RRHS Football Booster Meeting


Coach Wynn opened the meeting at 6:33 with a welcome to parents for attending the meeting. He explained the significance of #TheMovement. That we want to take where we are now and get to bigger and better places.

This meeting is the first booster meeting and is considered an “At large” meeting. Meaning everyone is able to vote at this time. In the future, in order to vote you will have to be a booster club member.

Coach Wynn announced that Jeff Amason had been appointed as President of the Booster Club and that Debbie Terry had been appointed Treasurer. These two positions are appointed by Head Coach. The floor was then open to elect a Secretary. Debbie Rabjohn nominated Marlee Livesay and Karen Herring seconded the motion. A vote was taken and Marlee Livesay was elected Secretary. The floor was then open to elect a VP. Brian Collins nominated himself for the position and Tracy Collins seconded the motion. A vote was taken and Brian Collins was elected as VP.

At this time, the 2015 Executive Board was in place.

Coach Wynn then discussed the different committees. The following is a breakdown:

  1. Corporate Sponsorships
  2. Fundraising
  3. Concessions
  4. Field Prep/ Facility Improvement Team
  5. Program Promotions
  6. Community Support and Outreach

Coach Wynn discussed how support goes to all levels of this program. From CYFA teams all the way to Varsity. He will encourage the high school players to show their support to the feeder teams and go to some of their games when they have a free Saturday. “Give back to those who give to you.”

3/5/15 Minutes

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Coach Wynn wants to increase our numbers – there is strength in numbers!

Coach Wynn then discussed that schemes will be changing both offensively and defensively. Much more up tempo – shot gun and throwing the ball more. Defensively we will be blitzing more, etc.

Kroger and Publix cards were then discussed. This is a simple fundraiser. Coach plans on having access to computers next meeting and getting parents to sign up at the meeting.

Gold Rush is going on for the month of March. Workouts Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00. Must have a physical on file to attend morning workouts.

Upgrades and Improvements were discussed next.

  1. Cool Zones: shaded hydration station
  2. Senior Board: this will be in the area where boys came onto field last year. Sponsorships are available for this board. Large picture of senior players will be displayed.
  3. Uniforms: White numbers are too difficult to see.
  4. Scoreboard: Video capabilities. Excellent opportunities for sponsorships and advertising clips.

Player Packs were discussed. Each player is required to buy the $100 Player Pack which will include the 7 on 7 uniforms. The players will receive these items by June 1st. There were other levels of the Player Packs discussed and all items included in each one.


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2015 Sponsorship Packages were discussed. There are many opportunities for companies to Sponsor River Ridge Football: Senior Board; Jumbo Tron; Banners; Program; 15 second video/ commercial. Need parents to get on board to get all local businesses and restaurants to be involved at some level with RRHS Football.

March 14th & March 21st the players will be going out to record Community Videos. Example: “RRHS Football supports Canyons Burgers”. These videos will be shown at the school through our Video Productions announcements.

Football 101 will be Tuesdays and Thursdays starting after Spring Break from 7:30-8:25. This will consist of “Learning” in a classroom setting. Tuesday will be Offense and Thursday will be Defense.

Our Football staff will be attending the Auburn Coaching Clinic.

May 2nd the players will be revisiting the local businesses and looking for support from the business for our program.

May 4th, 5th and 7th will be Chalk & Walk. This is a.m. workouts without a ball.

May 11th Spring Football begins. May 18th there will be a short scrimmage. Parents are welcome to attend. Spring Game will be on the 22nd at 6:00 followed by a cookout.

May 11th Fundraiser Cards sales start. Players need to sell 20 each. May 23rd is “Fundraiser Overtime” for those who haven’t sold their cards. They will go out as a group and sell.

Summer workouts: for the month of June workouts will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 8-11:00. July will be Monday – Thursdays. Camp will be July 20-22nd at West Georgia. Once they get back from camp – no practice the rest of the week. 27th starts Helmet practices in the afternoon and Iron Knight workout before practice.

Quote from Coach Wynn: “Celebrate the process and the results will come.”


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Booster meetings will continue to be on the first Tuesday of each month and parents are encouraged to attend these meetings.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45.

Notes taken by Marlee Livesay, Secretary.