Annual Performance Evaluation Form

NameAndrea Sicari
Job Title Information Literacy Librarian

This form must be completed and signed before it is submitted to Human Resources. The completed forms can be sent no later than the Friday,June 17, 2016.

The Performance Management process is designed to communicate performance expectations related to specific goals, key performance factors and overall key responsibilities. This form is a tool for providing performance feedback and establishing performance objectives. Supervisors and employees share responsibility for the process. Additionally, the employee’s job description should be reviewed to ensure accuracy.

Performance Ratings are based on the following scale:

7 - Most Outstanding

If multiple Exceeds All Expectations (6) ratings are identified, the supervisor may assign only one rating of Most Outstanding (7) to the one performance factor in which performance is most outstanding. A rating of 7 is not to be used as an overall rating.

6-Exceeds All Expectations

Performance is exceptional in all areas and is recognizable as being far superior to expectations in all areas. Serves as a role model.

5 – Exceeds Majority of Expectations

Results clearly exceeded a majority of expectations of position requirements but not all. Performance is of high quality, is achieved on a consistent basis, and is above job expectations in nearly all categories.

4–Meets All Expectations

Competent, dependable, and expected level of performance. Fully meets allperformance standards and expectations of the job.

3–Meets/Exceeds Expectations In Some Areas; Needs Improvement in Others

Performance is appropriate in most areas and may be strong in some with improvement needed in one or two other areas. Specific examples of improvement needs must be included.


Performance is appropriate in most areas with some improvements needed in three or more others. Specific examples of improvement needs must be included.


Results are generally unacceptable and require immediate improvement.

*Whenever the overall performance is “Needs Improvement” or “Unsatisfactory”, a performance improvement plan needs to be created. The Human Resources department must be involved in this process.

PERFORMANCE FACTORS – This section details how you have performed your job utilizing the descriptors appropriate for your position. Not all factors need to be rated or included in the overall ratings.
  • Demonstrates knowledge to accomplish job duties effectively
  • Organizes duties well
  • Performs with minimal supervision
  • Uses work time and resources efficiently
  • Handles fair share of workload
  • Handles multiple tasks/activities simultaneously
  • Takes responsibility for getting things done/ Follows through to completion
  • Takes initiative
  • Delegates as appropriate
  • Acts in accordance with job procedures and policies
  • Acts as a resource for others
  • Remains current regarding new developments in area of responsibility
  • Meets work schedule/attendance expectations

