TOMATO FUNGICIDES (Labeled & Rates/A) as of December 15, 2005
T. A. Zitter, Dept. Plant Pathology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
NOTE: Underlined are Registered in NYS for Commercial Use; Group Nos. are from the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee and EPA; (Warnings are given in italics; No Fungicide Resistance* concerns to note at this time) (Latest updates in RED)
· Acrobat 50WP (EPA 241-410) (dimethomorph, Group 15 ) (Should be combined with mancozeb Group M2) (BASF); Staked or nonstaked tomatoes; 6.4 oz/A for LB. 4 DTH
· Actigard 50WG (EPA 100-922) (acibenzolar-S-methyl, Group P1, host plant defense induction) (Syngenta); Bac. Spot and speck 1/3 to ¾ oz. (Do not exceed rate or yield reduction could occur). 14 DTH.
· Agri-mycin 17 (EPA 55146-96) (Streptomycin sulfate) (Nufarm); Bacterial spot (also for pepper), 200 ppm = ½ lb/50 gallons water; begin application in 2-3 lvs stage, use prior to transplanting. 0 DTH.
· Agricultural Streptomycin (EPA 73220-4) (Streptomycin sulfate) (FarmSaver); see Agri-mycin 17 above. 0 DTH.
· Aliette WDG (EPA 264-516) (fosetyl-Al, Group 33) (Bayer); Pythium damping off and Phytophthora root rot 2.5-5 lb. 14 DTH.
· Amistar 80WDG (EPA 100-1164) (azoxystrobin, Group 11) (Syngenta);AN, Buckeye rot, EB, PM, Septoria leaf spot, 1.6-2.0 oz; LB 2 oz; (Do not apply sprays near apples; No more than 1 application before alternate with Diff. MOA and limit to 5 applications per season). 0 DTH.
· Armicarb 100 (EPA 5905-541-AA) (potassium bicarbonate, Group M) (Church and Dwight, Helena); Primarily for PM 2.5-5 lb/A (several species); also listed for Alt. blk mold, EB, Botrytis gray mold, DM, Phoma fruit rot, and Septoria leaf spot. 0 DTH. Approved for use in Gr. Hs.
· Botran 75W (EPA 10163-189) (dicloran, Group 14) (Gowan); Greenhouse use for Botrytis Stem canker 1 lb/43,560 sq. ft. spray stem of plant from ground level up to height of 18-24 in. (Newly set plants may be injured by drenching). 10 DTH.
· Bravo W Stik 6SC (EPA 50534-188-100) (chlorothalonil, Group M4) (Syngenta); Foliage EB, LB, Gray leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, 1 3/8 to 2 pt/A; Fruit Set AN, Alt blk mold, Botrytis gray mold, LB fruit rot, Rhizoc fruit rot, 2-2 3/4 pt/A. 0 DTH. (Do not use of greenhouse-grown crops).
· Bravo Ultrex 82.5 WDG (EPA 50534-201-100) (chlorothalonil, Group M4) (Syngenta);Foliage EB, LB, Septoria leaf spot 1.3-1.8 lb; Fruit Set AN, Alt blk mold, Botrytis gray mold, LB fruit rot, Rhizoc fruit rot, 1.8-2.75 lb/A. 0 DTH. (Do not use of greenhouse-grown crops).
· Cabrio EG 20% (EPA 7969-187) (No aerial application in NYS) (pyraclostrobin, Group 11) (BASF); AN, Alt Blk mold, EB, Septoria leaf spot 8-12 oz; LB, PM (Leveillula), Gray mold suppression only, 8-16 oz; (Do not make more than 2 sequential applications (1 for LB) before alternate with Diff. MOA and limit to 6 applications per season). 0 DTH. (Not for greenhouse use or in transplant production).
· Champ 2F (EPA 55146-64) (copper hydroxide 37.5%, Group M1) (Nufarm); EB, LB, 1 1/3-2 pt; Bac. Speck 1 1/3 pt; Bac. Spot, AN Septoria leaf spot1 1/3 – 2 2/3 pt. O DTH. Use on greenhouse crops as listed.
· Champion WP (EPA 55146-1) OMRI (copper hydroxide 77%, Group M1) (Nufarm); EB, LB, Bac. Spot, AN, Septoria leaf spot 2-4 lb; Bac. Speck, 2 lb; or OLF. 0 DTH. For greenhouse crops as listed.
· Contans WG (EPA 72444-1) OMRI (Coniothyrium minitans, biological fungicide) (Sylvan Bioproducts/Prophyta); WM in agricultural and greenhouse soils, 1-4 lbs/A or 0.75-1.5 oz per 1000 sq ft. 0 DTH.
