Participate in an Education Division Networking Group to Share and Promote Ideas
The Education Division is launching a new approach which aims at increasing the involvement of its members while expanding the work performed to achieve its vision.
Everyone is aware of the challenges facing education today. It is therefore critical that we rethink the processes and systems that will ensure effective outcomes. Albert Einstein once said that “no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it, we must learn to see the world anew.”
This year the Education Division is creating a group of networks - they are:
- K-12
- Higher Education
- Workforce Development
- Public Enterprise and Public Education
- Malcolm Baldrige National Award
Network for K-12
K-12 educators are experiencing a variety of challenges ranging from increased rigor of the Common Core State Standards to effectively navigating the waters of the ever increasing transgender social issues arising in schools. Although these challenges exist, there are a variety of research based strategies and best practices that schools can call on to improve their organizations.
Most educators have heard of Baldrige, Six Sigma, Lean, Total Quality Management, etc. What do these strategies have in common? They all stem from the same value set of Total Quality Education. Organizations that have embraced a model of continuous improvement through teamwork, collaboration and shared leadership are realizing results in academic achievement, improvements in the social, emotional and behavioral realm and overall transformational change.
The K-12 network of the ASQ Educational Division is designed to facilitate the sharing of best practices in a collaborative space to explore innovating strategies in the spirit of continuous improvement. Participants in the network will access to other K-12 practitioners who are pursuing a similar improvement journey through the use of quality tools and processes. If you are interested in the K-12 network, please contact Dr. Jay Marino at .
Network for Higher Education
Higher Education institutions are facing challenges of increasing cost, dwindling funds, tighter regulatory requirements and rising stakeholder’s expectations. In response to these challenges, the ASQ Education Division has a wealth of resources that can be shared with the Higher Education sector. The Network for Higher Education aims to gather experts and learners of Quality Management and Continuous Improvement in Higher Education setting.
Quality and Continuous Improvement in Higher Education is still in the formative stages, so this is the best time to be part of our group. Journey with us in promoting the best practices and learning new approaches in this exciting field. By being a part of this group, you will be able to participate in our learning activities and information sharing during our virtual meetings, prepare a table during ASQ Education Division Annual Conference, and a lot more.
If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Jonathan Candari at
Network for Workforce Development
The challenge in today’s environment is providing work-ready graduates to effectively fill the roles and skills necessary in companies, government, universities and healthcare institutions. Workforce Development is focused on education and developing the workforce to close performance gaps in a way that benefits employers and employees.
The Workforce Development network aims at bringing together individuals in the Education Division who work to promote the use of quality concepts to drive continuous improvement in organizations. This group will share ideas and develop activities which can be used in several situations.
If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Soma Grover by email at
Public Education to Public Enterprise (P2E2)
Public Education to Public Enterprise is a practical application and integration of quality thinking which may transform the way the K-12 schools interact with all stakeholders. When you are part of a larger coalition of business, not-for-profit, government, peers and higher educational institutions, exceptional opportunities are presented. Based upon an actual success story, this strategic approach outlines a transformational process which may be vital to engage current and new partners to create opportunities for funding, support and resources. Through strategic application, it is possible to create experiential Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.) learning experiences for students during and after school, community experiences and education tailored to community expectations through a common mission statement supporting wellness. If you are interested, please volunteer to work with this group to build Public Education to Public Enterprise networks and best practices to further develop and advance this effort to improve quality in education. If you are interested in participating, please contact Robert Nickerson at .
Network for Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award
Education Division members interested in collaborating regarding furthering the use of the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award in education are invited to participate in the Baldrige in Education Network. The network is being facilitated by Dr. John Dew, an ASQ Fellow and former Judge in the Baldrige program. If you are interested in participating, contact John at
Network for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Do you have an interest in discussing innovative ways to reignite the STEM platform of the ASQ Education Division? If so, consider joining the STEM Education Division Network, facilitated by Dr. Terri Showers, ASQ member and a science educator, at .
We look forward to your support of the Education Division and your continued involvement and commitment to enhancing the Quality concepts in Education.