- A god actually steals someone by killing the poor guy’s mother. All of them are guilty and no one dare to say that it is justice. I am not the one who should be responsible for this. My mother who is in charge of my life stops me from chasing my dreams. I have to say that it is really hard for me to do this. I can feel the lash of the execution is coming. I feel about it more and more frequently. My young god won and ruled the world. The god has killed a lot of people because he wants to become the king. I have to tolerate the corruption and other bad things that were done by god of the earth. He contaminated the earth and even the one who broke the law cries for it. He also hurts me and I will never let him go. I will put him under the earth; he will not have freedom any more. I will torment him both mentally and physically. I will curse him and murder him.
- I was stand out to this sentence “Your throne is streaming blood, blood at the foot, blood at the crowning head”.
I think this sentence used some writing skills that make this article more vivid, and that is what I am going to learn. The meaning of this sentence is that there is some blood appears on the throne from foot to crowning head but we should think about how it will happen in that way. The blood belongs to some people. We cannot see our blood until we are killed or hurt by others. Thus, I think it is clear that the throne was at the price of killing people or starting a war. It is the greediness that makes people cruel; it is the greediness that covers the eyes of the people who made huge mistake and no one can change. The end for people is sad for both killers and the innocent. The writer use metaphors to get his idea across indirectly in this poem.
- I think the attitude of this passage is objective because the writer did not criticize people`s crime. The author just tells the readers the truth. People can feel this story is really happening when they read this poem. The writer did not put his own feeling into the passage to avoid misleading the readers. Everyone has different views about the same thing. As for the tone of this passage, I think it is ironic. The cruelty of the people in the poem may reflect the society that the writer lives. People in that world can kill others in order to get what they want. Those people can do everything to get what they want, even by killing their families. However, the writer cannot say it, so he just writes a fairy tale. It is so wise of him that he shows us the reality in another way.