Employee makes comments;Supervisor makes comments/corrective action if applicable and indicate rating
Employee comments
  • I have developed the Facebook marketing plan and continue to explore other ways of promoting our Facebook page. I have been exploring using the Facebook post scheduling tool to pre-schedule posts for the FOL Lecture Series and also the Library Workshops. For next semester, I also plan on using the event scheduling option on our Facebook page to see if we can expand awareness that way; it will let people sign up for the event using their Facebook account and we may be able to track who is interested in attending prior to the event. I have spoken with MatthewMcCullough, several times via email about UNH social media policies to ensure that my initiatives are in line with them. I have asked Sean Stevens (Library Technical Assistant), who has a background in photography, to work on taking photos of the library building during the different seasons and also various library spaces so that we can change the banner at least seasonally and raise awareness.I have had the icon for the library Facebook account added to the Library Newsletter, the digital signage and all LibGuides.I have talked to Roseanne about using the Facebook page to promote the Institutional Repository in a similar way as the Twitter account and I have also requested a list of all UNH FB pages from the Marketing Department so that I can like those pages and hopefully develop relationships to cross promote our page.
  • Continue to promote library services and resources via the Twitter account. We are continuing to expand our userbase. For example, one of the presenters for the FOL lecture series Glenn McGee liked our tweet promoting it. And we are now being tagged/retweeted by the University of New Haven and UNH Student Success twitter pages. I am also exploring other ways for our account to get more exposure. I have had the icon for the library twitter account added to the Library Newsletter, the digital signage and all LibGuides.
I am in the process of drafting the Twitter Marketing plan. Some of the ways I plan on expanding our reach include:
-Tweeting when something is added to the Institutional Repository that we tweet about it and tag the author and department to raise awareness of the resource.
-Continuing to use a tool called Tweet Deck to pre-schedule tweets for the FOL Lecture Series and also the Library Workshops. This will enable me to expand the number of tweets.
- Adding hash tags to the tweets so that people can search for them if they don’t regularly view our page. And so that other UNH departments can tell if something might be relevant to them. And possible re-tweet it to reach their followers.
-Reading more about how other libraries are using social media to learn more about other strategies I can pursue. I have requested the purchase of several books how libraries use social media.
-Learning more about the Twitter Analytics tool to better understand what information we share is important to our users.
  • Reached out to the new director of the Living Learning Communities (9.22 &10.19) and faculty advisors multiple times throughout the Fall (8.20 & 10.20) and both on 11.19 & 3.8.16 via email to see how I might be able to learn more about the program/activities and how I might be able to collaborate with them. Despite multiple emails that were sent to advisors and visiting their offices (9.11) and the director(10.2) and leaving a copy of my initial email and business card, I received only one reply from a verbal conversation I had with an advisor while I was teaching research in her class. She stated that the activities in the program were not academic in nature and she wasn’t aware of how we could collaborate. She said the activities are for community building and an example of an activity that her community was attending was a haunted zip line event around Halloween. I also heard from her students who were in different communities that there were not many activities in the other living learning communities.
  • I have researched how other libraries are using the concept of touch screen kiosks to help patrons with access to general information at their point of need. I conducted a literature search, sent emails to various academic list-serves and also contacted different libraries that came up through a Google search focusing on kiosks. The greatest response was received through direct outreach to the libraries identified through the Google search. I have found that there are different definitions of how libraries use the word kiosk as well as a variety of hardware and software that is used. Many libraries have relied heavily on the technical expertise of their staff or even hired an outside company to custom build their kiosks given the needed expertise in different programming languages. One library used an all in one solution from a particular vendor for their kiosks. And yet others have used touch screen devices (monitors, smart boards or Ipads) along with specifically created HTML websites for displaying wayfinding/directional information in an interactive manner.There were varied costs for the implementation of this technology depending on what each library did. I was able to find a few case studies using either a touch screen monitor or an IPAD on a stand (MIT) that we may be able to use as models to implement this technology here. I am in the process of writing the report summarizing my findings.
  • Worked with Dr. Rossi (Associate Dean in theCollege of Arts & Sciences and Professor in the Department of Biology & Environmental Science) and Bonnie Riedinger (Director of e-Learning) to develop and co-teach the Information Literacy component of UNIV 4450 ST: Successful Online Students. This course was offered as a special topic’s course until it completes the approval process in University Governance as a required 3 credit course for all students entering the online BSPS program. Dr. Rossi anticipates that it will next run in the Fall ’16 semester. Information Literacy exercises and assignments composed about 10% of the total course grade. As the embedded librarian, I collaborated with Dr. Rossi and Bonnie Riedinger to create the assignments and Information Literacy course content and I personally graded and provided feedback to students for these assignments. Over the summer, I will be working on modifying the current course information literacy learning objectives and components based on feedback from the first offering of the course.
  • Regularly works on multiple tasks, and projects with varying due dates; such as LibGuides and short/long term projects as outlined in the Library Strategic Plan and by my manager including the Libguides migration project and the collection development/weeding project. Completed the recording of the current library workshops taught by me to improve access to distance/online students, Faculty and staff.
  • Contacted approx. 400 Faculty regarding Information Literacy during the Fall and Spring semesters and was embedded in courses representing multiple departments.
  • On 2.1.16 I attended the department meeting for the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Scienceas a result of sending emails to all Department Chairs.
  • On 5.4.16 I met with the new Chair of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering department (Dr. Levert) to discuss courses, programs and ways we can collaborate for the embedded librarian program. He suggested the highest priority is to continue to collaborate with Sam Daniels and Ravi Gorthala on the 1 credit Research Methods course that has been proposed as a required course for all MECH graduate students.
  • Presented about library services in the redesigned Q&A Graduate Student Orientation session and developed a visual PowerPoint to highlight library services.
  • Actively follows list serves and attends relevant professional development opportunities offered by various groups both within my profession and within the University. Attended the FOL: Dr. Roman Zajac "Climate Change and Our Coastal Marshes- Changes Losses and Challenges” on 9.29.15 and The Voegeli Seminar Series Presentation by Joann Sweasy, Ph. D. about DNA Repair and Cancer on 12.3.15. Completed the Online Tutorials Creating them Easily and Efficiently online course through ALA. Presented course content with other librarians and answered questions as necessary.
/ Supervisor ______
  • Seeks customer input appropriately
  • Works actively with customers to identify needs
  • Takes action to respond to customer needs/concerns
  • Responds in a timely and effective manner
  • Considers the impact of decisions on customers
  • Demonstrates concern for customer needs
  • Builds collaborative relationships with customers

