SUPPLEMENT Tan et al. 2015
TABLE S1. Examples of bacterial glycans, acceptor proteins and transferase enzymes. Glycans are represented schematically in Figure 2.
Gram / Enzyme / Activity / Acceptor site / Acceptor protein(s) / Glycan(s) / Ref.O-linked glycosylation
Pilus subunits – (A)
Neisseria meningitidis / -ve / PglL / OST / S/T (LCR) / Pilin (PilE), AniA / adiNAcBac, GATDH / [1]
Neisseria gonorrhoeae / -ve / PglO / OST / S / Pilin (PilE) / diNAcBac / [2]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / -ve / PilO / OST / S/T / pilin (PilA) / α,5NβOHC47NFmPse2,4βXyl1,3βFucNAc / [3, 4]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa / -ve / TpfW / OST / S/T / pilin (PilA) / α1,5-linked D-Araf / [5, 6]
Francisella tularensis / -ve / PglA / OST / S / Pilin (PilA) + others / bX-P-HexNAc-HexNAc-Hex-Hex-HexNAc / [7]
Flagellin subunits – (B)
Campylobacter jejuni / -ve / ND / ND / S/T / flagellin / aPse5Ac7Ac and related derivatives / [8]
Listeria monocytogenes / +ve / GmaR / GT / T / flagellin / β-GlcNAc / [9] [10]
Helicobacter pylori / -ve / ND / ND / S/T / flagellin (FlaA, FlaB) / Pse5Ac7Ac / [11]
Clostridium difficile / +ve / ND / ND / S/T / flagellin (FliC) / HexNAc residue, to which a methylated aspartic acid is linked via a phosphate bond.c / [12]
Campylobacter coli / -ve / ND / ND / S/T / flagellin / Pse5Ac7Ac, Leg derivatives / [13]
Clostridium botulinum / +ve / ND / ND / S / flagellin / αLeg5GluNMe7Ac / [14]
Aeromonas hydrophilia / -ve / ND / ND / T / polar flagellin FlaA/B / Pse5Ac7Ac derivative (376Da) -Hex-Hex-GalNAc-GalNAc-GalNAc-102Da (+/- P and Me groups on the GalNAc) / [15, 16]
Aeromonas hydrophilia / -ve / ND / ND / S / lateral flagellin LafA / Pse5Ac7Ac derivative (376Da) / [15]
Aeromonas caviae / -ve / Maf1 / GT / S/T / flagellin / Pse5Ac7Ac / [17]
Other proteins – (C)
Burkholderia cenocepacia / -ve / PglL(Bc) / OST / LCR rich in S, A, P / >23 proteins / HexNAc-HexNAc-Hex / [18]
Acinetobacter baumannii / -ve / PglL / OST / S/T / membrane proteins / GlcNAc3NAcA4OAc4(βGlcNAc-6-)αGal6βGlc3βGalNAc / [19]
Camplyobacter jejuni / -ve / ND / ND / T / MOMP / Galβ1,3GalNAcβ1,4GalNAcβ1,4GalNAcα1 / [20]
Mycoplasmas / ND / ND / S/T / proteins / Hex / [21]
Escherichia coli / -ve / Aah / GT / S/T / AIDA-I, Ag43, TibA / Hep / [22]
Escherichia coli / -ve / TibC / GT / regions rich in S/T / TibA, Ag43 / Hep / [23]
Bacteroides fragilis / -ve / ND / OST / (D)(S/T)
(A/I/L/V/M/T) / ~20 proteins / 3 Hex, 2 HexUA, 2 HexNAc, 2 dHex / [24]
N-linked Glycosylation- (D)
Campylobacter jejuni / -ve / PglB / OST / (D/E)-X-N-Y-(S/T) / >65 proteins / GalNAc3(Glc)GalNAc2diNAcBac / [25]
Helicobacter pullorum / -ve / PglB1 / OST / N (ND) / ND / Pentasaccharide (HexNAc-217-217-216-HexNAc) / [26]
Haemophilus influenzae / -ve / HMW1c / GT / N-X-(S/T) / HMW1 / Glc and Gal / [27]
S-linked Glycosylation- (E)
Lactobacillus plantarum / +ve / GccA / GT / C / Glycocin F / GlcNAc / [28]
Bacillus subtilis / +ve / SunS / GT / C / Sublancin / Glu / [29]
a: glycans known to vary through phase variation of glycosytransferases
b: X denotes an unknown phospho containing monosaccharide
c: other strains of C. difficile can modify flagellin with heterogeneous glycans containing up to five monosaccharide residues with masses of 204 Da (HexNAc), 146 Da (deoxyhexose), 160 Da (methylated deoxyhexose), and 192 Da (heptose).
α-5NβOHC47NFmPse: 5-N-b-hydroxybutyryl-7-Nformyl-pseudaminic acid
αLeg5GluNme7Ac: 7-acetamido-5(N-methyl-glutam-4-yl)-amino-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-d-glycero-α-d-galacto-nonulosonic acid
β-GlcNAc3NAcA4OAc: 4-O-acetylated derivative of 2,3-diacetamido-2,3-dideoxy-glucuronic acid
Bacillosamine: 2,4-Diamino-2,4,6-trideoxy-d-glucose
diNAcBac: 2,4-diacetamido bacillosamine
D-Araf: D-arabinofuranose (furanose form of arabinose)
FucNAc: N-acetylfucosamine
Gal: galactose
GalNAc: N-acetylgalactosamine
GATDH: 2-glyceramido 4-acetamido 2,4,6-trideoxyhexose
Glc: glucose
GlcNAc: N-acetylglucosamine
GT: glycosyltransferase
Hep: heptose
Hex: hexose
HexNAc: N-acetylhexosamine
HexUA: hexuronic acid
LCR: Low complexity region
Leg: Legionaminic acid (5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-d-glycero-d-galacto-nonulosonic acid)
MethHexUA: the methyl ester of hexuronic acid
Man: mannose
ManNAc: N-acetylmannosamine
Me: methyl group
ND: not determined
OST: Oligosaccharyltransferase
P: phosphate
Pse5Ac7Ac: pseudaminic acid (5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-l -glycero- l -manno-nonulosonic acid)
Pse5Am7Ac: 5-acetamidino-7-acetamido-Pse
Xyl: xylose
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