· Cuprofix Disperss (EPA 4581-396) (36.9% basic copper sulfate, Group M1) (Cerexagri) EB, LB, 2.5 to 6 lb. 0 DTH. Approved for use in greenhouse or shadehouse.
· Curzate 60DF (EPA 352-592) (cymoxanil, Group 27, + protectant Group M1, M2 or M4) (Dupont); LB, 3.2-5 oz. 3-5 DTH depending on protectant used. Not for U-pick operations, or for use in greenhouses for transplant production.
· Dithane RS 75DF (EPA 62719-402) (mancozeb, Group M2) (Dow); AN, EB, LB, Leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, 1 ½ to 3 lb; Bac. Speck and spot, use full rate of copper and with half to full rate mancozeb. 5 DTH. For use on greenhouse-grown crops; 1 level TBS/gallon water.
· Endura 70WDG (EPA 7969-197) (boscalid, Group 7) (BASF); EB, 2.5-3.5 oz; Botrytis gray mold, 9-12.5 oz ;( Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before switching to a diff. MOA fungicide). 0 DTH.
· Equus 500 ZN (EPA 72167-27-73220) (chlorothalonil 38.5%, Group M4) (FarmSaver) Foliage EB, LB, Gray leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, 1.9-2.8 pts/A; Fruit AN, Alt. Blk. Mold Botrytis gray mold, LB fruit rot, Rhizoc. Fruit rot, 2.8-4.1 pts/A. 0 DTH. (Do not use of greenhouse-grown crops).
· Equus 720 SST (EPA 72167-24-73220) (chlorothalonil 54%, Group M4) (FarmSaver) Foliage EB, LB, Gray leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, 1.35-2 pts/A; Fruit AN, Alt. Blk. Mold Botrytis gray mold, LB fruit rot, Rhizoc. Fruit rot, 2.0-2.88 pts/A. 0 DTH. (Do not use of greenhouse-grown crops).
· Equus DF (EPA 72167-25-73220) (chlorothalonil 82.5%, Group M4) (FarmSaver) Foliage EB, LB, Gray leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, 1.3-1.8 lb/A; Fruit AN, Alt. Blk. Mold Botrytis gray mold, LB fruit rot, Rhizoc. Fruit rot, 1.8-2.6 lb/A. 0 DTH. (Do not use of greenhouse-grown crops).
· Flint 50WG (EPA 264-777) (trifloxystrobin, Group 11) (Bayer); EB, 2-3 oz; LB 4oz with a protectant; AN, Septoria leaf spot, 3-4 oz (Do not make more than 3 sequential applications before switching to a diff. MOA fungicide). 3 DTH. (Not for greenhouse use).
· Flouronil (EPA 55146-81) (mefenoxam, Group 4 + chlorothalonil, Group M4) (Nufarm); LB and fruit rot (depends on genotype) 2 lb; EB, Gray leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, 2 lb; AN, Alt blk mold, Rhizoc fruit rot, Botrytis gray mold, 2-3 lb. 14 DTH.
· Forum 4.18 SC (EPA 241-427) (43.1% dimethomorph, Group 15, replaces Acrobat 50WP) (BASF);(Must be tanked mixed with protectant; do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating with another material for specific control of LB for at least one application; Do not exceed 30 oz/A/season). LB, 6 oz/A. 4 DTH.
· Fosphite (EPA 68573-2) (53% mono- and dipotassium salts of Phosphorous Acid, Group 33) (JH Biotech); Late Blight, 3-5 qts/min. 20 gal/A, Do not use at intervals of less than 3 days; Do not apply Fosphite foliarly to plants treated with copper at less than 20 day interval. 0 DTH.
· Gavel 75DF (EPA 62719-441) (zoxamide 8.3%, Group 22 and mancozeb 66.7%, Group M2) (Dow); Buckeye rot, EB, LB. leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, 1.5-2 lb; Bac. Speck and spot use full rate of copper in tank mix with full rate of Gavel. 5 DTH.
· Helena ProPhyt (EPA 42519-22-AA-5905) (potassium phosphite, Group 33) (Helena); LB, 3-6 pt plus protectants (3 DTH) like mancozeb. 0/3 DTH.
· Kaligreen (EPA 70231-1) OMRI (potassium bicarbonate, Group M) (Arysta); PM 2 ½-3 lb/A. 1 DTH.
