Template for the description of a new meteorite to submit to the Nomenclature Committee for publication in the Meteoritical Bulletin.
Proposed Name Location (if applicable) 44° 26′ 00² N 87° 38′ 00² E
City, County and Country (or area as in NWA; or place of purchase)
Find or Fall: Date (day/month/year or just year if day and month are unknown)
Classification (Class) e.g., Achondrite (eucrite)
History: Present a brief description of the history of the sample, including how it came to be in the possession of the main mass holder (if applicable). Physical characteristics: Describe the total mass, the number of pieces, and external characteristics such as fusion crust and color. Petrography: Give the name of the research that wrote the description and their associated scientific institution (the latter in italics). Use the abbreviations in http://tin.er.usgs.gov/meteor/MetBullAddresses.php or define a new one here. Describe the petrography only, no composition or interpretation. Stick to the empirical data. For example, the sample is covered in approximately 65% fusion crust. It contains olivine, pyroxene, Fe, Ni-metal and abundant (~80%) chondrules. The chondrules range in size from ~ 1mm in apparent diameter to 0.5 mm. The chondrule margins are clear and defined and the stone contains a large variation in the textural types of chondrules including BO, PO, POP, and PP. If it is metamorphic in nature, a breccia, contains abundant opaque phases such as carbon, numerous crack or micro-faults, all such information should go into this section. Obviously, achondrite descriptions will be different from chondrites. What is presented is an example to help the describer and classifier. Geochemistry: (Name of researcher and their institute (in italics) only if it is different from above or additional data was obtained from another institute. If true, you must list the researcher name). Give the composition of the major phases, trace element data, bulk analysis, isotopic data if available and note if possible how the data was obtained (e.g., EMP, ICP-MS, INAA, etc.). For such data, subheading should be underscored, such as Oxygen Isotopes. Again, no interpretation and stick to the empirical data. To report analytical data, use the following format: Si = 45.35, Mg = 36.45 (all in wt% or ppm or ppb) etc. Classification: (Name of classifier if different from anything listed above or if additional classifiers were involved). Give the major classification with (type in parentheses) e.g., Carbonaceous Chondrite (CR2) degree of shock and degree of weathering (W – scheme can only be applied to ordinary chondrites, all others use no weathering categories but use terms such as minor, major etc. A new scheme exists for CK meteorites that can be used if desired.). Specimens: A total of XX g or kg of sample and one thin section (if any) is/are on deposit at institute YY or institutes YZ. List all masses and locations for all deposits. Mr. G. J. Meteorite holds the main mass or an anonymous collector holds the main mass.
All text that is in bold or italic font must be presented as thus.
Any questions, please contact the Editor of the Meteoritical Bulletin () or one of the Associate Editors.
NOTE: Descriptions are limited to 350 words or less, unless specifically invited by the Editor to submit to submit more.