Touchstone Entry Form

Touchstone recognizes the achievements of technical communicators in the San Francisco Bay Area. We welcome entries from other areas. Nobody will check, but if you have a local competition, we urge you to submit there.

Please supply the names and contact information of all major contributors to the entry. We recognize that some works are team efforts. If everybody on a team contributed equally to the work, please list them all.

The main contact person need not be an entrant. If the person is an entrant, check Yes below.

Entry Number (create a six digit number):

Entry Title:

Main Contact Information

Is this person also an entrant? Yes ___ No ___




Physical address (street, city, state, zip):

First Entrant Contact Information




Physical address (street, city, state, zip):

STC member (Yes or No):

Second Entrant Contact Information




Physical address (street, city, state, zip):

STC member (Yes or No):

Third Entrant Contact Information




Physical address (street, city, state, zip):

STC member (Yes or No):

Names of Additional Entrants

We use the information in this block to generate extra certificates if the entry wins an award. Please add $10.00 to your entry fee for each name in this section.

Entry Fee

If one of the three listed entrants is an STC member, the basic fee is $125.00. Otherwise it is $225.00. To the basic fee, add $10.00 for each name listed under Names of Additional Entrants.

Total: ______.

Make your check payable to STC Touchstone Competition.

Certification (from the society-level entry form)

I understand that neither STC nor any person associated with the international, local, or regional competitions can be held responsible for loss or damage to entries and that entries cannot be returned. I also certify that:

  • The contributors named on this form are major contributors to this entry.
  • The entry contains no classified information, and any proprietary information in the entry may be revealed.
  • The holder of the copyright has given permission to submit this entry to the competition.
  • The entry has not been submitted to any other STC competition at the local or regional level, or to more than one category within a competition at the international level. (Duplicate entries are disqualified.)


SignedPrint name
Entry Number (repeat information from first page):

Entry Title (repeat information from first page):

Type of Entry

Categorize the entry (Informational, Instructional, Promotional, User Support – the society-level categories – plus any other categorization you wish to add)

Audience and Purpose

Explain why you produced the entry and what you assumed about its audience.

Special Instructions

Explain what the judges must do to use this entry. For example, if the entry requires installation, provide installation instructions.

Additional Information

Tell the judges anything you want them to know about the circumstances under which you produced this entry. For example, if packaging dictated an odd form factor, let the judges know that.

Special requirements for Society-Level Competitions

If your entry does well enough in our competition to go on to a society-level competition, you may have to satisfy additional requirements and provide additional information.

A web-based entry must be submitted on USB drive, CD, or DVD, and will be judged as of the date saved to disk. If “live” Internet access is required to judge the entry, the submitter must provide an explanation as to what aspects of the submission rely on Internet access. The submitter must also provide a valid URL and login credentials (if applicable).

Medium of submission / CD-ROM DVD USB Drive
Entry uses sound / Yes No
Operating system(s) on which the entry can run / Mac Windows 2000/XP
Windows Vista Other / Any OS in the “Other” classification requires special arrangements. For details, see the General Instructions.
Software requirement(s) / Acrobat Reader Flash Player Real Player
Shockwave Windows Media Player
Monitor requirements / Resolution:800 x 600 1024 x 768 Other
Color depth:16-bit (65.5k) 24-bit (16.8M)Other
Tools used to create the entry
URL of entry, if required / login ID password
Preferred browser / Firefox Internet Explorer
Version No preference
Detailed instructions for installing the entry
Limit: 600 characters, or about 7.5 lines of solid text

Touchstone Entry15/18/2019