· Kocide (EPA 352-656) (copper hydroxide 53.8%= 35% metallic copper equivalent, Group M1) (Dupont); AN, Bac speck and spot, EB, Gray leaf mold, LB, Septoria leaf spot, 1.5-3 lbs. 0 DTH. (May be used for greenhouse crops on label; for ALL tomato diseases listed, 1 level TBS per 1000 sq. ft. is equivalent to 1 lb/A, so use 1 1/2 -3 TBS per 1000 sq. ft.)
· Maneb 75DF (EPA 4581-371) (maneb, Group M2) (also Maneb 80WP) (Cerexagri); (Greenhouse and Field use) AN, Septoria leaf spot, Cladosporium leaf mold, EB, LB, 1.5-3 lb. 5 DTH.
· Manex (EPA 352-655) (maneb, Group M2) (Dupont); AN, Cladosporium leaf mold, EB, LB, Sept. leaf spot, 1.2-2.4 qts/A for Field and Greenhouse use. 5 DTH.
· Manzate 75DG Pro-Stick (EPA 1812-414-352) (manzate, Group M2) (Dupont); An, EG, LB, Leaf mold, Septoria l. sp., 0.75-1.5 lb/A; Bac. Speck and spot, 1.5-3 lb/A (Use full rate of fixed copper with a half to full rate of Manzate). 5 DTH.
· MilStop (EPA 70870-1-68539) OMRI (potassium bicarbonate, Group M) (BioWorks); PM primarily, 2.5-5 lb/A. 0 DTH.
· Penncozeb 75DF (EPA 4581-370) (mancozeb, Group M2) (Cerexagri);AN, EB, Gray leaf mold, LB, Septoria L. spot, 0.75-3 lb/A; Bac Spot and speck, Use full rate copper + ½ rate of mancozeb. 5 DTH.
· Phostrol (EPA 55146-83) (Na, K, NH4 phosphorous acid, Group 33) (Nufarm); Phytophthora Root Rot, 2.5-5 pt in min. of 10 gal of water. 0 DTH.
· Plant Shield (EPA 68539-4) OMRI (Trichoderma harzianum) (BioWorks); Soil drench 3-5 oz/100 gal Roots, Pythium, Rhizoctonia; Foliage, in greenhouse, suppression of Botrytis, powder mildew, 0.25-0.5 oz/ gal.. 0 DTH.
· Prev-Am (EPA 72662-3) (sodium tetraborohydrate decahydrate, borax) (Citrus Oil); LB, PM, 50 oz/100 gal. water (also insects). 0 DTH.
· Previcur Flex (EPA 264-678) († Restricted use) (propamocarb, Group 28, plus protectant Group M2 or M4) (Bayer); LB, EB, 0.7-1.5 pt plus protectant. 5 DTH; Greenhouse use before and after transplanting for Pythium and Phytophthora spp. responsible for root rot and damping off only; also leaf lettuce, cucurbits and peppers.
· ProPhyt see Helena ProPhyt.
· Quadris F (EPA 100-1098) (azoxystrobin, Group 11) (Syngenta); Foliar AN, Blk Mold, Buckeye rot, EB, Septoria leaf spot, PM, 5.0-6.2 fl oz; LB, 6.2 fl oz. (Do not apply near apple trees); (Do not make more than 1 application before switching to a fungicide with a diff. MOA and no more than 5 applications per season). 0 DTH.
· Quadris Opti F (EPA 100-1171) (azoxystrobin + chlorothalonil, Group 11 + M4) (Syngenta); AN, Blk. Mold, Buckeye Rot, EB, PM, Septoria leaf spot, LB, 1.6 pt. (Do not apply near apple trees); (Do not make more than 1 application before switching to a fungicide with a diff. MOA and no more than 5 applications per season). 0 DTH.
· Ranman 400 SC (EPA 71512-3) (cyazofamid, Group 21) (ISK, FMC); LB, 2.1-2.75 fl oz. (Alternate Ranman with a fungicide with a different MOA; Tank mix Ranman with an organosilicone surfactant when water volumes are up to 60 gal/A). 0 DTH.
· Reason 500SC (EPA 264-695) (fenamidone, Group 11) (Bayer); EB, LB, Septoria leaf spot, 5.5-8.2 fl oz. (Do not make more than one application of product before switching to a fungicide with a diff. MOA). 14 DTH.
· Rhapsody AS (EPA 69592-10) (Bacillus subtilis, biological) OMRI, (AgraQuest) Greenhouse use EB, LB, PM, 4-8 qt/100gal; Bac. Spot, 2-8 qt/100gal. 0 DTH.
