Building Each Other Up in Love and Learning
Dear Parent/Carer of Current Year 5 22ndFebruary 2018
Proposed Year 6 Journey to Hooke Court, Dorset (26th – 30th November 2018)
As you will be aware, each Autumn Term,we take children in Year 6 on a residential visit to support our studies of World War 1. Previously this has been to Mesen, Belgium where children have taken part in tours of the different battlefields and cemeteries of WW1. However, some parents have expressed concern about allowing their children to travel abroad.In addition,due to the cost of this trip, the school has been required tosupplement the cost for some children, to ensure fair access for all. As we are committed to providing opportunities for all our pupils, this year’s visit has been revised to ensure every child can participate.
This forthcoming academic year, your child has the exciting opportunity to attend Hooke CourtDorset for a week where they will take part in a range of exhilarating, more hands-on, curriculum linked opportunities. The main focus of the trip will remain on WW1 and children will be: learning to cook on openfires, working in trenches and experiencing a taste of life as a soldier, orienteering using grid references and maps, examining artefacts and learning musical pieces and songs from this period of time. Their website is:
The cost of the school journey is £300 per head, payable by instalments. We ask for an initial non-returnable deposit of £60 per child by the end of March, followed by four additional payments, as follows:
- £60 in April
- £60in May
- £60in June
- £60 in September
If you prefer, you arevery welcome to pay the whole amount with your initial deposit. As has always been the case, we would not wish any child to be excluded from taking part in the school journey on financial grounds. If this aspect is likely to cause you any difficulty, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Foot or myself.
A meeting will be arranged for the beginning of September at which final arrangements will be available. If you have any queries or require additional information, please do not hesitate to make contact with the school.
Yours faithfully
Grace Mizon
Year 6 Belgian Trip 26th – 30th November 2018 – costing £300
Please return to Mrs Foot in the office by Wednesday 28thFebruary 2015
Child’s name …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Class ……………………………………
I would like my child to go to Hooke Court and will have paid £60via ParentPay by end of March
I do not wish my child to go to Hooke Court
Signed …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Date …………………………….