Summer Term Week 5 Newsletter

Focused, hardworking, happy children!!

Dear Parents and Carers,

I cannot quite believe how quickly these weeks are flying by and that there is only one week left before half term. It feels like every time I go into the entrance hall something else is being added to enhance the space. On Thursday I came in to see Miss Black, Mr Walker and Mr Bacon carrying boxes, backgrounds and various African animals in their arms for a display to celebrate our partnership with Summerfield School in South Africa. The result of everyone’s hard work is brilliant and yet another reason to be proud of our school. This display could not have happened without the commitment and drive of our staff, parents and children – So thank you - it looks fab!

Lisa Seton


Thank you to those parents who came to the Maths meeting on Thursday after school. It was well received and Mrs Limbert and Miss Griffiths even made me feel enthusiastic about calculations! There is a lot of information and support on the website so please remember to use it as a reference point if you need to.

3KG – Assembly

The Class Assembly was lovely and really well attended. Thank you to the Year 3 team and the children in 3KG who have worked so hard on the assembly. It was a real treat and I am sure we all learnt something about the Tudors (Mr Trudgill certainly did) - even if it was set to an ABBA song!

Breakfast Club

A message from Breakfast Club – there have been some enquiries about a waiting list. The children who are on the waiting list will be reviewed next term when Year 6 leave. If your child’s name is on the list, the staff will review the provision and get in touch with you directly.


It has been KS1’s turn this week with the SATs tests. We have tried to keep it low key in school and I know that the staff have been extremely pleased with the children for the way in which they have approached these end of Key Stage assessments. They will finish them next week, so keep up the good work.


The audiologist will be in year 1 on Monday May 22nd

Year 6 Performance

It is time to turn our thought towards the end of term spectacular by Year 6. A few parents have been asking about the dates so here they are: Tuesday 11th July 9.30 and Wednesday 12 July 6.30. Should be a brilliant show.

South Africa on Monday

Exciting times – Mr Walker and Mrs Jeffery will be jetting off to South Africa on Monday to spend time with our partner school, Summerfield Primary in Durban. They are going to have an amazing experience : working hard teaching and presenting to a Head teacher conference, to name just a couple of activities. This is a culmination of a lot of hard work particularly Miss Black. We wish them good luck, a safe journey and know they will be brilliant ambassadors for our school.

Fidget Spinners

I am sure you will all recognise the picture and every child in school will probably be able to tell me where I can buy them from and how much they cost!

Although we are not banning these from school, we would like you to strongly discourage your children from bringing them in to school on health and safety grounds. Today someone was hurt when a fidget spinner was thrown – and although the incident was minor in the end, it could have been very serious.

Thank you for your support in this matter.

Volunteers in school

If you are interested in coming into school to volunteer to work with our children, please get in touch with Mrs Seton. No matter what time you can give or what your talents are, we would love to have you in school passing your skills on to our children. (All volunteers will need to get a DBS)

Thank you for your continued support - Mark Trudgill, Lisa Seton, David Bickley and Louise Jeynes.


The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIES
for work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which is filled with rewards earned by Individuals or groups.
When the jar is full, the whole Nursery receives a reward.
RAC / Angus Thomas and Charlotte Smedley
Always Club: / RLW / Stanley Cooper and Grace Harrington
Always Club: Zane Oppedal
RLK / Nancy Stevenson and Lucas Orange
Always Club: Ayaan Azam / 1AB / Lottie Luton and Freddie Blacker
Always Club: Ayla Frank
1SH / George Eatock and Georgia Hill
Always Club: Hinal Daga / 1SS / Jack Tate and Sarah Azam
Always Club:Jude Preston
2PG / Neath Frank and Kyla Woodrow
Always Club: Amber Pinder / 2VW / Max Burrows and Nyal Ramzan
Always Club: Imane Khatir
3LF / Rachel Pearson and Charlotte Moore
Always Club: Barney Sumner / 3KG / Topsy Charlett and Max Barron
Always Club:
4DB / Jake Warner and April Sweeting
Always Club: Brandon Comrie / 4SB / Kristina Batey and Polly Macdonald
Always Club: Leo Rickelton
5RK / Haris Sadiq & Orla Mitchell
Always Club: Kian Weavers / 5SL / Cameron Mughal Singh, Josh Diamond, Noah Hussain
Always Club: Siraj Kany
6EC / Ricco Digwa and Chloe Kennedy
Always Club: Akaylia Fray / 6KW / Frazer Hynd and Elliott Dixon
Always Club: Maggie Ruston

Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined

Saturday 20 May Football tournament Roundhay

Tuesday 23 May 1SS and 1AB trip to Harlow Carr

Wednesday 24 May 1SH trip to Harlow Carr

Tuesday 23 May Reception Stay and Play (4)

Wednesday 24 May Reception Stay and Play (5)

Thursday 25 May Reception Stay and Play (6)

Friday 26 May School closes for Half Term

Monday 5 June School opens- Summer 2

Tuesday 6 June New Reception parent meeting

Thursday 8 June Class Photos by Tempest

Monday 12 June New Reception parent meeting

Wednesday 14/15/16 June Year 4 Malham Residential- one night ONLY

Saturday 24 June Roundhay Primary Schools’ Fun Run in Roundhay Park

Wednesday 28 June Nursery CLOSED- OPEN DAY for September starters

Saturday 1 July Gledhow Summer Fair goes Carnival

Tuesday 11 July School Partnership Music Concert 3.30-5pm