United States Army
Soldier Support InstituteAdjutant General School
OBJECTIVE: This Practical Exercise (PE) measures your knowledge and understanding of the DTAS Software Application and how to employ DTAS during your unit for deployment.
1. Answer sheet.
2. Number 2 pencil.
3. PE Supplement
3. DTAS Functional Guidance.
4. eMILPO Training Database
a. Ensure your name, rank, class number, and date are printed neatly on the answer sheet you turn in.
b. This PE booklet contains 5 scenario based questions and 5 multiple choice questions. You will have one class period (50 Minutes) to complete this practical exercise. You must correctly answer 7 out of the 10 questions to attain a minimum score of 70 percent to receive a GO.
c. This PE will test your knowledge and understanding of DTAS, each question has only one correct answer. Make all responses clear and legible on the answer sheet. Ensure that the question number in the booklet corresponds to the question number on the answer sheet. Read each question carefully, but move on so that all questions may be answered in the time allotted. If you make a mistake or if you have to change an answer on the answer sheet, erase completely and then mark your correct answer. . You may also draw a line on your answer sheet beneath the last number as a reminder. Count and check each question now. If you are missing a question or a portion of it is illegible, obtain a new practical exercise booklet from your instructor
d. ALL WORK ON THE PE MUST BE YOUR OWN. DO NOT communicate with other students, give or receive assistance, make record of your answers anywhere except the answer sheet, or pass on information about this PE to other students. Failure to follow these instructions may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
e. When completed, turn in your PE booklet; answer sheet; and any scratch paper or other issued materials to the instructor. You will receive further instructions at that time.
f. Questions concerning the administration of the PE may be directed to the instructor; however, questions concerning the content of the PE will not be answered.
Employ the Deployed Theater Accounting System (DTAS)
Practical Exercise 4
Instructions. In the following scenario, you will have to perform eMILPO transactions in accordance with the PE supplements to update the unit’s UPAR (AAA-162). The UIC configuration for this PE is WF CL## SN##+ 50 (i.e. WF0151, WF0261 or W80875)
NOTE: The UIC you will use for this PE is WF_ _ _ _ (+50), the first two blanks are the class number and the second two blanks are the student’s student number plus 50.
You are the assigned to the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. One of your units (G Co, 4 Combat Support) UIC (WF_ _ _ _ (+50) is preparing to deploy to Afghanistan. Your commander wants the Deployment Roster and Rear Detachment Personnel Roster for that company. You have a list of personnel that will be part of the Rear Detachment and will not deploy. You also have a folder with documents that must be processed in eMILPO. These transactions must reflect on the clean copy of the AAA-162 that is going to the Commander. The Soldiers that you complete the transactions on will not be part of the deployed roster and must be checked off from the (XML) File that will be Up-Loaded into DTAS when the unit arrives in Iraq.
1. What section in the eMILPO DTAS sub-menu do you open to create the XML File?
a. TRN Upload
b. DTAS Data Extract
c. DTAS Soldier Record
d. DTAS Soldier Selection
2. When creating the XML File, what is the quickest way to choose Soldier’s for the roster?
a. Click the “select” option
b. Click the “deselect” option
c. Click the “individual Soldiers”
d. None of the above
3. How many Soldiers will not be deploying?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
4. How many Soldiers will be in the Rear Detachment?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
5. What file format does eMILPO produce for use with the DTAS database?
a. Extensible Markup Language
b. Extensible Markup Linguists
c. Extreme Markdown Loading
d. Extreme Marketable Language
6. The Reports Tab allows the user to generate which reports from the Mobile System database.
a. Gains/Losses Report.
b. In Transit Report
c. Unit Personnel Accountability Report
d. Both a and b
7. Which of the following Mini-Record status codes allows the user to update a SSN?
a. D (Downloaded)
b. P (Pending) (ONLY)
c. U (Unverified) (ONLY)
d. Both b and c
8. Which of the following Duty Statuses require the user to enter a Reason Code when updating a Soldier’s Duty Status?
a. Death Other (DO)
b. Killed in Action (KIA)
c. Wounded in Action (WIA)
d. Rest and Recuperation (RNR)
9. How many subsections or tabs is the PERSTAT Report broken down into?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
10. Which of the following IS NOT a Reason Code for the Redeployed (RED) Duty Status?
a. Detained (DTN)
b. Temporary Duty (TDY)
c. Mission Complete (MIC)
d. Hospitalized (Non-Battle Incurred) (HOS)