Employee makes comments; Supervisor makes comments/corrective action if applicable and indicate rating
Employee comments
  • Regularly work with students and library staff at the combined Information/Circulation Desk to help answer questions.
  • Receive verbal and written feedback thanking me for my assistance from students and Faculty.
  • Receive consistent inquiries for embedded librarian involvement from professors every semester. For example, I am contacted every semester for involvement in courses taught by Professors’ Hartnett, Sloane, Bartholomew, Randi, Isaacs. Also the number of Professors who regularly contact me has expanded and now also includes Professors McFadden, Brill, Faulise, and Brater.
  • Contacted all full time Faculty in my liaison areas to request titles that the library should purchase to support their courses. Completed and submitted recommended titles to professors who asked that items be added in a particular subject area and to support the needs of our students. For example, research on titles to support cloud computing and big data for the Engineering Department. Requested new books about various programming languages to update the current collection.
/ Supervisor ______
  • Recognizes & respects the ideas & perspectives of others
  • Speaks up & educates others in a positive manner when witnessing offensive jokes, derogatory comments or stereotyping
  • Refrains from using hurtful, disparaging & discriminatory language in the workplace
  • Incorporates diversity & inclusion when filling open positions, creating committees and planning events
  • Regularly looks for opportunities to incorporate issues of diversity & inclusion at department meetings
  • Maintains harmonious work relationships with team members
  • Collaborates to enhance team performance

Employee makes comments; Supervisor makes comments/corrective action if applicable and indicate rating
Employee comments
  • Collaborates with various librarians and staff to complete projects. I am currently working with Joe Scollo, the other Information Literacy Librarian to troubleshoot the pilot implementation of the EbscoHost Discovery System. I am working with the other librarians to update the LibGuides so that we can migrate to version 2 over the summer.I have worked with Amber Montano, the Access Services Manager to evaluate materials for copyright compliance when instructors have contacted her to add them to the electronic course reserves. I also met with Roseanne Krzanowski (the Digital Services Librarian) to talk about how I could help to promote the Institutional Repository and attended the Celebration of Scholarly Activities event to aid in this promotion to Faculty in my liaison areas.
  • Attends departmental meetings and provides relevant feedback about operations and suggestions for improvements. Collaborated with other librarians and University Librarian to discuss options for updating the library website and suggested a mirror site remain for access to library resources to prevent possible technical issues if the Library content eventually goes into the UNH Portal. Shared knowledge learned from the online course “Online Tutorials Creating them Easily and Efficiently” with co-workers.
/ Supervisor ______
  • Analyzes situations to resolve effectively
  • Identifies issues, problems and opportunities
  • Formulates alternative solutions
  • Effectively establishes priorities
  • Adapts/responsive to change/changing priorities/new ideas
  • Recognizes when supervisory input is necessary and seeks guidance
Learns from successes and mistakes
  • Offers creative suggestions for improvement
  • Combines information and ideas in novel ways to produce solutions
  • Identifies key issues/root causes from a variety of quantitative and qualitative data
  • Makes appropriate decisions and accepts responsibility for decisions

