October 2, 2017

The meeting of the Pend Oreille County Board of Commissioners was called to order at9:35 a.m. in their meeting room. Present wereChair Karen Skoog, Vice-Chair Stephen Kiss, Commissioner Mike Manus and acting Clerk of the Board Christine Rahoun. M. Manus was excused at 9:50 a.m. to attend a meeting. K. Skoogoffered the invocation andled the flag salute.


The Board discussed the Town Hall meeting this past week along with other meetings they attended. Also discussed was the shooting tragedy in Las Vegas.


Community Development Director Greg Snow was present for an update. Also in attendance were county residents Bob Eugene and Tim Ibbetson. Topics discussed included approval of expenses for repairs to the Park House and replacement of the fee box, DNR grant for the mastication at the park, structures for the Ione Airport, proposed mini storage facilities, planning issues including the replat of Lost Creek Estates, docks at Diamond Lake, boat launch construction, and the Capital Facilities Plan.


The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m.


M. Manus returned at 1:15 p.m.


County Consultant Gregg Dohrn was present for an update on HiTest Sand. Also in attendance were HiTest Silicon President/Director Jayson Tymko, Vice President/Director John Carlson, Chief Operating Officer James B. May, County Auditor Marianne Nichols, Treasurer Terri Miller, Assessor James McCrosky, Clerk Tammie Ownbey, Financial Manager Jill Shacklett, Planner II/Building Inspector Andy Huddleston, ITS Director Mark Lemen, EDC Director Jamie Wyrobek, Human Resources Manager Spencer Shanholtzer, Newport Miner News Editor Don Gronning, Pend Oreille County and neighboring Bonner County, Idaho residents which included David Fredley, Donna and Vickie Bushee, Zelda Elsner, Bob and Kathie Schutte, Meg Decker, Nick and Deena Bennett, Bill and Cindy Ellis, Gretchen Koenig, Wayne Blackburn, Nathan Piegtham, Nancy Hendershott, Ruth Wagner, Susan Lee, Geoffrey Thompson, Andrea Forster, Mary Ann Jones, Cindy Knudsen, Joyce Weir, Bob Eugene, and possibly other unidentified attendees.

M. Manus introduced the HiTestSilicon representatives. J. Tymko clarified HiTest Silicon is the company which includes HiTest Sand. A project overview presented in a slide show followed which included:what and how raw materials are converted to silicon metal, the end markets, the environmental footprint and comparative life-cycle CO2 emissions, water consumption, regulatory and government support, projected timetable, energy consumption, rail and roadway use, employment opportunities, location relative to the nation and the B.C. quartz mine, and the proposed Newport site.

After the slide show, K. Skoog opened the meeting to questions and comments. T. Ownbey thanked HiTestfor coming, doing the research, and taking the time needed to start this project. M. Nichols reiterated the same sentiments.M. Manus announced there will be futurepublic meetings.J. Shacklett spoke about the information that has been out in the community and wanted the public to be open minded and to know that the Elected Officials care about the county as they are members of the community.J. McCroskey asked about the water use and the Hirst decision.T. Miller voiced concerns about the importance of a meeting for the public.G. Dohrncommented on the EDC website page ( and the question and answer section that will be available. The EDC website is linked to the County website.

Several of the public had comments and questions regarding water usage, location of the site and the buffer acreage around it, the coal used and how it will be transported, power consumption, similarities and differences of the Mississippi plant, the emissions produced, and the use of Idaho roads.


M. Manus was excused at 2:45 p.m.


The Board convened in executive session regarding possible litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 10 minutes from 3:08 p.m. to 3:18 p.m. Also present was Prosecuting Attorney Dolly Hunt.


D. Hunt was present for a legal update. Also present was B. Eugene. Topics discussed included last week’s Town Hall meeting, Martin Hall, the Ione Airport, and EMS.


Zak Kennedy and Jim Potts were present for a Legislative Update. Also present was B. Eugene. Topics discussed were WSAC, legislation, the McCleary decision, economic development, the Hirst decision, the capital budget, wolves, and the upcoming elections.


Public Comment – No members of the pubic were present.


At 4:35 p.m., K. Skoog continued the meeting to October 3.

October 3, 2017

The meeting resumed at 9:30 a.m. with K. Skoog, S. Kiss, and Clerk of the Board Rhonda Cary present. M. Manus was excused to attend a meeting.


Motion was made by S. Kiss to approve the Judicial Services Agreement with Judge Dooyema as a temporary replacement for Judge Van De Veer. Motion was seconded by K. Skoog. Motion carried unanimously.

