TexasState Board of Social Worker Examiners

Licensing Standards and Qualification Committee

Friday, September 5, 2008 at 9:00 a.m.

HobbyBuilding, Tower II

333 Guadalupe, Room 225

Austin TX 78756-3183


Board Members Present:

Jody Armstrong, Professional Member

Dorinda Noble, Professional Member

Candace Guillen, Professional Member

Tim Brown, Professional Member

Staff Present:

Charles Horton

Dan Meador

Georgia Norman

Guests Present:


September 5, 2008

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Kathy Rider

Catherine Clancy

Debre Harrison

Kris Frederickson

Juan Leija

Coby Thornton

Martin Bowes

Carol Miller

Liz Nowicki

Alicia Garces

Tammy Linseisen


September 5, 2008

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Agenda Item 1 was to call the meeting to order at 9:05 am by Dr. Noble, chair.

Agenda Item 2 was to approve the minutes from the June 2008 Licensing Standards and Qualification Committee meeting. A motion was made to accept the minutes as amended. The motion was seconded and passed.

Agenda Item 3 was the discussion of possible action regarding licensing qualification issues for the following individuals:

The application of Deborah Harrison was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the application. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Kristen Fredericksen was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Juan Leija was discussed. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to approve the request. The motion was seconded and discussed. The motion passed.

The application of Martin Bowes was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to issue a board order regarding the requirement of the original decision. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Sandra Brackenridge was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the application. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Gladys Diggs was discussed. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to approve the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Elizabeth Dowdell was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to deny the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Allison Bell was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the request. The motion was seconded and passed.

Agenda Item 4 was the discussion regarding the applications for supervisor training provider status for the following applicants:

The application of Catherine A. Clancy was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the application. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the application. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of John E. Davis was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to table this request for additional information. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Texas A&M University-Commerce was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to table this request for additional information. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Houston Galveston Institute was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Brown to approve the application. The motion was seconded and passed.

The application of Texas State University School of Social Work was discussed. Dr. Noble was recused. A motion was made by Ms. Armstrong to approve the application. The motion was seconded and passed.

Agenda Item 5 was public comment. Two people addressed the board.

Agenda Item 6 was to set the next committee meeting date(s). The next meeting will be December 5, 2008.

Agenda Item 7 was to adjourn the meeting at 11:25 am.




September 5, 2008

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