Greene County Board of Commissioners

July Monthly Meeting

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JULY 2015


Chairman Bullard led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Call to Order: Chairman Bullard called the Work Session to order at 5:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Commissioners Deering, Smith, Human, Britt, and Chairman Bullard were present. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.

Chairman’s Comments: Chairman Bullard read the proclamation proclaiming Greene County as a Purple Heart County and recognized members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. He advised that he had a meeting at the DOT offices to deliver the letter that the Commissioners voted on concerning the Carey Station interchange.

Minutes: The Minutes from the June 2015 Regular Monthly Meeting, the June 30, 2015 Called Meeting and the July 1, 2015 Called Meeting were discussed. The Chairman inquired with the Commissioners to determine if any corrections were necessary. No corrections were noted. No official action was taken.

Business Items:

Resolution – Greene County Board of Education Bond Issue: The Commissioners reviewed the proposed Resolution from the Greene County Board of Education concerning their desire to issue $5 million in General Obligation bonds. Discussion took place, with a consensus that more information was needed before any action takes place. No official action was taken.

Appointment to the Greene County Board of Family and Children Services: The Commissioners received information that the term of Carrie Bradley on the Board of Family and Children Services expires on 6/30/2015. Senate Bill 138 imposes specific requirements for DFCS Board appointees. Ms. Bradley is willing to continue serving and does meet the SB138 requirements. No official action was taken.

Intergovernmental Agreement for the Department of Veterans Services Space: The Commissioners received information from the State Properties Commission regarding the space that is provided for the Veterans Services Office. The State would like to have a formal agreement in place to govern the space the county provides. The Commissioners were advised that the agreement can be canceled with 120 days’ notice. No official action was taken.

Board of Health Fee Schedule Revision Proposal: The Commissioners were informed that the County Board of Health adopted new Environmental Health Fees. In order for the new fee schedule to be implemented, the Board of Commissioners must also adopt the proposed fee schedule. No official action was taken.

Greene County Economic Development Expo – USDA Program: On behalf of the Board of Commissioners and USDA Rural Development, an Economic Development Expo has been planned to introduce the local business community to programs offered through the order to support the program and ensure the widest exposure. Funding is needed to market the event through the local papers. No official action was taken.

Commissioner’s Report:

District One Commissioner Angela Walker Deering had no report.

District Two Commissioner Jeffery Smith reported that he spoke with one of the new volunteer firefighters that recently completed a firefighter training course conducted locally. He acknowledged the individuals that spent countless hours of their own time to train this new group of firefighters to serve throughout Greene County by teaching the required training course, specifically thanking Tyler Moore, John Moore, and Chris Eddy for their time and contribution to the community.

District Three Commissioner Jon Human mentioned that he is continuing to work with Recreation Director Tommy Haley on the best location for a Splash Pad at the Recreation Department.

District Four Commissioner Jimmy Britt expressed his concerns regarding the meeting at DOT offices regarding the Carey Station Interchange. He and the Chairman had dialogue that widening State Route 44 is still an established priority of the Commissioners.

Adjournment: Chairman Bullard adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m.


Chairman Bullard led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Call to Order: Chairman Bullard called the Voting Session to order at 5:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Commissioners Deering, Smith, Human, Britt and Chairman Bullard were present. Also present was County Manager Byron Lombard.

Chairman’s Comments: Chairman Bullard discussed the Beautification Committee and items he needs from the Commissioners to move forward so the Committee can meet. He shared information on recent fuel tax changes that took effect July 1st. He advised that the Commissioners’ budget review and adoption process would begin in early August. He told the Commissioners that he and Commissioner Britt will be consulting with the Old Salem Fire Department on their budget and request for increased property tax revenue. The proposed Intergovernmental Agreement with the Development Authority has been revised by staff and sent back for further review. He acknowledged that he mistakenly reported that the County has to match 30% of State road projects when the 30% match only applies to LMIG projects.

Minutes: Commissioner Human motioned to approve the minutes from the June 2015 Regular Monthly Meeting, the June 30, 2015 Called Meeting, and the July 1, 2015 Called Meeting. Commissioner Britt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Business Items:

Resolution – Greene County Board of Education Bond Issue: Chairman Bullard advised that the Board of Education did not act on its Bond Issue Resolution as planned. After discussion, the Board agreed by consensus that it would rather take up the matter after the Board of Education acts at a called meeting expected within the next week. Provided that occurs, the Commissioners could also have a called meeting.

Appointment to the Greene County Board of Family and Children Services: Commissioner Deering motioned to appoint Carrie Bradley to the Greene County Board of Family and Children Services for a term beginning 7/1/2015 and ending 6/30/2020. Commissioner Human seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Intergovernmental Agreement for the Department of Veterans Services Space: Commissioner Smith motioned to approve the Intergovernmental Rental Agreement between the Greene County Board of Commissioners and State Properties Commission for the Department of Veterans Services regarding the office space used on the first floor the Courthouse. Commissioner Deering seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Board of Health Fee Schedule Revision Proposal: Commissioner Human motioned to approve the new Environmental Health Fee Schedule adopted by the Greene County Board of Heath during their April 14, 2015 meeting. Commissioner Deering seconded. Motioned carried unanimously.

Greene County Economic Development Expo – USDA Program: Commissioner Human motioned to make the necessary budget adjustments to fund $ 1,860.00 in marketing, and $ 110.00 for catering to support the USDA Greene County Economic Development Expo. Commissioner Deering seconded. Motioned carried unanimously.

Executive Session: None

Commissioner’s Report:

District One Commissioner Angela Walker Deering advised that she and County Manager Lombard had spoken with the White Plains Fire Department, and White Plains Fire Department would be interested in using some of the County’s surplus land to build a burn building for training exercises.

District Two Commissioner Jeffery Smith said he attended the Quarterly Manufacturers Council meeting with Economic Development Director Valerie Duvall, and he and Commissioner Human were impressed with Standridge Color Corporation’s operation. He also added that he was happy to hear that passing lanes on State Route 15 are a DOT priority.

District Three Commissioner Jon Human said that many manufacturers have hired graduates of the Workforce Fundamentals class. Athens Tech’s Sibley Bryan invited the Commissioners to the graduation ceremony for the second class.

District Four Commissioner Jimmy Britt had no report.

Adjournment: Chairman Bullard adjourned the meeting at 5:26 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,


Sylvia V. Hill, County Clerk

The above minutes were adopted and approved this day 13th day of August, 2015.


Ed Bullard, Chairman Jimmy Britt, Vice-Chairman


Angela Walker Deering, Commissioner Jonathan Human, Commissioner


Jeffery L. Smith, Commissioner