District Court Pro-Tempore Judicial Services Agreement with Eric J. Dooyema



The Board convened in executive session regarding the performance of a public employee pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) for 15 minutes from 9:55 a.m. to 10:10 a.m. Also present was S. Shanholtzer.


Sarah Arnquist of Beacon Health Options was present to provide an overview of the company. Also present were Counseling Services Director Annabelle Payne and Crisis Services Manager Renee Morrison. S. Arnquist discussed the role of the national Behavioral Health Administrative Service Organization which specializes in mental and emotional wellbeing and recovery. Also discussed was the mission and purpose of the crisis system, services to the non-Medicaid population, contracting with health plan providers,communication with law enforcement and first responders,reporting, support for families, and Better Health Together.


The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m.


M. Manus arrived at 1:30 p.m.


County resident Deborah Borches was present to discuss her interest in serving on the Civil Service Commission. Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the appointment of Deborah Borches to the Civil Service Commission. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously.


M. Manus provided an update on meetings he attended with the representatives of HiTest.


A county resident stopped in to speak about people loitering in the pullouts at Ashenfelter Bay and requested signs be placed in the area. Also requested was information on how to vacate a portion of a road.


The Board discussed integrated healthcare. M. Manus spoke about the upcoming multi-county meeting, mid-adopter, the Health Care Authority estimate of funds, capitation payments, and the future of federal funding.


Consent Agenda - Motion was made by M. Manus to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by S. Kiss. Motion carried unanimously. The Consent Agenda includes this week’s Agenda, the Minutes of the Board’s September 25, 2017 meeting and the following items:

Investment Earnings (year-to-date estimate):$36,471.18

Application for Advanced Travel Expense:

Linda Rusho, Sheriff’s Civil Function Training, Wenatchee, October 17-18, $150.00 for meals

Payroll Change Notice:

Counseling Services –

James Chermak, Stipend, $300/mo., Effective 10/01/2017

Sabrina Newton, Chemical Dependency Professional BA, Step 2, $4,039.78/mo., Effective 11/01/2017

Sheriff-Deputy –

Dorothy Nutter, Deputy Sheriff, Step 1, $4,137.30/mo., Effective 10/02/2017

Approval for Sheriff to hire a Corrections Officer

Authorization to Solicit and Award Jail Fencing Project

Advertising Notice for Household Hazardous Waste Collection Elimination

Amendment 3 to Agreement No. WR315-167 and Pend Oreille County Agreement 2014-62 between Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and Pend Oreille County Public Works for the 2017/2018 Winter Season Snow Removal



S. Shanholtzer was present to request the Board’s review of the Commissioner’s job description.


M. Manus was excused at 4:00 p.m. to attend a meeting.


At 4:25 p.m., K. Skoog continued the meeting to October 4.

October 4, 2017

The meeting resumed at 9:05 a.m. Present were K. Skoog, S. Kiss, M. Manus, R. Cary, M. Nichols, J. Shacklett and B. Eugene.


The Board conducted a workshop to review the 2018 Budget requests and projected revenues.


M. Manus was excused from the meeting at 9:40 a.m.


The Board continued the Budget Workshop.


Correspondence Received:

10.1C. Holmes-Kalispel Tribe of Indians 2016 Report on Community Giving

10.2R. King-Letter of Appreciation

10.3NACo-K. Skoog nomination to Public Lands Policy Steering Committee

10.4NETCHD-Amended 2017 Meeting Schedule

10.5Pend Oreille County Fair Board-October Agenda, September Minutes


Correspondence Sent:

M. Murphy-Appointment to Parks & Recreation Advisory Board


As of this date, the Board approved vouchers for payment as listed and made available by the Auditor’s Office. The following vouchers/warrants/electronic payments are approved for payment:

Salary and Claim

Current Expense$ 63,694.48

Arts, Tourism & Recreation$ 377.45

Counseling Services$ 4,099.05

Fair$ 287.22

Trial Court Improvement$ 4,000.00

Emergency 911 Communications$ 1,570.34

Extension Education$ .49

Capital Projects$ 2,199.71

Solid Waste$ 8,737.51

Equipment R&R$ 15,888.10

IT Services$ 2,806.13

Sheriff’s Trust$ 1,038.00

TOTAL$ 104,698.48

Checks 167846 through 167924 totaling $101,847.38 and Electronic Funds Transfers 14544 through 14545 totaling $2,867.47 dated October 2, 2017. Includes Jr. Taxing Districts.


K. Skoog adjourned the meeting at 11:55 a.m.


Chair of the Board


Clerk of the Board

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