Juneau-Gastineau Rotary Club
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
3 November 2006
Prospector Hotel
- Call to order
The Juneau Gastineau Board of Directors monthly meeting was called to order on November 3, 2006 at 7:08 am with Candy Behrends, Doug Eckland, Paul Dick, Nico Bus, Alan McCabe, Pam Johnston, Janice Holst, James Bibb, Nancy Hudson, Kevin Ritchie and Kim Kieferin attendance
- Approval of the Agenda
Agenda approved as proposed.
- No minutes to approve because Margie was out of the country.
- Update Club Calendar
Candy provided a print out of the calendar.
Added Noises Off Tri-Rotary event on Nov. 15
Deleted youth exchange, outbound, long app. And 1st payment
Pioneers Home Christmas party is Thursday, Dec 7, 6pm at the Pioneers Home. Tree set up will be the weekend prior- Lloyd is coordinating that.
Motion approved to use budgeted funds to purchase Thanksgiving dinner for adopted family and collect funds to purchase Christmas presents. Pam will coordinate the present purchasing for the family.
May 17-20 is PETSNW-PresidentElecttraining-Sea Tac
- Treasurer’s Report (Nancy Hudson)
Motion approved to approve the 2006-2007 budget submitted.
Foundation auction will be held on Nov. 4th, will need 30 people to break even, Allan is coordinating this event and Nancy will assist with the payments the night of the event.
Nancy reported that she has finished getting the books straightened out. She still has a couple of items to follow up with on the bulb sales. Nancy also reported that we should get out of the current annual CD and look at doing shorter term, higher interest cd’s.
Motion approved to not lock up our funds for a cd in a year, instead look at 3 month cd’s. Nancy will review options and bring them back to the board.
- No Secretary’s Report
- Old Business
Nominating Committee (Candy)
- Margie has agreed to be VP this year. (Congratulations!)
- Motion approved to appoint Margie as VP.
Bulb Sales (Paul)
- Paul reported that things are just about finalized, providing the club with $15,100 net sales.
“Noises Off November 15
- $35 per ticket and the club receives $12.50 for each ticket sold.
Auke Lake Trail (Candy)
- The Tri-Rotary Presidents have discussed this project and talked about supporting with a $10,000 donation. The Downtown Club has committed $5,000. The remaining $5,000 would be split equally between the GlacierValley and Juneau Gastineau club.
- Motion approved to support the AukeLake trail for $2500 over the next three years.
West Juneau Grant Project (Nico)
- Nico provided a budget for the WestJuneauRotaryPark. We need to clarify in the budget if there was money set aside from last years budget for this project or if we need to identify funding in this years budget to pay for the signs. Nico requested this be on the Dec meeting as an action item.
- New Business
Rick Cook Honorary Member Status
- Margie is reviewing what she needs to do to make Rick Cook a honorary member. Rick is not able to attend meetings because of a hearing problem.
Kevin Ritchie, GSE type exchange
- Kevin handed out an proposal inviting the Juneau Rotary Clubs to participate in a USAID program.
- Motion approved to support this program and form a committee to plan upcoming visits.
Exchange Student Program (Doug)
- We still need host families, because of change of rules we have to have the address of the location of the first host family before they arrive.
- For the Good of the Order
- Janice reported that the Red Ribbon week was very successful and thanks us for our support. The logo on the shirt had 20 ways to say NO to drugs. There were over 1000 people that attended their performance and they also performed in 4 schools, StateOfficeBuilding and the UASRecCenter.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:10am