support Scheme has two different elements: emergency loans and support grants.
Emergency loans
An emergency loan is a repayable sum that is intended to provide immediate, short-term support for people who need money urgently because of expenses they have incurred as a result of a crisis situation, disaster or other emergency. This could include payments for specific items (such as furniture, white goods and clothing) to replace those destroyed in a fire or flood, as well as living expenses to cover the cost of food, utilities or lost/stolen benefit monies.
You can apply for an emergency loan if you:
- are aged 16 or over
- are in receipt of a qualifying benefit, such as Jobseekers Allowance (income based) or Employment Support Allowance (income related), Income Support or Pension Credit
- have been resident in the borough for at least six weeks before making your application. (If you do not have a fixed address, then you may be able to apply using your benefit correspondence address if this has been verified by the DWP).
You will also need to prove that you do not have the resources (such as savings, insurance or other money) to meet the immediate short-term needs of yourself and your family and that you are not eligible for budgeting loans or other financial support from the DWP.
You will not be able to apply for another emergency loan unless you have repaid any previous loans in full or can, in some circumstances, demonstrate that you are actively and consistently repaying your previous loan.
Certain groups of people are excluded from the emergency loan scheme and cannot make an application. These include:
- people in hospital or care homes, unless they are due to be discharged in the next two weeks
- prisoners who are either being held in prison or are on home leave
- members of religious orders that meet all their accommodation and living costs
- students in full-time education (unless they are receiving qualifying benefits)
- most people who are subject to immigration control.
Some expenses are always excluded from the support grant scheme. These include:
- any expenses outside the UK
- the costs of a school uniform, travelling expenses to and from school or school meals
- medical costs or expenses that could be covered by a maternity payment
- housing and fuel costs
- other travel expenses
- funeral payments.
Some of these expenses may still be covered by other Social Fund schemes, so you should contact your local Jobcentre Plus for more information.
Support grants
A support grant does not have to be repaid but, due to the limited funds available, can only be awarded to provide assistance in the most serious situations where no other source of funding is available.
The maximum amount that you could be awarded is £1,000, but the value of any grant may be reduced if you or your partner has capital, such as savings, of more than £500 (or £1,000 if one of you is of pension age).
You will not be able to apply for another support grant if you have already received one in the last twelve months. If you are applying for a grant to meet the need for a service that is already provided by the Council, then you will be expected to apply directly to the relevant department instead.
Certain groups of people are excluded from the support grant scheme and cannot make an application. These include:
- People in hospital or care homes, unless they are due to be discharged in the next two weeks
- Prisoners who are either being held in prison or are on home leave
- Members of religious orders that meet their accommodation and living costs
- Students in full-time education (unless receiving qualifying benefits)
- Most people who are subject to immigration control.
Making an application
All applications should be made using the online form on the Council website. Making an online application and providing an email address will ensure your application is dealt with quickly.
We also welcome applications from third parties, such as friends, family or support organisations.
In exceptional circumstances, residents who are not able to make an online application either by themselves or with support from a third party will be able to make their application by telephone.
Please note it is not possible to make payments or enquiries at Access Point in Laurence House. All enquiries should be made by post or email. Details are on the website.
More information
For more information go to:
March 2013