Employee makes comments; Supervisor makes comments/corrective action if applicable and indicate rating
Employee comments
  • Analyzes proposed projects to anticipate potential challenges and attempts to create various solutions. For example, trying to assess the steps that would be involved in shifting the collection in the strategic planning meeting to better accomplish our space relocation goals.
  • Regularly asks questions about policies and procedures to ensure that I am in compliance.
/ Supervisor ______
  • Exhibits positive and professional behavior with
    co-workers and customers
  • Shares information and resources
  • Listens attentively
  • Seeks clarification to ensure understanding
  • Builds effective work relationships within and across departments
  • Communicates effectively with supervisors/peers
  • Exercises tact, courtesy and respect
  • Accepts constructive feedback

Employee makes comments; Supervisor makes comments/corrective action if applicable and indicate rating
Employee comments
  • Regularly asks questions to ensure I have a clear understanding as to the direction and priorities of the department and library.
  • Completed the Online Tutorials Creating them Easily and Efficiently online course through ALA. Presented course content to other librarians in the weekly Reference Department Meeting and answered questions as necessary. Share professional literature that may be relevant for projects that colleagues are working on.
  • Collaborate with Faculty in various departments for course development, information literacy and using library resources, including research support for their professional endeavors. Re-developed the Fall Education Orientation Session with Dr. Judy Randi to be a hands on/exercise based session. Co- presented to approx. 60 students on 8.25.16.
  • On 8.13.15, I attended the English Department meeting for Faculty teaching 1105/1110 with Diane Spinato and Joe Scollo to discussion our Embedded Librarian Program and the various ways that we can move past the “library lecture” model.
  • On 8.20.15, I attended the Opening Day Resource Fair as a library representative to answer questions about library services.
  • On 12.4.15, I attended the Mechanical Science and Mechanical Engineering Thesis Defense for a student I helped with his literature search.
  • On 4.12.16 I attended the Celebration of Scholarly Activities to assist the Digital Services Librarian in her efforts to promote the Digital Commons @ New Haven Institutional Repository.
/ Supervisor ______
    (Use if applicable)
  • Coaches employees to improve performance
  • Gives effective guidance and feedback to employees
  • Recognizes and rewards excellent performance
  • Creates a learning environment
  • Ensures understanding of departmental goals and employee roles/responsibilities
  • Involves others and delegates appropriately
  • Deals effectively with others in a conflict situation

Employee makes comments; Supervisor makes comments/corrective action if applicable and indicate rating
Employee comments
  • Shares knowledge with other staff in formal and informal situations to support individual and departmental growth. Always available to answer whatever questions co-workers may have and collaboratively figure out a solution to any day to day operating issues that come up.
For example, I recently helped Cathy Prete (Library Technical Assistant) modify an Excel spreadsheet when her manager was not available. I also distributed the link to the Dissertation & Thesis Manual to my colleagues when questions about the process came up. / Supervisor ______
(Use if applicable)
  • Understands and supports the values, organization, culture and strategic direction of UNH
  • Effectively uses UNH’s decision making structure
  • Seeks opportunities for collaboration with other areas
  • Demonstrates business acumen in understanding the environment, diagnosing strengths and weaknesses and formulating action plans
  • Establishes long-range courses of action to accomplish strategic goals

Employee makes comments; Supervisor makes comments/corrective action if applicable and indicate rating
Employee comments
  • Regularly review University publications and emails, such as the Charger Bulletin and various social media sources to ensure that I understand and am following the values, culture and strategic direction of the University. Attend departmental meetings when held and the University wide meetings when possible.
/ Supervisor ______
Other Accomplishments:Use this section to identify any development goals or special one time accomplishments that
went beyond the regular job expectations and are not covered elsewhere in this document.
(To be completed by employees in consultation with their supervisor)
Employees should identify goals and objectives that align with and support the priorities of their department.
Use SMART criteria when writing your goals. SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Aligned, Realistic and
Time Specific.
GOALS/OBJECTIVES / TIME-FRAME / Support required from Manager