· Ridomil Gold 4EC (EPA 100-801) (mefenoxam, Group 4) (Syngenta); see also Ultra Flourish (Nufarm); Soil applications for Pythium damping off, 1-2 pt; Phytophthora root and fruit rot, 1-2 pt under the vines. (Do not apply more than 3 pt per season; Do not use as a water transplant treatment, and do not use in greenhouse or on field-grown vegetable bedding plants). 0 DTH.
· Ridomil Gold Bravo (EPA 100-800) (mefenoxam, Group 4 + chlorothalonil, Group M4) (Syngenta); LB and Fruit rot caused by Phytophthora spp., 2 lb, limit to 3 applications at 14 day intervals; EB, Gray leaf mold, Septoria leaf spot, 2 lb, limit to 3 applications; An, Alternaria Fruit rot, Rhizoctonia fruit rot, Botrytis gray mold, 2-3 lb, limit to 3 applications. 14 DTH. (also see Ridomil Gold Copper (EPA 100-804) and Ridomil Gold MZ (EPA 100-803).
· Scala 400SC (EPA 264-788) (pyrimethanil, Group 9) (Bayer); EB, Botrytis Gray mold, 7 fl oz. (Use only in a tank mix with another fungicide effective for these diseases). (May be used in well-ventilated plastic or glass greenhouses). 1 DTH.
· Serenade ASO (EPA 69592-12) (Bacillus subtilis, biological) OMRI (AgraQuest); Field use EB, LB, PM 4-8 qts/A; Bac. Spot, 2-8 qts/A combined with registered copper. 0 DTH.
· Serenade MAX (EPA 69592-11) (Bacillus subtilis, biological) OMRI (AgraQuest); Field and Greenhouse Use Bac. Spot, Speck EB, LB, Gray mold, 1-3 lb/A. 0 DTH.
· Sonata (EPA 69592-13) (Bacillus pumilis, biological) OMRI (AgraQuest); Field and Greenhouse Use Bac. Spot, PM, EB, LB; 2-4 qt/A/100 gal. 0 DTH.
· Sulfur Microthiol Disperss (EPA 4581-373) (sulfur, Group M1) (Cerexagri); PM also mite control, 5-10 lb. 0 DTH.
· Micro Sulf (EPA 55146-75) OMRI (Nufarm) PM and mites, 5-10lb. 0 DTH.
· Thiolux (EPA 100-835) OMRI (Syngenta); PM, mites, 6-20lb. 0 DTH
· Tanos 50DF (EPA 352-604) (famoxadone, Group 11 + cymoxanil, Group 27, must be tank mixed with a protectant) (Dupont); (Do not apply more than 1 application before switching to a fungicide with a different MOA; Do not apply more than 50% of applications of Tanos or other Group 11 fungicide per season). EB, 6-8 oz; LB, 8 oz (protectant can be mancozeb, chlorothalonil, Kocide, etc.); AN, Gray leaf mold, LB, Septoria leaf spot, 8 oz; disease suppression of Bac. Spot, Bac. Speck, Buckeye rot, 8 oz; 2ee for Dis. Suppression of Bacterial Canker, 8 oz. 3 DTH.
· Ultra Flourish 2EC (EPA 55146-73) (mefenoxam, Group 4) (Nufarm); Soil applications will provide control of Pythium damping off, at 1-2 qt; Phytophthora root and fruit rot, 1qt (limit of 3 qts. per season);(Do not use as a water transplant treatment, and do not use in greenhouse or on field-grown vegetable bedding plants). 0 DTH.
· Ziram 76DF (EPA 4581-140) (ziram, Group M2) (Cerexagri); (Not for use on cherry tomatoes). AN, EB, Septoria leaf spot, 3-4 lb/A; may be mixed with copper fungicides to enhance bacterial disease control. 7 DTH.
This summary is provided as a helpful guide to some of the products that are available for Tomato Disease Control and is not a substitute for Pesticide Labels. Refer to the 2005 Cornell Guidelines or the product label before buying any product. The label is the law! ABBREVIATIONS: † = Restricted use pesticide (see label); M = Multi-site activity; OLF = Other labeled formulation; AN = anthracnose, Colletotrichum coccodes; EB = early blight, A. tomatophila; LB = late blight, P. infestans; Alternaria black mold = A. alternata f. sp. lycopersici; leaf mold = Fulvia fulva (Cladosporium); Gray mold = Botrytis cinerea; PM = powdery mildew Oidium neolycopersici; Buckeye rot, P. capsici; Bacterial canker = Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis; Septoria leaf spot, Septoria lycopersici; Bacterial speck = Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato; Bacterial leaf spot = Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria.