STRATEGIC PLAN 2013-2016 /
Approved September 2013 /
CANBERRA Community Law
Strategic Plan 2013-2017
Canberra Community Law (CCL)is a community legal centre providing free legal advice and assistance to people on low incomes or facing other disadvantage in the Canberra and surrounding region. Established in 1984, CCL was the first and is the largest community legal centre in the ACT.
CCL’s goals over the next three years are[i]:
- To improve access to justice and legal outcomes for people on low incomes or facing other disadvantage in the Canberra region;
- To advocate for changes in law and policy which operate as barriers to justice and entrench disadvantage;
- To build community support for CCL’s work;
- To build strong and effective relationships with other organisations for the benefit of our client group;
- To operate a sustainable and accountable organisation which values its people.
Canberra Community Law’s Programs
Canberra Community Lawoperates the following programs:
- Housing Law: specialises in public housing law and tenancy in the ACT.
- Social Security Law: specialises in Social Security Law and its administration by Centrelink (for people in the ACT and South East NSW).
- Street Law: outreach service for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- Disability Discrimination Law: specialises in the area of disability discrimination law (for people with disability and their associates, carersetc).
- Night Time Legal Advice Service: ‘one off’ general legal advice and some minor assistance.
- Clinical Legal Education Program: a legal clinical programwhich is run in partnership with the Australian National University which provides students with practical legal experience within a community legal practice.
The Housing Law, Social Security Law, Disability Discrimination Law and Street Law programs each provide free legal advice, advocacy and referral in their respective areas of specialty. Each of these programs also undertakes community legal education, community engagement, law reform and policy development work.
Canberra Community Law’s Vision, Mission and Values
Our Vision
Working towards a just and compassionate community
Our Mission
Providing free legal advice, assistance and advocacy to address disadvantage in the community
Our Values
Canberra Community Law is committed to:
- Empowering people
- Respecting and valuing diversity
- Providing high quality and client focused services
- Striving towards a holistic approach to meeting client needs
- Treating people with respect and dignity
- Collaboration
- Innovation and creativity
- Professional and Ethical practice
- Fiercely guarding our independence
- Evidence-based advocacy
- Social Justice and Human Rights principles
- Community engagement and participation
- Robust Advocacy and tenacity
- Accountability
- Building support for CCL’s work amongst students, legal profession and other key stakeholders.
Canberra Community Law’s Strategic Plan
- Client Focused Approach
To improve access to justice and legal outcomes for people on low incomes or facing other disadvantage in the Canberra regions.
- To continue to provide high quality, responsive and accessible legal services.
- To target legal services to clients with greatest disadvantage (eg the ongoing development of Street Law and the introduction of new initiatives, subject to resources).
- To adopt a more holistic approach to client needs through provision of social work services.
- To conduct inquiry into unmet legal need.
- To promote and raise awareness of the services CCL offers.
- To produce legal resources and undertake community legal education in CCL’s areas of speciality.
Success Indicators
- Ongoing review of legal services through cases studies, snapshots, PII cross checks, data evaluation and analysis.
- High level of client satisfaction with legal services obtained through client surveys and other feedback mechanisms.
- Stakeholder feedback requested and considered.
- Social Worker project established and successfully integrated within CCL.
- New targeted legal service initiatives established subject to available resources.
- Legal Needs Assessment undertaken every 3 years, recommendations considered and implemented.
- Street Law evaluated and recommendations implemented as agreed.
- New website launched and regularly maintained and updated.
- New legal resources developed as required and subject to resources.
- CLE activities regularly undertaken.
- Rebranding project successfully implemented.
- Advocacy
To advocate for changes in law and policy which operate as barriers to justice and entrench disadvantage.
- To undertake strategic litigation within CCL’s areas of expertise.
- To develop the jurisprudence in the area of ACT Human Rights Law.
- To pursue law reform and policy projects in CCL’s areas of expertise.
- To educate and raise awareness of the issues impacting on CCL’s client base.
Success Indicators
- Conduct at least one test case each year subject to the availability of appropriate cases.
- Human Rights arguments raised in litigation as appropriate.
- At least 2 law reform projects undertaken annually.
- Forums attended and issues affecting our clients raised and discussed.
- Strong Support for CCL’s Work
To build community support for CCL’s work.
- To provide opportunities for lawyers, secondees, students etc to engage in community lawyering and gain exposure to CCL’s work.
Success Indicators
- Clinical legal education program provided in partnership with ANU.
- Secondment arrangements maintained and opportunities for expansion, subject to resources, pursued.
- Day time volunteer placements offered, subject to resources.
- NTLAS volunteer program maintained and well supported.
- External Relationships and Collaboration
To build strong effective relationships with organisations for the benefit of the client group.
- To build awareness of the role of CCL in delivering legal services to clients.
- To establish, extend, renew and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders prioritising organisations which provide services to underrepresented groups.
- To work co-operatively with other free legal services in the ACT to minimise duplication, share resources, address legal needs, increase and improve legal services and exchange information.
- To build, expand, strengthen and manage pro bono partnerships with the legal profession.
- To engage with Government to increase understanding of CCL’s client advocacy role and to influence changes or initiatives that might result in adverse impacts
Success Indicators
- Increase in referrals.
- Regular engagement with key stakeholders.
- Increased awareness of CCL’s role as a legal service provider.
- Active engagement in the ACT Legal Assistance Forum.
- Productive relationships with the legal profession maintained.
- Effective working relationships established with Government.
- Organisational Sustainability
To operate a sustainable and accountable organisation that values its people.
- To adopt best practice in the management and governance of CCL.
- To provide a modern and professional workplace environment for staff and appropriate facilities for clients.
- To promote and support professional development for staff.
- To encourage and support volunteers.
- To maintain recurrent funding and to identify and pursue funding opportunities which enable a sustainable and strategic expansion of CCL’s services
Success Indicators
- CCL office relocated to suitable accommodation
- Staff undertaking professional development activities
- High levels of volunteer and secondment satisfaction measured through internal survey.
- New programs and initiatives evaluated and agreed recommendations implemented.
- NACLC Accreditation and ACT Prequalification maintained.
- Statutory and legal obligations fulfilled.
- Funding obtained to support new initiatives consistent with CCL’s strategic direction.
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[i]From July to December 2012, CCL conducted a Legal Needs Assessment Framework Project with the support of the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) which was focused on CCL’s Housing Law, Social Security Law and Street Law programs. Through the analysis of statistical data and stakeholder feedback, the project was able to identify the current legal need which was being met, identify gaps and make recommendations for how CCL could better respond to meeting legal need. The project’s findings have informed the development of this strategic plan.